a(onclick='postToFeed(); return false;').facebook Post on Facebook script(src='http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js') script(type='text/javascript') FB.init({appId: "148710621956179", status: true, cookie: true}); function postToFeed() { // calling the API ... var obj = { method: 'feed', redirect_uri: 'https://www.sharelatex.com', link: '#{buildReferalUrl()}', picture: 'https://www.sharelatex.com/brand/logo/logosmall.png', name: 'ShareLaTeX - Online LaTeX Editor', caption: 'Free Unlimited Projects and Compiles', description: 'ShareLaTeX is a free Online LaTeX Editor. Real time collaboration like Google Docs, with Dropbox, history and Auto Complete' }; //function callback(response) { // document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = "Post ID: " + response['post_id']; //} FB.ui(obj, callback); }