MongoManager = require "./MongoManager" PackManager = require "./PackManager" RedisManager = require "./RedisManager" UpdateCompressor = require "./UpdateCompressor" LockManager = require "./LockManager" WebApiManager = require "./WebApiManager" UpdateTrimmer = require "./UpdateTrimmer" logger = require "logger-sharelatex" async = require "async" DocArchiveManager = require "./DocArchiveManager" _ = require "underscore" Settings = require "settings-sharelatex" module.exports = UpdatesManager = compressAndSaveRawUpdates: (project_id, doc_id, rawUpdates, temporary, callback = (error) ->) -> length = rawUpdates.length if length == 0 return callback() MongoManager.peekLastCompressedUpdate doc_id, (error, lastCompressedUpdate, lastVersion) -> # lastCompressedUpdate is the most recent update in Mongo, and # lastVersion is its sharejs version number. # # The peekLastCompressedUpdate method may pass the update back # as 'null' (for example if the previous compressed update has # been archived). In this case it can still pass back the # lastVersion from the update to allow us to check consistency. return callback(error) if error? # Ensure that raw updates start where lastVersion left off if lastVersion? rawUpdates = rawUpdates.slice(0) while rawUpdates[0]? and rawUpdates[0].v <= lastVersion rawUpdates.shift() if rawUpdates[0]? and rawUpdates[0].v != lastVersion + 1 ts = lastCompressedUpdate?.meta?.end_ts last_timestamp = if ts? then new Date(ts) else 'unknown time' error = new Error("Tried to apply raw op at version #{rawUpdates[0].v} to last compressed update with version #{lastVersion} from #{last_timestamp}") logger.error err: error, doc_id: doc_id, project_id: project_id, prev_end_ts: ts, "inconsistent doc versions" if Settings.trackchanges?.continueOnError and rawUpdates[0].v > lastVersion + 1 # we have lost some ops - continue to write into the database, we can't recover at this point lastCompressedUpdate = null else return callback error if rawUpdates.length == 0 return callback() # some old large ops in redis need to be rejected, they predate # the size limit that now prevents them going through the system REJECT_LARGE_OP_SIZE = 4 * 1024 * 1024 for rawUpdate in rawUpdates opSizes = ((op.i?.length || op.d?.length) for op in rawUpdate?.op or []) size = _.max opSizes if size > REJECT_LARGE_OP_SIZE error = new Error("dropped op exceeding maximum allowed size of #{REJECT_LARGE_OP_SIZE}") logger.error err: error, doc_id: doc_id, project_id: project_id, size: size, rawUpdate: rawUpdate, "dropped op - too big" rawUpdate.op = [] if (not lastCompressedUpdate?) or lastCompressedUpdate.pack? # handle pack append as a special case UpdatesManager._updatePack project_id, doc_id, rawUpdates, temporary, lastCompressedUpdate, lastVersion, callback else #use the existing op code UpdatesManager._updateOp project_id, doc_id, rawUpdates, temporary, lastCompressedUpdate, lastVersion, callback _updatePack: (project_id, doc_id, rawUpdates, temporary, lastCompressedUpdate, lastVersion, callback) -> compressedUpdates = UpdateCompressor.compressRawUpdates null, rawUpdates PackManager.insertCompressedUpdates project_id, doc_id, lastCompressedUpdate, compressedUpdates, temporary, (error, result) -> return callback(error) if error? logger.log {project_id, doc_id, orig_v: lastCompressedUpdate?.v, new_v: result.v}, "inserted updates into pack" if result? callback() _updateOp: (project_id, doc_id, rawUpdates, temporary, lastCompressedUpdate, lastVersion, callback) -> compressedUpdates = UpdateCompressor.compressRawUpdates lastCompressedUpdate, rawUpdates if not lastCompressedUpdate? # no existing update, insert everything updateToModify = null updatesToInsert = compressedUpdates else # there are existing updates, see what happens when we # compress them together with the new ones [firstUpdate, additionalUpdates...] = compressedUpdates if firstUpdate.v == lastCompressedUpdate.v and _.isEqual(firstUpdate, lastCompressedUpdate) # first update version hasn't changed, skip it and insert remaining updates # this is an optimisation, we could update the existing op