const crypto = require('crypto') const os = require('os') const { promisify } = require('util') const Redis = require('ioredis') const { RedisHealthCheckTimedOut, RedisHealthCheckWriteError, RedisHealthCheckVerifyError, } = require('./Errors') const HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT = 2000 // generate unique values for health check const HOST = os.hostname() const PID = const RND = crypto.randomBytes(4).toString('hex') let COUNT = 0 function createClient(opts) { const standardOpts = Object.assign({}, opts) delete standardOpts.key_schema if (standardOpts.retry_max_delay == null) { standardOpts.retry_max_delay = 5000 // ms } let client if (opts.cluster) { delete standardOpts.cluster client = new Redis.Cluster(opts.cluster, standardOpts) } else { client = new Redis(standardOpts) } monkeyPatchIoRedisExec(client) client.healthCheck = (callback) => { if (callback) { // callback based invocation healthCheck(client).then(callback).catch(callback) } else { // Promise based invocation return healthCheck(client) } } return client } async function healthCheck(client) { // check the redis connection by storing and retrieving a unique key/value pair const uniqueToken = `host=${HOST}:pid=${PID}:random=${RND}:time=${}:count=${COUNT++}` // o-error context const context = { uniqueToken, stage: 'add context for a timeout', } await runWithTimeout({ runner: runCheck(client, uniqueToken, context), timeout: HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT, context, }) } async function runCheck(client, uniqueToken, context) { const healthCheckKey = `_redis-wrapper:healthCheckKey:{${uniqueToken}}` const healthCheckValue = `_redis-wrapper:healthCheckValue:{${uniqueToken}}` // set the unique key/value pair context.stage = 'write' const writeAck = await client .set(healthCheckKey, healthCheckValue, 'EX', 60) .catch((err) => { throw new RedisHealthCheckWriteError('write errored', context, err) }) if (writeAck !== 'OK') { context.writeAck = writeAck throw new RedisHealthCheckWriteError('write failed', context) } // check that we can retrieve the unique key/value pair context.stage = 'verify' const [roundTrippedHealthCheckValue, deleteAck] = await client .multi() .get(healthCheckKey) .del(healthCheckKey) .exec() .catch((err) => { throw new RedisHealthCheckVerifyError( 'read/delete errored', context, err ) }) if (roundTrippedHealthCheckValue !== healthCheckValue) { context.roundTrippedHealthCheckValue = roundTrippedHealthCheckValue throw new RedisHealthCheckVerifyError('read failed', context) } if (deleteAck !== 1) { context.deleteAck = deleteAck throw new RedisHealthCheckVerifyError('delete failed', context) } } function unwrapMultiResult(result, callback) { // ioredis exec returns a results like: // [ [null, 42], [null, "foo"] ] // where the first entries in each 2-tuple are // presumably errors for each individual command, // and the second entry is the result. We need to transform // this into the same result as the old redis driver: // [ 42, "foo" ] // // Basically reverse: // const filteredResult = [] for (const [err, value] of result || []) { if (err) { return callback(err) } else { filteredResult.push(value) } } callback(null, filteredResult) } const unwrapMultiResultPromisified = promisify(unwrapMultiResult) function monkeyPatchIoRedisExec(client) { const _multi = client.multi client.multi = function () { const multi = _multi.apply(client, arguments) const _exec = multi.exec multi.exec = (callback) => { if (callback) { // callback based invocation, (error, result) => { // The command can fail all-together due to syntax errors if (error) return callback(error) unwrapMultiResult(result, callback) }) } else { // Promise based invocation return } } return multi } } async function runWithTimeout({ runner, timeout, context }) { let healthCheckDeadline await Promise.race([ new Promise((resolve, reject) => { healthCheckDeadline = setTimeout(() => { // attach the timeout when hitting the timeout only context.timeout = timeout reject(new RedisHealthCheckTimedOut('timeout', context)) }, timeout) }), runner.finally(() => clearTimeout(healthCheckDeadline)), ]) } module.exports = { createClient, }