import App from '../../../base' export default App.controller('BinaryFileController', function( $scope, $rootScope, $http, $timeout, $element, ide, waitFor ) { const MAX_FILE_SIZE = 2 * 1024 * 1024 const MAX_URL_LENGTH = 60 const FRONT_OF_URL_LENGTH = 35 const FILLER = '...' const TAIL_OF_URL_LENGTH = MAX_URL_LENGTH - FRONT_OF_URL_LENGTH - FILLER.length const textExtensions = [ 'tex', 'latex', 'sty', 'cls', 'bst', 'bib', 'bibtex', 'txt', 'tikz', 'rtex', 'md', 'asy', 'latexmkrc', 'lbx', 'bbx', 'cbx', 'm', 'lco', 'dtx', 'ins', 'ist', 'def', 'clo', 'ldf', 'rmd', 'lua' ] const imageExtensions = ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif'] const previewableExtensions = [] const extension = file => .split('.') .pop() .toLowerCase() $scope.isTextFile = () => textExtensions.indexOf(extension($scope.openFile)) > -1 $scope.isImageFile = () => imageExtensions.indexOf(extension($scope.openFile)) > -1 $scope.isPreviewableFile = () => previewableExtensions.indexOf(extension($scope.openFile)) > -1 $scope.isUnpreviewableFile = () => !$scope.isTextFile() && !$scope.isImageFile() && !$scope.isPreviewableFile() $scope.textPreview = { loading: false, shouldShowDots: false, error: false, data: null } $scope.refreshing = false $scope.refreshError = null $scope.displayUrl = function(url) { if (url == null) { return } if (url.length > MAX_URL_LENGTH) { const front = url.slice(0, FRONT_OF_URL_LENGTH) const tail = url.slice(url.length - TAIL_OF_URL_LENGTH) return front + FILLER + tail } return url } $scope.refreshFile = function(file) { $scope.refreshing = true $scope.refreshError = null ide.fileTreeManager .refreshLinkedFile(file) .then(function(response) { const { data } = response const newFileId = data.new_file_id $timeout( () => waitFor(() => ide.fileTreeManager.findEntityById(newFileId), 5000) .then(newFile => ide.binaryFilesManager.openFile(newFile)) .catch(err => console.warn(err)), 0 ) $scope.refreshError = null }) .catch(response => ($scope.refreshError = .finally(() => { $scope.refreshing = false const provider = file.linkedFileData.provider if ( provider === 'mendeley' || provider === 'zotero' ||^.*\.bib$/) ) { ide.$scope.$emit('references:should-reindex', {}) } }) } // Callback fired when the `img` tag fails to load, // `failedLoad` used to show the "No Preview" message $scope.failedLoad = false window.sl_binaryFilePreviewError = () => { $scope.failedLoad = true $scope.$apply() } // Callback fired when the `img` tag is done loading, // `imgLoaded` is used to show the spinner gif while loading $scope.imgLoaded = false window.sl_binaryFilePreviewLoaded = () => { $scope.imgLoaded = true $scope.$apply() } if ($scope.isTextFile()) { loadTextFilePreview() } function loadTextFilePreview() { const url = `/project/${window.project_id}/file/${$}` let truncated = false displayPreviewLoading() getFileSize(url) .then(fileSize => { const opts = {} if (fileSize > MAX_FILE_SIZE) { truncated = true opts.maxSize = MAX_FILE_SIZE } return getFileContents(url, opts) }) .then(contents => { const displayedContents = truncated ? truncateFileContents(contents) : contents displayPreview(displayedContents, truncated) }) .catch(err => { console.error(err) displayPreviewError() }) } function getFileSize(url) { return $http.head(url).then(response => { const size = parseInt(response.headers('Content-Length'), 10) if (isNaN(size)) { throw new Error('Could not parse Content-Length header') } return size }) } function getFileContents(url, opts = {}) { const { maxSize } = opts if (maxSize != null) { url += `?range=0-${maxSize}` } return $http .get(url, { transformResponse: null // Don't parse JSON }) .then(response => { return }) } function truncateFileContents(contents) { return contents.replace(/\n.*$/, '') } function displayPreviewLoading() { $ = null $scope.textPreview.loading = true $scope.textPreview.shouldShowDots = false $scope.$apply() } function displayPreview(contents, truncated) { $scope.textPreview.error = false $ = contents $scope.textPreview.shouldShowDots = truncated $timeout(setPreviewHeight, 0) } function displayPreviewError() { $scope.textPreview.error = true $scope.textPreview.loading = false } function setPreviewHeight() { const $preview = $element.find('.text-preview .scroll-container') const $header = $element.find('.binary-file-header') const maxHeight = $element.height() - $header.height() - 14 // borders + margin $preview.css({ 'max-height': maxHeight }) // Don't show the preview until we've set the height, otherwise we jump around $scope.textPreview.loading = false } })