.row.row-spaced-large .col-md-12 .page-header.plans-header.plans-subheader.text-centered h2 #{translate('in_good_company')} .row .col-md-6 div .row .col-md-3 .circle-img img(src=buildImgPath('advocates/erdogmus.jpg') alt="Professor Erdogmus") .col-md-9 blockquote p The ability to track changes and the real-time collaborative nature is what sets ShareLaTeX apart. footer Professor Erdogmus, Northeastern University .col-md-6 div .row .col-md-3 .circle-img img(src=buildImgPath('advocates/henderson.jpg') alt="Rob Henderson") .col-md-9 blockquote p ShareLaTeX has proven to be a powerful and robust collaboration tool that is widely used in our School. footer Rob Henderson, School Of Informatics And Computing - Indiana University