SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') assert = require('assert') chai = require('chai') expect = chai.expect sinon = require('sinon') modulePath = require('path').join __dirname, '../../../../app/js/Features/Exports/ExportsController.js' describe 'ExportsController', -> project_id = "123njdskj9jlk" user_id = "123nd3ijdks" brand_variation_id = 22 firstName = 'first' lastName = 'last' title = "title" description = "description" author = "author" license = "other" show_source = true beforeEach -> @handler = getUserNotifications: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1) @req = params: project_id: project_id brand_variation_id: brand_variation_id body: firstName: firstName lastName: lastName session: user: _id:user_id i18n: translate:-> @AuthenticationController = getLoggedInUserId: sinon.stub().returns(@req.session.user._id) @controller = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "./ExportsHandler":@handler 'logger-sharelatex': log:-> err:-> '../Authentication/AuthenticationController': @AuthenticationController describe "without gallery fields",-> it 'should ask the handler to perform the export', (done) -> @handler.exportProject = sinon.stub().yields(null, {iAmAnExport: true, v1_id: 897}) expected = project_id: project_id user_id: user_id brand_variation_id: brand_variation_id first_name: firstName last_name: lastName @controller.exportProject @req, send:(body) => expect(@handler.exportProject.args[0][0]).to.deep.equal expected expect(body).to.deep.equal {export_v1_id: 897} done() describe "with gallery fields",-> beforeEach -> @req.body.title = title @req.body.description = description = author @req.body.license = license @req.body.showSource = true it 'should ask the handler to perform the export', (done) -> @handler.exportProject = sinon.stub().yields(null, {iAmAnExport: true, v1_id: 897}) expected = project_id: project_id user_id: user_id brand_variation_id: brand_variation_id first_name: firstName last_name: lastName title: title description: description author: author license: license show_source: show_source @controller.exportProject @req, send:(body) => expect(@handler.exportProject.args[0][0]).to.deep.equal expected expect(body).to.deep.equal {export_v1_id: 897} done() it 'should ask the handler to return the status of an export', (done) -> @handler.fetchExport = sinon.stub().yields( null, "{\"id\":897, \"status_summary\":\"completed\"}") @req.params = {project_id: project_id, export_id: 897} @controller.exportStatus @req, send:(body) => expect(body).to.deep.equal {export_json: { status_summary: 'completed', status_detail: undefined, partner_submission_id: undefined, token: undefined }} done()