import { type Dispatch, type SetStateAction, type ElementType, useCallback, useState, } from 'react' import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' import Icon from '@/shared/components/icon' import { postJSON } from '@/infrastructure/fetch-json' import { useProjectContext } from '@/shared/context/project-context' import useAbortController from '@/shared/hooks/use-abort-controller' import type { BinaryFile } from '../types/binary-file' import { Nullable } from '../../../../../types/utils' import importOverleafModules from '../../../../macros/import-overleaf-module.macro' type FileViewRefreshButtonProps = { setRefreshError: Dispatch>> file: BinaryFile } const tprFileViewRefreshButton = importOverleafModules( 'tprFileViewRefreshButton' ) as { import: { TPRFileViewRefreshButton: ElementType } path: string }[] export default function FileViewRefreshButton({ setRefreshError, file, }: FileViewRefreshButtonProps) { const { _id: projectId } = useProjectContext() const { signal } = useAbortController() const [refreshing, setRefreshing] = useState(false) const refreshFile = useCallback( (isTPR: Nullable) => { setRefreshing(true) // Replacement of the file handled by the file tree window.expectingLinkedFileRefreshedSocketFor = const body = { shouldReindexReferences: isTPR || /\.bib$/.test(, } postJSON(`/project/${projectId}/linked_file/${}/refresh`, { signal, body, }) .then(() => { setRefreshing(false) }) .catch(err => { setRefreshing(false) setRefreshError( || err.message) }) }, [file, projectId, signal, setRefreshError] ) if (tprFileViewRefreshButton.length > 0) { return ({ import: { TPRFileViewRefreshButton }, path }) => ( ) )[0] } else { return ( ) } } type FileViewRefreshButtonDefaultProps = { refreshFile: (isTPR: Nullable) => void refreshing: boolean } function FileViewRefreshButtonDefault({ refreshFile, refreshing, }: FileViewRefreshButtonDefaultProps) { const { t } = useTranslation() return ( ) }