Settings = require('settings-sharelatex') rclient = require("redis-sharelatex").createClient(Settings.redis.web) async = require "async" logger = require('logger-sharelatex') module.exports = WebRedisManager = getPendingUpdatesForDoc : (doc_id, callback)-> multi = rclient.multi() multi.lrange "PendingUpdates:#{doc_id}", 0 , -1 multi.del "PendingUpdates:#{doc_id}" multi.exec (error, replys) -> return callback(error) if error? jsonUpdates = replys[0] updates = [] for jsonUpdate in jsonUpdates try update = JSON.parse jsonUpdate catch e return callback e updates.push update callback error, updates getUpdatesLength: (doc_id, callback)-> rclient.llen "PendingUpdates:#{doc_id}", callback pushUncompressedHistoryOps: (project_id, doc_id, ops = [], callback = (error, length) ->) -> if ops.length == 0 return callback(new Error("cannot push no ops")) # This should never be called with no ops, but protect against a redis error if we sent an empty array to rpush opVersions = (op) -> op?.v logger.log project_id: project_id, doc_id: doc_id, op_versions: opVersions, "pushing uncompressed history ops" jsonOps = (op) -> JSON.stringify op async.parallel [ (cb) -> rclient.rpush "UncompressedHistoryOps:#{doc_id}", jsonOps..., cb (cb) -> rclient.sadd "DocsWithHistoryOps:#{project_id}", doc_id, cb ], (error, results) -> return callback(error) if error? [length, _] = results callback(error, length) sendData: (data) -> rclient.publish "applied-ops", JSON.stringify(data)