spies = require('chai-spies') chai = require('chai').use(spies) assert = require('chai').assert should = chai.should() modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/Project/ProjectLocator" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') sinon = require('sinon') Errors = require "../../../../app/js/errors" expect = require("chai").expect Project = class Project project = _id : "1234566", rootFolder:[] rootDoc = name:"rootDoc", _id:"das239djd" doc1 = name:"otherDoc.txt", _id:"dsad2ddd" doc2 = name:"docname.txt", _id:"dsad2ddddd" file1 = name:"file1", _id:"dsa9lkdsad" subSubFile = name:"subSubFile", _id:"d1d2dk" subSubDoc = name:"subdoc.txt", _id:"321dmdwi" secondSubFolder = name:"secondSubFolder", _id:"dsa3e23", docs:[subSubDoc], fileRefs:[subSubFile], folders:[] subFolder = name:"subFolder", _id:"dsadsa93", folders:[secondSubFolder], docs:[], fileRefs:[] subFolder1 = name:"subFolder1", _id:"123asdjoij" rootFolder = _id : "123sdskd" docs:[doc1, doc2, null, rootDoc] fileRefs:[file1] folders:[subFolder1, subFolder] project.rootFolder[0] = rootFolder project.rootDoc_id = rootDoc._id describe 'project model', -> beforeEach -> Project.getProject = (project_id, fields, callback)=> callback(null, project) Project.findById = (project_id, callback)=> callback(null, project) @locator = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: '../../models/Project':{Project:Project} '../../models/User':{User:@User} 'logger-sharelatex': log:-> err:-> warn: -> describe 'finding a doc', -> it 'finds one at the root level', (done)-> @locator.findElement {project_id:project._id, element_id:doc2._id, type:"docs"}, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder)-> assert(!err?) foundElement._id.should.equal doc2._id path.fileSystem.should.equal "/#{doc2.name}" parentFolder._id.should.equal project.rootFolder[0]._id path.mongo.should.equal "rootFolder.0.docs.1" done() it 'when it is nested', (done)-> @locator.findElement {project_id:project._id, element_id:subSubDoc._id, type:"doc"}, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder)-> assert(!err?) should.equal foundElement._id, subSubDoc._id path.fileSystem.should.equal "/#{subFolder.name}/#{secondSubFolder.name}/#{subSubDoc.name}" parentFolder._id.should.equal secondSubFolder._id path.mongo.should.equal "rootFolder.0.folders.1.folders.0.docs.0" done() it 'should give error if element could not be found', (done)-> @locator.findElement {project_id:project._id, element_id:"ddsd432nj42", type:"docs"}, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder)-> err.should.deep.equal new Errors.NotFoundError("entity not found") done() describe 'finding a folder', -> it 'should return root folder when looking for root folder', (done)-> @locator.findElement {project_id:project._id, element_id:rootFolder._id, type:"folder"}, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder)-> assert(!err) foundElement._id.should.equal rootFolder._id done() it 'when at root', (done)-> @locator.findElement {project_id:project._id, element_id:subFolder._id, type:"folder"}, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder)-> assert(!err) foundElement._id.should.equal subFolder._id path.fileSystem.should.equal "/#{subFolder.name}" parentFolder._id.should.equal rootFolder._id path.mongo.should.equal "rootFolder.0.folders.1" done() it 'when deeply nested', (done)-> @locator.findElement {project_id:project._id, element_id:secondSubFolder._id, type:"folder"}, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder)-> assert(!err) foundElement._id.should.equal secondSubFolder._id path.fileSystem.should.equal "/#{subFolder.name}/#{secondSubFolder.name}" parentFolder._id.should.equal subFolder._id path.mongo.should.equal "rootFolder.0.folders.1.folders.0" done() describe 'finding a file', -> it 'when at root', (done)-> @locator.findElement {project_id:project._id, element_id:file1._id, type:"fileRefs"}, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder)-> assert(!err) foundElement._id.should.equal file1._id path.fileSystem.should.equal "/#{file1.name}" parentFolder._id.should.equal rootFolder._id path.mongo.should.equal "rootFolder.0.fileRefs.0" done() it 'when deeply nested', (done)-> @locator.findElement {project_id:project._id, element_id:subSubFile._id, type:"fileRefs"}, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder)-> assert(!err) foundElement._id.should.equal subSubFile._id path.fileSystem.should.equal "/#{subFolder.name}/#{secondSubFolder.name}/#{subSubFile.name}" parentFolder._id.should.equal secondSubFolder._id path.mongo.should.equal "rootFolder.0.folders.1.folders.0.fileRefs.0" done() describe 'finding an element with wrong element type', -> it 'should add an s onto the element type', (done)-> @locator.findElement {project_id:project._id, element_id:subSubDoc._id, type:"doc"}, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder)-> assert(!err) foundElement._id.should.equal subSubDoc._id done() it 'should convert file to fileRefs', (done)-> @locator.findElement {project_id:project._id, element_id:file1._id, type:"fileRefs"}, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder)-> assert(!err) foundElement._id.should.equal file1._id done() describe 'should be able to take actual project as well as id', -> doc3 = _id:"123dsdj3" name:"doc3" rootFolder2 = _id : "123sddedskd" docs:[doc3] project2 = _id : "1234566" rootFolder:[rootFolder2] it 'should find doc in project', (done)-> @locator.findElement {project:project2, element_id:doc3._id, type:"docs"}, (err, foundElement, path, parentFolder)-> assert(!err?) foundElement._id.should.equal doc3._id