import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid' import { sendMB } from '../../../infrastructure/event-tracking' import getMeta from '../../../utils/meta' // VERSION should get incremented when making changes to caching behavior or // adjusting metrics collection. const VERSION = 3 // editing session id const EDITOR_SESSION_ID = uuid() let pdfCachingMetrics export function setCachingMetrics(metrics) { pdfCachingMetrics = metrics } export function trackPdfDownload(response, compileTimeClientE2E) { const { stats, timings } = response const t0 = const deliveryLatencies = { compileTimeClientE2E, compileTimeServerE2E: timings?.compileE2E, } function firstRenderDone({ timePDFFetched, timePDFRendered }) { const latencyFetch = Math.ceil(timePDFFetched - t0) deliveryLatencies.latencyFetch = latencyFetch // The renderer does not yield in case the browser tab is hidden. // It will yield when the browser tab is visible again. // This will skew our performance metrics for rendering! // We are omitting the render time in case we detect this state. let latencyRender if (timePDFRendered) { latencyRender = Math.ceil(timePDFRendered - timePDFFetched) deliveryLatencies.latencyRender = latencyRender } done({ latencyFetch, latencyRender }) } let done const onFirstRenderDone = new Promise(resolve => { done = resolve }) if (getMeta('ol-trackPdfDownload')) { // Submit latency along with compile context. onFirstRenderDone.then(({ latencyFetch, latencyRender }) => { submitCompileMetrics({ latencyFetch, latencyRender, compileTimeClientE2E, stats, timings, }) }) } return { deliveryLatencies, firstRenderDone, } } function submitCompileMetrics(metrics) { const { latencyFetch, latencyRender, compileTimeClientE2E } = metrics const leanMetrics = { version: VERSION, latencyFetch, latencyRender, compileTimeClientE2E, id: EDITOR_SESSION_ID, ...(pdfCachingMetrics || {}), } sl_console.log('/event/compile-metrics', JSON.stringify(metrics)) sendMB('compile-metrics-v6', leanMetrics) }