const READ_CONCURRENCY_SECONDARY = parseInt(process.env.READ_CONCURRENCY_SECONDARY, 10) || 1000 const READ_CONCURRENCY_PRIMARY = parseInt(process.env.READ_CONCURRENCY_PRIMARY, 10) || 500 const WRITE_CONCURRENCY = parseInt(process.env.WRITE_CONCURRENCY, 10) || 10 const BATCH_SIZE = parseInt(process.env.BATCH_SIZE, 10) || 100 const DRY_RUN = process.env.DRY_RUN !== 'false' const MAX_CHATS_TO_DESTROY = parseInt(process.env.MAX_CHATS_TO_DESTROY, 10) || false // persist fallback in order to keep batchedUpdate in-sync process.env.BATCH_SIZE = BATCH_SIZE // raise mongo timeout to 10mins if otherwise unspecified process.env.MONGO_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = parseInt(process.env.MONGO_SOCKET_TIMEOUT, 10) || 600000 const { ObjectId, ReadPreference } = require('mongodb') const { db } = require('../app/src/infrastructure/mongodb') const { promiseMapWithLimit } = require('../app/src/util/promises') const { batchedUpdate } = require('./helpers/batchedUpdate') const ChatApiHandler = require('../app/src/Features/Chat/ChatApiHandler') console.log({ DRY_RUN, WRITE_CONCURRENCY, BATCH_SIZE, MAX_CHATS_TO_DESTROY, }) const RESULT = { DRY_RUN, projectChatsDestroyed: 0, continueFrom: null, } async function processBatch(_, rooms) { if (rooms.length && rooms[0]._id) { RESULT.continueFrom = rooms[0]._id } // Logic taken from delete_orphaned_docs_online_check.js // gets projectIds from rooms, // then checks 'expired' status of project const projectIds = Array.from( new Set( => room.project_id.toString())) ).map(ObjectId) console.log( `Checking projects (${projectIds.length})`, JSON.stringify(projectIds) ) const doubleCheckProjectIdsOnPrimary = [] async function checkProjectOnSecondary(projectId) { if (await checkProjectExistsOnSecondary(projectId)) { // Finding a project with secondary confidence is sufficient. return } // At this point, the secondaries deem this project as having orphaned chat. doubleCheckProjectIdsOnPrimary.push(projectId) } const projectsWithOrphanedChat = [] async function checkProjectOnPrimary(projectId) { if (await checkProjectExistsOnPrimary(projectId)) { // The project is actually live. return } projectsWithOrphanedChat.push(projectId) } await promiseMapWithLimit( READ_CONCURRENCY_SECONDARY, projectIds, checkProjectOnSecondary ) await promiseMapWithLimit( READ_CONCURRENCY_PRIMARY, doubleCheckProjectIdsOnPrimary, checkProjectOnPrimary ) console.log( `Destroying chat for projects (${projectsWithOrphanedChat.length})`, JSON.stringify(projectsWithOrphanedChat) ) if (!DRY_RUN) { await promiseMapWithLimit( WRITE_CONCURRENCY, projectsWithOrphanedChat, ChatApiHandler.promises.destroyProject ) } RESULT.projectChatsDestroyed += projectsWithOrphanedChat.length console.log(RESULT) if ( MAX_CHATS_TO_DESTROY && RESULT.projectChatsDestroyed >= MAX_CHATS_TO_DESTROY ) { console.log( `MAX_CHATS_TO_DELETE limit (${MAX_CHATS_TO_DESTROY}) reached. Stopping.` ) process.exit(0) } } async function getDeletedProject(projectId, readPreference) { return await db.deletedProjects.findOne( { 'deleterData.deletedProjectId': projectId }, { // There is no index on .project. Pull down something small. projection: { 'project._id': 1 }, readPreference, } ) } async function getProject(projectId, readPreference) { return await db.projects.findOne( { _id: projectId }, { // Pulling down an empty object is fine for differentiating with null. projection: { _id: 0 }, readPreference, } ) } async function checkProjectExistsWithReadPreference(projectId, readPreference) { // NOTE: Possible race conditions! // There are two processes which are racing with our queries: // 1. project deletion // 2. project restoring // For 1. we check the projects collection before deletedProjects. // If a project were to be delete in this very moment, we should see the // soft-deleted entry which is created before deleting the projects entry. // For 2. we check the projects collection after deletedProjects again. // If a project were to be restored in this very moment, it is very likely // to see the projects entry again. // Unlikely edge case: Restore+Deletion in rapid succession. // We could add locking to the ProjectDeleter for ruling ^ out. if (await getProject(projectId, readPreference)) { // The project is live. return true } const deletedProject = await getDeletedProject(projectId, readPreference) if (deletedProject && deletedProject.project) { // The project is registered for hard-deletion. return true } if (await getProject(projectId, readPreference)) { // The project was just restored. return true } // The project does not exist. return false } async function checkProjectExistsOnPrimary(projectId) { return await checkProjectExistsWithReadPreference( projectId, ReadPreference.PRIMARY ) } async function checkProjectExistsOnSecondary(projectId) { return await checkProjectExistsWithReadPreference( projectId, ReadPreference.SECONDARY ) } async function main() { const projection = { _id: 1, project_id: 1, } await batchedUpdate('rooms', {}, processBatch, projection) console.log('Final') console.log(RESULT) } main() .then(() => { console.log('Done.') process.exit(0) }) .catch(error => { console.error({ error }) process.exit(1) })