path.fileSystem.should.equal "/#{doc3.name}" parentFolder._id.should.equal project2.rootFolder[0]._id path.mongo.should.equal "rootFolder.0.docs.0" done() describe 'finding root doc', -> it 'should return root doc when passed project', (done)-> @locator.findRootDoc project, (err, doc)-> assert !err? doc._id.should.equal rootDoc._id done() it 'should return root doc when passed project_id', (done)-> @locator.findRootDoc project._id, (err, doc)-> assert !err? doc._id.should.equal rootDoc._id done() describe 'findElementByPath', -> it 'should take a doc path and return the element for a root level document', (done)-> path = "#{doc1.name}" @locator.findElementByPath project._id, path, (err, element)-> element.should.deep.equal doc1 done() it 'should take a doc path and return the element for a root level document with a starting slash', (done)-> path = "/#{doc1.name}" @locator.findElementByPath project._id, path, (err, element)-> element.should.deep.equal doc1 done() it 'should take a doc path and return the element for a nested document', (done)-> path = "#{subFolder.name}/#{secondSubFolder.name}/#{subSubDoc.name}" @locator.findElementByPath project._id, path, (err, element)-> element.should.deep.equal subSubDoc done() it 'should take a file path and return the element for a root level document', (done)-> path = "#{file1.name}" @locator.findElementByPath project._id, path, (err, element)-> element.should.deep.equal file1 done() it 'should take a file path and return the element for a nested document', (done)-> path = "#{subFolder.name}/#{secondSubFolder.name}/#{subSubFile.name}" @locator.findElementByPath project._id, path, (err, element)-> element.should.deep.equal subSubFile done() it 'should take a file path and return the element for a nested document case insenstive', (done)-> path = "#{subFolder.name.toUpperCase()}/#{secondSubFolder.name.toUpperCase()}/#{subSubFile.name.toUpperCase()}" @locator.findElementByPath project._id, path, (err, element)-> element.should.deep.equal subSubFile done() it 'should take a file path and return the element for a nested folder', (done)-> path = "#{subFolder.name}/#{secondSubFolder.name}" @locator.findElementByPath project._id, path, (err, element)-> element.should.deep.equal secondSubFolder done() it 'should take a file path and return the root folder', (done)-> @locator.findElementByPath project._id, "/", (err, element)-> element.should.deep.equal rootFolder done() it 'should return an error if the file can not be found inside know folder', (done)-> @locator.findElementByPath project._id, "#{subFolder.name}/#{secondSubFolder.name}/exist.txt", (err, element)-> err.should.not.equal undefined assert.equal element, undefined done() it 'should return an error if the file can not be found inside unknown folder', (done)-> @locator.findElementByPath project._id, "this/does/not/exist.txt", (err, element)-> err.should.not.equal undefined assert.equal element, undefined done() describe "where duplicate folder exists", -> beforeEach -> @duplicateFolder = {name:"duplicate1", _id:"1234", folders:[{ name: "1" docs:[{name:"main.tex", _id:"456"}] folders: [] fileRefs: [] }], docs:[@doc = {name:"main.tex", _id:"456"}], fileRefs:[]} @project = rootFolder:[ folders: [@duplicateFolder, @duplicateFolder] fileRefs: [] docs: [] ] Project.getProject = sinon.stub() Project.getProject.callsArgWith(2, null, @project) it "should not call the callback more than once", (done)-> @locator.findElementByPath project._id, "#{@duplicateFolder.name}/#{@doc.name}", -> done() #mocha will throw exception if done called multiple times it "should not call the callback more than once when the path is longer than 1 level below the duplicate level", (done)-> @locator.findElementByPath project._id, "#{@duplicateFolder.name}/1/main.tex", -> done() #mocha will throw exception if done called multiple times describe "with a null doc", -> beforeEach -> @project = rootFolder:[ folders: [] fileRefs: [] docs: [{name:"main.tex"}, null, {name:"other.tex"}] ] Project.getProject = sinon.stub() Project.getProject.callsArgWith(2, null, @project) it "should not crash with a null", (done)-> callback = sinon.stub() @locator.findElementByPath project._id, "/other.tex", (err, element)-> element.name.should.equal "other.tex" done() describe "with a null project", -> beforeEach -> @project = rootFolder:[ folders: [] fileRefs: [] docs: [{name:"main.tex"}, null, {name:"other.tex"}] ] Project.getProject = sinon.stub() Project.getProject.callsArgWith(2, null) it "should not crash with a null", (done)-> callback = sinon.stub() @locator.findElementByPath project._id, "/other.tex", (err, element)-> expect(err).to.exist done() describe 'finding a project by user_id and project name', ()-> it 'should return the projet from an array case insenstive', (done)-> user_id = "123jojoidns" stubbedProject = {name:"findThis"} projects = [{name:"notThis"}, {name:"wellll"}, stubbedProject, {name:"Noooo"}] Project.findAllUsersProjects = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, projects) @locator.findUsersProjectByName user_id, stubbedProject.name.toLowerCase(), (err, project)-> project.should.equal stubbedProject done() it 'should search collab projects as well', (done)-> user_id = "123jojoidns" stubbedProject = {name:"findThis"} projects = [{name:"notThis"}, {name:"wellll"}, {name:"Noooo"}] Project.findAllUsersProjects = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2, null, projects, [stubbedProject]) @locator.findUsersProjectByName user_id, stubbedProject.name.toLowerCase(), (err, project)-> project.should.equal stubbedProject done()