sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() expect = chai.expect modulePath = '../../../../app/js/Features/Exports/ExportsHandler.js' SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') describe 'ExportsHandler', -> beforeEach -> @stubRequest = {} @request = defaults: => return @stubRequest @ExportsHandler = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: 'logger-sharelatex': log: -> err: -> '../Project/ProjectGetter': @ProjectGetter = {} '../Project/ProjectLocator': @ProjectLocator = {} '../Project/ProjectRootDocManager': @ProjectRootDocManager = {} '../User/UserGetter': @UserGetter = {} 'settings-sharelatex': @settings = {} 'request': @request @project_id = "project-id-123" @project_history_id = 987 @user_id = "user-id-456" @brand_variation_id = 789 @title = "title" @description = "description" @author = "author" @license = "other" @show_source = true @export_params = { project_id: @project_id, brand_variation_id: @brand_variation_id, user_id: @user_id title: @title description: @description author: @author license: @license show_source: @show_source } @callback = sinon.stub() describe 'exportProject', -> beforeEach -> @export_data = {iAmAnExport: true} @response_body = {iAmAResponseBody: true} @ExportsHandler._buildExport = sinon.stub().yields(null, @export_data) @ExportsHandler._requestExport = sinon.stub().yields(null, @response_body) describe "when all goes well", -> beforeEach (done) -> @ExportsHandler.exportProject @export_params, (error, export_data) => @callback(error, export_data) done() it "should build the export", -> @ExportsHandler._buildExport .calledWith(@export_params) .should.equal true it "should request the export", -> @ExportsHandler._requestExport .calledWith(@export_data) .should.equal true it "should return the export", -> @callback .calledWith(null, @export_data) .should.equal true describe "when request can't be built", -> beforeEach (done) -> @ExportsHandler._buildExport = sinon.stub().yields(new Error("cannot export project without root doc")) @ExportsHandler.exportProject @export_params, (error, export_data) => @callback(error, export_data) done() it "should return an error", -> (@callback.args[0][0] instanceof Error) .should.equal true describe '_buildExport', -> beforeEach (done) -> @project = id: @project_id rootDoc_id: 'doc1_id' compiler: 'pdflatex' imageName: 'mock-image-name' overleaf: id: @project_history_id # for projects imported from v1 history: id: @project_history_id @user = id: @user_id first_name: 'Arthur' last_name: 'Author' email: '' overleaf: id: 876 @rootDocPath = 'main.tex' @historyVersion = 777 @ProjectGetter.getProject = sinon.stub().yields(null, @project) @ProjectLocator.findRootDoc = sinon.stub().yields(null, [null, {fileSystem: 'main.tex'}]) @ProjectRootDocManager.ensureRootDocumentIsSet = sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null) @UserGetter.getUser = sinon.stub().yields(null, @user) @ExportsHandler._requestVersion = sinon.stub().yields(null, @historyVersion) done() describe "when all goes well", -> beforeEach (done) -> @ExportsHandler._buildExport @export_params, (error, export_data) => @callback(error, export_data) done() it "should request the project history version", -> @ExportsHandler._requestVersion.called .should.equal true it "should return export data", -> expected_export_data = project: id: @project_id rootDocPath: @rootDocPath historyId: @project_history_id historyVersion: @historyVersion v1ProjectId: @project_history_id metadata: compiler: 'pdflatex' imageName: 'mock-image-name' title: @title description: @description author: @author license: @license showSource: @show_source user: id: @user_id firstName: @user.first_name lastName: @user.last_name email: orcidId: null v1UserId: 876 destination: brandVariationId: @brand_variation_id options: callbackUrl: null @callback.calledWith(null, expected_export_data) .should.equal true describe "when we send replacement user first and last name", -> beforeEach (done) -> @custom_first_name = "FIRST" @custom_last_name = "LAST" @export_params.first_name = @custom_first_name @export_params.last_name = @custom_last_name @ExportsHandler._buildExport @export_params, (error, export_data) => @callback(error, export_data) done() it "should send the data from the user input", -> expected_export_data = project: id: @project_id rootDocPath: @rootDocPath historyId: @project_history_id historyVersion: @historyVersion v1ProjectId: @project_history_id metadata: compiler: 'pdflatex' imageName: 'mock-image-name' title: @title description: @description author: @author license: @license showSource: @show_source user: id: @user_id firstName: @custom_first_name lastName: @custom_last_name email: orcidId: null v1UserId: 876 destination: brandVariationId: @brand_variation_id options: callbackUrl: null @callback.calledWith(null, expected_export_data) .should.equal true describe "when project is not found", -> beforeEach (done) -> @ProjectGetter.getProject = sinon.stub().yields(new Error("project not found")) @ExportsHandler._buildExport @export_params, (error, export_data) => @callback(error, export_data) done() it "should return an error", -> (@callback.args[0][0] instanceof Error) .should.equal true describe "when project has no root doc", -> describe "when a root doc can be set automatically", -> beforeEach (done) -> @project.rootDoc_id = null @ProjectLocator.findRootDoc = sinon.stub().yields(null, [null, {fileSystem: 'other.tex'}]) @ExportsHandler._buildExport @export_params, (error, export_data) => @callback(error, export_data) done() it "should set a root doc", -> @ProjectRootDocManager.ensureRootDocumentIsSet.called .should.equal true it "should return export data", -> expected_export_data = project: id: @project_id rootDocPath: 'other.tex' historyId: @project_history_id historyVersion: @historyVersion v1ProjectId: @project_history_id metadata: compiler: 'pdflatex' imageName: 'mock-image-name' title: @title description: @description author: @author license: @license showSource: @show_source user: id: @user_id firstName: @user.first_name lastName: @user.last_name email: orcidId: null v1UserId: 876 destination: brandVariationId: @brand_variation_id options: callbackUrl: null @callback.calledWith(null, expected_export_data) .should.equal true describe "when no root doc can be identified", -> beforeEach (done) -> @ProjectLocator.findRootDoc = sinon.stub().yields(null, [null, null]) @ExportsHandler._buildExport @export_params, (error, export_data) => @callback(error, export_data) done() it "should return an error", -> (@callback.args[0][0] instanceof Error) .should.equal true describe "when user is not found", -> beforeEach (done) -> @UserGetter.getUser = sinon.stub().yields(new Error("user not found")) @ExportsHandler._buildExport @export_params, (error, export_data) => @callback(error, export_data) done() it "should return an error", -> (@callback.args[0][0] instanceof Error) .should.equal true describe "when project history request fails", -> beforeEach (done) -> @ExportsHandler._requestVersion = sinon.stub().yields(new Error("project history call failed")) @ExportsHandler._buildExport @export_params, (error, export_data) => @callback(error, export_data) done() it "should return an error", -> (@callback.args[0][0] instanceof Error) .should.equal true describe '_requestExport', -> beforeEach (done) -> @settings.apis = v1: url: 'http://localhost:5000' user: 'overleaf' pass: 'pass' @export_data = {iAmAnExport: true} @export_id = 4096 @stubPost = sinon.stub().yields(null, {statusCode: 200}, { exportId: @export_id }) done() describe "when all goes well", -> beforeEach (done) -> = @stubPost @ExportsHandler._requestExport @export_data, (error, export_v1_id) => @callback(error, export_v1_id) done() it 'should issue the request', -> expect(@stubPost.getCall(0).args[0]).to.deep.equal url: @settings.apis.v1.url + '/api/v1/sharelatex/exports' auth: user: @settings.apis.v1.user pass: @settings.apis.v1.pass json: @export_data it 'should return the v1 export id', -> @callback.calledWith(null, @export_id) .should.equal true describe "when the request fails", -> beforeEach (done) -> = sinon.stub().yields(new Error("export request failed")) @ExportsHandler._requestExport @export_data, (error, export_v1_id) => @callback(error, export_v1_id) done() it "should return an error", -> (@callback.args[0][0] instanceof Error) .should.equal true describe "when the request returns an error code", -> beforeEach (done) -> = sinon.stub().yields(null, {statusCode: 401}, { }) @ExportsHandler._requestExport @export_data, (error, export_v1_id) => @callback(error, export_v1_id) done() it "should return the error", -> (@callback.args[0][0] instanceof Error) .should.equal true describe 'fetchExport', -> beforeEach (done) -> @settings.apis = v1: url: 'http://localhost:5000' user: 'overleaf' pass: 'pass' @export_id = 897 @body = "{\"id\":897, \"status_summary\":\"completed\"}" @stubGet = sinon.stub().yields(null, {statusCode: 200}, { body: @body }) done() describe "when all goes well", -> beforeEach (done) -> @stubRequest.get = @stubGet @ExportsHandler.fetchExport @export_id, (error, body) => @callback(error, body) done() it 'should issue the request', -> expect(@stubGet.getCall(0).args[0]).to.deep.equal url: @settings.apis.v1.url + '/api/v1/sharelatex/exports/' + @export_id auth: user: @settings.apis.v1.user pass: @settings.apis.v1.pass it 'should return the v1 export id', -> @callback.calledWith(null, { body: @body }) .should.equal true describe 'fetchDownload', -> beforeEach (done) -> @settings.apis = v1: url: 'http://localhost:5000' user: 'overleaf' pass: 'pass' @export_id = 897 @body = "" @stubGet = sinon.stub().yields(null, {statusCode: 200}, { body: @body }) done() describe "when all goes well", -> beforeEach (done) -> @stubRequest.get = @stubGet @ExportsHandler.fetchDownload @export_id, 'zip', (error, body) => @callback(error, body) done() it 'should issue the request', -> expect(@stubGet.getCall(0).args[0]).to.deep.equal url: @settings.apis.v1.url + '/api/v1/sharelatex/exports/' + @export_id + '/zip_url' auth: user: @settings.apis.v1.user pass: @settings.apis.v1.pass it 'should return the v1 export id', -> @callback.calledWith(null, { body: @body }) .should.equal true