import { expect } from 'chai' import mongodb from 'mongodb-legacy' import nock from 'nock' import Core from 'overleaf-editor-core' import * as ProjectHistoryClient from './helpers/ProjectHistoryClient.js' import * as ProjectHistoryApp from './helpers/ProjectHistoryApp.js' import latestChunk from '../fixtures/chunks/7-8.json' with { type: 'json' } import previousChunk from '../fixtures/chunks/4-6.json' with { type: 'json' } import firstChunk from '../fixtures/chunks/0-3.json' with { type: 'json' } const { ObjectId } = mongodb const MockHistoryStore = () => nock('') const MockWeb = () => nock('') const fixture = path => new URL(`../fixtures/${path}`, import.meta.url) describe('GetChangesInChunkSince', function () { let projectId, historyId beforeEach(function (done) { projectId = new ObjectId().toString() historyId = new ObjectId().toString() ProjectHistoryApp.ensureRunning(error => { if (error) throw error MockHistoryStore().post('/api/projects').reply(200, { projectId: historyId, }) ProjectHistoryClient.initializeProject(historyId, (error, olProject) => { if (error) throw error MockWeb() .get(`/project/${projectId}/details`) .reply(200, { name: 'Test Project', overleaf: { history: { id: } }, }) MockHistoryStore() .get(`/api/projects/${historyId}/latest/history`) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('chunks/7-8.json')) MockHistoryStore() .get(`/api/projects/${historyId}/versions/7/history`) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('chunks/7-8.json')) MockHistoryStore() .get(`/api/projects/${historyId}/versions/6/history`) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('chunks/7-8.json')) MockHistoryStore() .get(`/api/projects/${historyId}/versions/5/history`) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('chunks/4-6.json')) MockHistoryStore() .get(`/api/projects/${historyId}/versions/4/history`) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('chunks/4-6.json')) MockHistoryStore() .get(`/api/projects/${historyId}/versions/3/history`) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('chunks/4-6.json')) MockHistoryStore() .get(`/api/projects/${historyId}/versions/2/history`) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('chunks/0-3.json')) MockHistoryStore() .get(`/api/projects/${historyId}/versions/1/history`) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('chunks/0-3.json')) MockHistoryStore() .get(`/api/projects/${historyId}/versions/0/history`) .replyWithFile(200, fixture('chunks/0-3.json')) done() }) }) }) afterEach(function () { nock.cleanAll() }) function expectChangesSince(version, n, changes, done) { ProjectHistoryClient.getChangesInChunkSince( projectId, version, {}, (error, got) => { if (error) throw error expect(got.latestStartVersion).to.equal(6) expect(got.changes).to.have.length(n) expect( => Core.Change.fromRaw(c))).to.deep.equal( => Core.Change.fromRaw(c)) ) done() } ) } const cases = { 8: { name: 'when up-to-date, return zero changes', n: 0, changes: [], }, 7: { name: 'when one version behind, return one change', n: 1, changes: latestChunk.chunk.history.changes.slice(1), }, 6: { name: 'when at current chunk boundary, return latest chunk in full', n: 2, changes: latestChunk.chunk.history.changes, }, 5: { name: 'when one version behind last chunk, return one change', n: 1, changes: previousChunk.chunk.history.changes.slice(2), }, 4: { name: 'when in last chunk, return two changes', n: 2, changes: previousChunk.chunk.history.changes.slice(1), }, 3: { name: 'when at previous chunk boundary, return just the previous chunk', n: 3, changes: previousChunk.chunk.history.changes, }, 2: { name: 'when at end of first chunk, return one change', n: 1, changes: firstChunk.chunk.history.changes.slice(2), }, 1: { name: 'when in first chunk, return two changes', n: 2, changes: firstChunk.chunk.history.changes.slice(1), }, 0: { name: 'when from zero, return just the first chunk', n: 3, changes: firstChunk.chunk.history.changes, }, } for (const [since, { name, n, changes }] of Object.entries(cases)) { it(name, function (done) { expectChangesSince(since, n, changes, done) }) } it('should return an error when past the end version', function (done) { ProjectHistoryClient.getChangesInChunkSince( projectId, 9, { allowErrors: true }, (error, _body, statusCode) => { if (error) throw error expect(statusCode).to.equal(400) done() } ) }) })