with itself updateToModify = null updatesToInsert = additionalUpdates else # first update version did changed, modify it and insert remaining updates updateToModify = firstUpdate updatesToInsert = additionalUpdates MongoManager.modifyCompressedUpdate lastCompressedUpdate, updateToModify, (error, result) -> return callback(error) if error? logger.log {project_id, doc_id, orig_v: lastCompressedUpdate.v, new_v: result.v}, "applied update in-place" if result? MongoManager.insertCompressedUpdates project_id, doc_id, updatesToInsert, temporary,(error) -> return callback(error) if error? logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, rawUpdatesLength: rawUpdates.length, compressedUpdatesLength: compressedUpdates.length, "compressed doc updates" callback() REDIS_READ_BATCH_SIZE: 100 processUncompressedUpdates: (project_id, doc_id, callback = (error) ->) -> UpdateTrimmer.shouldTrimUpdates project_id, (error, temporary) -> return callback(error) if error? MongoManager.backportProjectId project_id, doc_id, (error) -> return callback(error) if error? # get the updates as strings from redis (so we can delete them after they are applied) RedisManager.getOldestDocUpdates doc_id, UpdatesManager.REDIS_READ_BATCH_SIZE, (error, docUpdates) -> return callback(error) if error? length = docUpdates.length # parse the redis strings into ShareJs updates RedisManager.expandDocUpdates docUpdates, (error, rawUpdates) -> return callback(error) if error? logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, rawUpdates: rawUpdates, "retrieved raw updates from redis" UpdatesManager.compressAndSaveRawUpdates project_id, doc_id, rawUpdates, temporary, (error) -> return callback(error) if error? logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, "compressed and saved doc updates" # delete the applied updates from redis RedisManager.deleteAppliedDocUpdates project_id, doc_id, docUpdates, (error) -> return callback(error) if error? if length == UpdatesManager.REDIS_READ_BATCH_SIZE # There might be more updates logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, "continuing processing updates" setTimeout () -> UpdatesManager.processUncompressedUpdates project_id, doc_id, callback , 0 else logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, "all raw updates processed" callback() processUncompressedUpdatesWithLock: (project_id, doc_id, callback = (error) ->) -> LockManager.runWithLock( "HistoryLock:#{doc_id}", (releaseLock) -> UpdatesManager.processUncompressedUpdates project_id, doc_id, releaseLock callback ) processUncompressedUpdatesForProject: (project_id, callback = (error) ->) -> RedisManager.getDocIdsWithHistoryOps project_id, (error, doc_ids) -> return callback(error) if error? jobs = [] for doc_id in doc_ids do (doc_id) -> jobs.push (callback) -> UpdatesManager.processUncompressedUpdatesWithLock project_id, doc_id, callback async.parallelLimit jobs, 5, callback getDocUpdates: (project_id, doc_id, options = {}, callback = (error, updates) ->) -> UpdatesManager.processUncompressedUpdatesWithLock project_id, doc_id, (error) -> return callback(error) if error? MongoManager.getDocUpdates doc_id, options, callback getDocUpdatesWithUserInfo: (project_id, doc_id, options = {}, callback = (error, updates) ->) -> UpdatesManager.getDocUpdates project_id, doc_id, options, (error, updates) -> return callback(error) if error? UpdatesManager.fillUserInfo updates, (error, updates) -> return callback(error) if error? callback null, updates getProjectUpdates: (project_id, options = {}, callback = (error, updates) ->) -> UpdatesManager.processUncompressedUpdatesForProject project_id, (error) -> return callback(error) if error? MongoManager.getProjectUpdates project_id, options, (error, updates) -> jobs = [] for update in updates if update.inS3 do (update) -> jobs.push (callback) -> DocArchiveManager.unArchiveDocChanges update.project_id, update.doc_id, callback if jobs.length? async.series jobs, (err) -> MongoManager.getProjectUpdates project_id, options, callback else callback(error, updates) getProjectUpdatesWithUserInfo: (project_id, options = {}, callback = (error, updates) ->) -> UpdatesManager.getProjectUpdates project_id, options, (error, updates) -> return callback(error) if error? UpdatesManager.fillUserInfo updates, (error, updates) -> return callback(error) if error? callback null, updates getSummarizedProjectUpdates: (project_id, options = {}, callback = (error, updates) ->) -> options.min_count ||= 25 summarizedUpdates = [] before = options.before do fetchNextBatch = () -> UpdatesManager._extendBatchOfSummarizedUpdates project_id, summarizedUpdates, before, options.min_count, (error, updates, nextBeforeUpdate) -> return callback(error) if error? if !nextBeforeUpdate? or updates.length >= options.min_count callback null, updates, nextBeforeUpdate else before = nextBeforeUpdate summarizedUpdates = updates fetchNextBatch() _extendBatchOfSummarizedUpdates: ( project_id, existingSummarizedUpdates, before, desiredLength, callback = (error, summarizedUpdates, endOfDatabase) -> ) -> UpdatesManager.getProjectUpdatesWithUserInfo project_id, { before: before, limit: 3 * desiredLength }, (error, updates) -> return callback(error) if error? # Suppose in this request we have fetch the solid updates. In the next request we need # to fetch the dotted updates. These are defined by having an end timestamp less than # the last update's end timestamp (updates are ordered by descending end_ts). I.e. # start_ts--v v--end_ts # doc1: |......| |...| |-------| # doc2: |------------------| # ^----- Next time, fetch all updates with an # end_ts less than this # if updates? and updates.length > 0 nextBeforeTimestamp = updates[updates.length - 1].meta.end_ts if nextBeforeTimestamp >= before error = new Error("history order is broken") logger.error err: error, project_id:project_id, nextBeforeTimestamp: nextBeforeTimestamp, before:before, "error in project history" return callback(error) else nextBeforeTimestamp = null summarizedUpdates = UpdatesManager._summarizeUpdates( updates, existingSummarizedUpdates ) callback null, summarizedUpdates, nextBeforeTimestamp fillUserInfo: (updates, callback = (error, updates) ->) -> users = {} for update in updates if UpdatesManager._validUserId(update.meta.user_id) users[update.meta.user_id] = true jobs = [] for user_id of users do (user_id) -> jobs.push (callback) -> WebApiManager.getUserInfo user_id, (error, userInfo) -> return callback(error) if error? users[user_id] = userInfo callback() async.series jobs, (error) -> return callback(error) if error? for update in updates user_id = update.meta.user_id delete update.meta.user_id if UpdatesManager._validUserId(user_id) update.meta.user = users[user_id] callback null, updates _validUserId: (user_id) -> if !user_id? return false else return !!user_id.match(/^[a-f0-9]{24}$/) TIME_BETWEEN_DISTINCT_UPDATES: fiveMinutes = 5 * 60 * 1000 _summarizeUpdates: (updates, existingSummarizedUpdates = []) -> summarizedUpdates = existingSummarizedUpdates.slice() for update in updates earliestUpdate = summarizedUpdates[summarizedUpdates.length - 1] if earliestUpdate and earliestUpdate.meta.start_ts - update.meta.end_ts < @TIME_BETWEEN_DISTINCT_UPDATES # check if the user in this update is already present in the earliest update, # if not, add them to the users list of the earliest update userExists = false for user in earliestUpdate.meta.users if (!user and !update.meta.user) or (user?.id == update.meta.user?.id) userExists = true break if !userExists earliestUpdate.meta.users.push update.meta.user doc_id = update.doc_id.toString() doc =[doc_id] if doc? doc.fromV = Math.min(doc.fromV, update.v) doc.toV = Math.max(doc.toV, update.v) else[doc_id] = fromV: update.v toV: update.v earliestUpdate.meta.start_ts = Math.min(earliestUpdate.meta.start_ts, update.meta.start_ts) earliestUpdate.meta.end_ts = Math.max(earliestUpdate.meta.end_ts, update.meta.end_ts) else newUpdate = meta: users: [] start_ts: update.meta.start_ts end_ts: update.meta.end_ts docs: {}[update.doc_id.toString()] = fromV: update.v toV: update.v newUpdate.meta.users.push update.meta.user summarizedUpdates.push newUpdate return summarizedUpdates