coffee = require("coffee-script") fs = require "fs" spawn = require("child_process").spawn exec = require("child_process").exec rimraf = require "rimraf" Path = require "path" semver = require "semver" knox = require "knox" crypto = require "crypto" async = require "async" settings = require("settings-sharelatex") _ = require("underscore") SERVICES = require("./config/services") module.exports = (grunt) -> grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-bunyan' grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-execute' grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-available-tasks' grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-concurrent' grunt.loadNpmTasks "grunt-contrib-coffee" grunt.loadNpmTasks "grunt-shell" execute = {} for service in SERVICES execute[] = src: "#{}/app.js" grunt.initConfig execute: execute concurrent: all: tasks: ("run:#{}" for service in SERVICES) options: limit: SERVICES.length logConcurrentOutput: true coffee: migrate: expand: true, flatten: false, cwd: './', src: ['./migrations/*.coffee'], dest: './', ext: '.js' options: bare:true shell: migrate: command: "./node_modules/east/bin/east migrate --adapter east-mongo --url #{settings?.mongo?.url}" availabletasks: tasks: options: filter: 'exclude', tasks: [ 'concurrent' 'execute' 'bunyan' 'availabletasks' ] groups: "Run tasks": [ "run" "run:all" "default" ].concat ("run:#{}" for service in SERVICES) "Misc": [ "help" ] "Install tasks": ("install:#{}" for service in SERVICES).concat(["install:all", "install"]) "Update tasks": ("update:#{}" for service in SERVICES).concat(["update:all", "update"]) "Checks": ["check", "check:redis", "check:latexmk", "check:s3", "check:make", "check:mongo"] for service in SERVICES do (service) -> grunt.registerTask "install:#{}", "Download and set up the #{} service", () -> done = @async() Helpers.installService(service, done) grunt.registerTask 'install:all', "Download and set up all ShareLaTeX services", [].concat( ("install:#{}" for service in SERVICES) ) grunt.registerTask 'install', 'install:all' grunt.registerTask 'update:all', "Checkout and update all ShareLaTeX services", ["check:make"].concat( ("update:#{}" for service in SERVICES) ) grunt.registerTask 'update', 'update:all' grunt.registerTask 'run', "Run all of the sharelatex processes", ['concurrent:all'] grunt.registerTask 'run:all', 'run' grunt.registerTask 'help', 'Display this help list', 'availabletasks' grunt.registerTask 'default', 'run' grunt.registerTask "check:redis", "Check that redis is installed and running", () -> Helpers.checkRedisConnect @async() grunt.registerTask "check:mongo", "Check that mongo is installed", () -> Helpers.checkMongoConnect @async() grunt.registerTask "check", "Check that you have the required dependencies installed", ["check:redis", "check:mongo", "check:make"] grunt.registerTask "check:make", "Check that make is installed", () -> Helpers.checkMake @async() grunt.registerTask 'migrate', "compile migrations and run them", ['coffee:migrate', 'shell:migrate'] Helpers = installService: (service, callback = (error) ->) -> console.log "Installing #{}" Helpers.cloneGitRepo service, (error) -> return callback(error) if error? Helpers.installNpmModules service, (error) -> return callback(error) if error? Helpers.rebuildNpmModules service, (error) -> return callback(error) if error? Helpers.runGruntInstall service, (error) -> return callback(error) if error? console.log "Finished installing #{}" callback() cloneGitRepo: (service, callback = (error) ->) -> repo_src = service.repo dir = if !fs.existsSync(dir) proc = spawn "git", [ "clone", repo_src, dir ], stdio: "inherit" proc.on "close", () -> Helpers.checkoutVersion service, callback else console.log "#{dir} already installed, skipping." callback() checkoutVersion: (service, callback = (error) ->) -> dir = grunt.log.write "checking out #{} #{service.version}" proc = spawn "git", ["checkout", service.version], stdio: "inherit", cwd: dir proc.on "close", () -> callback() installNpmModules: (service, callback = (error) ->) -> dir = proc = spawn "npm", ["install"], stdio: "inherit", cwd: dir proc.on "close", () -> callback() # work around for # where binary modules are not built due to bug in npm rebuildNpmModules: (service, callback = (error) ->) -> dir = proc = spawn "npm", ["rebuild"], stdio: "inherit", cwd: dir proc.on "close", () -> callback() runGruntInstall: (service, callback = (error) ->) -> dir = proc = spawn "grunt", ["install"], stdio: "inherit", cwd: dir proc.on "close", () -> callback() checkMake: (callback = (error) ->) -> grunt.log.write "Checking make is installed... " exec "make --version", (error, stdout, stderr) -> if error? and error.message.match("not found") grunt.log.error "FAIL." grunt.log.errorlns """ Either make is not installed or is not in your path. On Ubuntu you can install make with: sudo apt-get install build-essential """ return callback(error) else if error? return callback(error) else grunt.log.write "OK." return callback() checkMongoConnect: (callback = (error) ->) -> grunt.log.write "Checking can connect to mongo" mongojs = require("mongojs") db = mongojs.connect(settings.mongo.url, ["tags"]) db.runCommand { ping: 1 }, (err, res) -> if !err and res.ok grunt.log.write "OK." return callback() db.on 'error', (err)-> err = "Can not connect to mongodb" grunt.log.error "FAIL." grunt.log.errorlns """ !!!!!!!!!!!!!! MONGO ERROR !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ShareLaTeX can not talk to the mongdb instance Check the mongodb instance is running and accessible on env var SHARELATEX_MONGO_URL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! """ throw new Error("Can not connect to Mongodb") return callback(err) checkRedisConnect: (callback = (error) ->) -> grunt.log.write "Checking can connect to redis\n" rclient = require("redis").createClient(settings.redis.web) (err, res) -> if !err? grunt.log.write "OK." else throw new Error("Can not connect to redis") return callback() errorHandler = _.once (err)-> err = "Can not connect to redis" grunt.log.error "FAIL." grunt.log.errorlns """ !!!!!!!!!!!!!! REDIS ERROR !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ShareLaTeX can not talk to the redis instance Check the redis instance is running and accessible on env var SHARELATEX_REDIS_HOST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! """ throw new Error("Can not connect to redis") return callback(err) rclient.on 'error', errorHandler require('load-grunt-config')(grunt)