const crypto = require('crypto') const meter = require('stream-meter') const Stream = require('stream') const logger = require('logger-sharelatex') const { WriteError, ReadError, NotFoundError } = require('./Errors') const { promisify } = require('util') const pipeline = promisify(Stream.pipeline) module.exports = { calculateStreamMd5, verifyMd5, getMeteredStream, waitForStreamReady, wrapError } // returns a promise which resolves with the md5 hash of the stream function calculateStreamMd5(stream) { const hash = crypto.createHash('md5') hash.setEncoding('hex') return pipeline(stream, hash).then(() => } // verifies the md5 hash of a file against the supplied md5 or the one stored in // storage if not supplied - deletes the new file if the md5 does not match and // throws an error async function verifyMd5(persistor, bucket, key, sourceMd5, destMd5 = null) { if (!destMd5) { destMd5 = await persistor.promises.getFileMd5Hash(bucket, key) } if (sourceMd5 !== destMd5) { try { await persistor.promises.deleteFile(bucket, key) } catch (err) { logger.warn(err, 'error deleting file for invalid upload') } throw new WriteError({ message: 'source and destination hashes do not match', info: { sourceMd5, destMd5, bucket, key } }) } } // returns the next stream in the pipeline, and calls the callback with the byte count // when the stream finishes or receives an error function getMeteredStream(stream, callback) { const meteredStream = meter() pipeline(stream, meteredStream) .then(() => { callback(null, meteredStream.bytes) }) .catch(err => { // on error, just send how many bytes we received before the stream stopped callback(err, meteredStream.bytes) }) return meteredStream } // resolves when a stream is 'readable', or rejects if the stream throws an error // before that happens - this lets us handle protocol-level errors before trying // to read them function waitForStreamReady(stream) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const onError = function(err) { reject(wrapError(err, 'error before stream became ready', {}, ReadError)) } const onStreamReady = function() { stream.removeListener('readable', onStreamReady) stream.removeListener('error', onError) resolve(stream) } stream.on('readable', onStreamReady) stream.on('error', onError) }) } function wrapError(error, message, params, ErrorType) { if ( error instanceof NotFoundError || ['NoSuchKey', 'NotFound', 404, 'AccessDenied', 'ENOENT'].includes( error.code ) ) { return new NotFoundError({ message: 'no such file', info: params }).withCause(error) } else { return new ErrorType({ message: message, info: params }).withCause(error) } }