const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const { expect } = require('chai') const sinon = require('sinon') const { ObjectId } = require('mongodb') const MODULE_PATH = '../../../../app/src/Features/Subscription/FeaturesUpdater' describe('FeaturesUpdater', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.user = { _id: new ObjectId(), features: {}, } this.v1UserId = 12345 this.subscriptions = { individual: { planCode: 'individual-plan' }, group1: { planCode: 'group-plan-1' }, group2: { planCode: 'group-plan-2' }, noDropbox: { planCode: 'no-dropbox' }, } this.UserFeaturesUpdater = { promises: { updateFeatures: sinon .stub() .resolves({ features: { some: 'features' }, featuresChanged: true }), }, } this.SubscriptionLocator = { promises: { getUserIndividualSubscription: sinon.stub(), getGroupSubscriptionsMemberOf: sinon.stub(), }, } this.SubscriptionLocator.promises.getUserIndividualSubscription .withArgs(this.user._id) .resolves(this.subscriptions.individual) this.SubscriptionLocator.promises.getGroupSubscriptionsMemberOf .withArgs(this.user._id) .resolves([this.subscriptions.group1, this.subscriptions.group2]) this.Settings = { defaultFeatures: { default: 'features' }, plans: [ { planCode: 'individual-plan', features: { individual: 'features' } }, { planCode: 'group-plan-1', features: { group1: 'features' } }, { planCode: 'group-plan-2', features: { group2: 'features' } }, { planCode: 'v1-plan', features: { v1: 'features' } }, { planCode: 'no-dropbox', features: { dropbox: false } }, ], features: { all: { default: 'features', individual: 'features', group1: 'features', group2: 'features', institutions: 'features', v1: 'features', grandfathered: 'features', bonus: 'features', }, }, } this.ReferalFeatures = { promises: { getBonusFeatures: sinon.stub().resolves({ bonus: 'features' }), }, } this.V1SubscriptionManager = { getGrandfatheredFeaturesForV1User: sinon.stub(), promises: { getPlanCodeFromV1: sinon.stub(), }, } this.V1SubscriptionManager.promises.getPlanCodeFromV1 .withArgs(this.user._id) .resolves({ planCode: 'v1-plan', v1Id: this.v1UserId }) this.V1SubscriptionManager.getGrandfatheredFeaturesForV1User .withArgs(this.v1UserId) .returns({ grandfathered: 'features' }) this.InstitutionsFeatures = { promises: { getInstitutionsFeatures: sinon .stub() .resolves({ institutions: 'features' }), }, } this.UserGetter = { promises: { getUser: sinon.stub().resolves(null), }, } this.UserGetter.promises.getUser.withArgs(this.user._id).resolves(this.user) this.UserGetter.promises.getUser .withArgs({ '': this.v1UserId }) .resolves(this.user) this.AnalyticsManager = { setUserPropertyForUser: sinon.stub(), } this.Modules = { promises: { hooks: { fire: sinon.stub().resolves() } }, } this.FeaturesUpdater = SandboxedModule.require(MODULE_PATH, { requires: { './UserFeaturesUpdater': this.UserFeaturesUpdater, './SubscriptionLocator': this.SubscriptionLocator, '@overleaf/settings': this.Settings, '../Referal/ReferalFeatures': this.ReferalFeatures, './V1SubscriptionManager': this.V1SubscriptionManager, '../Institutions/InstitutionsFeatures': this.InstitutionsFeatures, '../User/UserGetter': this.UserGetter, '../Analytics/AnalyticsManager': this.AnalyticsManager, '../../infrastructure/Modules': this.Modules, }, }) }) describe('refreshFeatures', function () { it('should return features and featuresChanged', async function () { const { features, featuresChanged } = await this.FeaturesUpdater.promises.refreshFeatures( this.user._id, 'test' ) expect(features).to.exist expect(featuresChanged).to.exist }) describe('normally', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.FeaturesUpdater.promises.refreshFeatures( this.user._id, 'test' ) }) it('should update the user with the merged features', function () { expect( this.UserFeaturesUpdater.promises.updateFeatures ).to.have.been.calledWith(this.user._id, this.Settings.features.all) }) it('should send the corresponding feature set user property', function () { expect( this.AnalyticsManager.setUserPropertyForUser ).to.have.been.calledWith(this.user._id, 'feature-set', 'all') }) }) describe('with a non-standard feature set', async function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.SubscriptionLocator.promises.getGroupSubscriptionsMemberOf .withArgs(this.user._id) .resolves(null) await this.FeaturesUpdater.promises.refreshFeatures( this.user._id, 'test' ) }) it('should send mixed feature set user property', function () { sinon.assert.calledWith( this.AnalyticsManager.setUserPropertyForUser, this.user._id, 'feature-set', 'mixed' ) }) }) describe('when losing dropbox feature', async function () { beforeEach(async function () { this.user.features = { dropbox: true } this.SubscriptionLocator.promises.getUserIndividualSubscription .withArgs(this.user._id) .resolves(this.subscriptions.noDropbox) await this.FeaturesUpdater.promises.refreshFeatures( this.user._id, 'test' ) }) it('should fire module hook to unlink dropbox', function () { expect( 'removeDropbox', this.user._id, 'test' ) }) }) }) describe('doSyncFromV1', function () { describe('when all goes well', function () { beforeEach(async function () { await this.FeaturesUpdater.promises.doSyncFromV1(this.v1UserId) }) it('should update the user with the merged features', function () { expect( this.UserFeaturesUpdater.promises.updateFeatures ).to.have.been.calledWith(this.user._id, this.Settings.features.all) }) }) describe('when getUser produces an error', function () { beforeEach(function () { this.UserGetter.promises.getUser.rejects(new Error('woops')) }) it('should propagate the error', async function () { const someId = 9090 await expect(this.FeaturesUpdater.promises.doSyncFromV1(someId)) .rejected expect(this.UserFeaturesUpdater.promises.updateFeatures) .been.called }) }) describe('when getUser does not find a user', function () { beforeEach(async function () { const someOtherId = 987 await this.FeaturesUpdater.promises.doSyncFromV1(someOtherId) }) it('should not update the user', function () { expect(this.UserFeaturesUpdater.promises.updateFeatures) .been.called }) }) }) })