async = require "async" expect = require("chai").expect sinon = require "sinon" mkdirp = require "mkdirp" ObjectId = require("mongojs").ObjectId Path = require "path" fs = require "fs" Settings = require "settings-sharelatex" _ = require "underscore" ProjectGetter = require "../../../app/js/Features/Project/ProjectGetter.js" MockDocStoreApi = require './helpers/MockDocstoreApi' MockFileStoreApi = require './helpers/MockFileStoreApi' request = require "./helpers/request" User = require "./helpers/User" describe "ProjectDuplicateNames", -> before (done) -> @owner = new User() @owner.login done @project = {} @callback = sinon.stub() describe "creating a project from the example template", -> before (done) -> @owner.createProject "example-project", {template: "example"}, (error, project_id) => throw error if error? @example_project_id = project_id @owner.getProject project_id, (error, project) => @project = project @mainTexDoc = _.find(project.rootFolder[0].docs, (doc) -> is 'main.tex') @refBibDoc = _.find(project.rootFolder[0].docs, (doc) -> is 'references.bib') @imageFile = _.find(project.rootFolder[0].fileRefs, (file) -> is 'universe.jpg') @rootFolderId = project.rootFolder[0]._id.toString() # create a folder called 'testfolder' { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/folder" json: name: "testfolder" parent_folder_id: @rootFolderId }, (err, res, body) => @testFolderId = body._id done() it "should create a project", -> expect(@project.rootFolder[0].docs.length).to.equal(2) expect(@project.rootFolder[0].fileRefs.length).to.equal(1) it "should create two docs in the docstore", -> docs =[@example_project_id] expect(Object.keys(docs).length).to.equal(2) it "should create one file in the filestore", -> files = MockFileStoreApi.files[@example_project_id] expect(Object.keys(files).length).to.equal(1) describe "for an existing doc", -> describe "trying to add a doc with the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/doc" json: name: "main.tex" parent_folder_id: @rootFolderId }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to add a folder with the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/folder" json: name: "main.tex" parent_folder_id: @rootFolderId }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to upload a file with the same name", -> before (done) -> uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/upload" json: true qs: folder_id: @rootFolderId qqfilename: "main.tex" formData: qqfile: value: fs.createReadStream Path.resolve(__dirname + '/../files/1pixel.png') options: filename: 'main.tex', contentType: 'image/png' , (err, res, body) => @body = body done() it "should respond with failure status", -> expect(@body.success).to.equal false describe "trying to add a folder with the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/folder" json: name: "main.tex" parent_folder_id: @rootFolderId }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to upload a file with the same name", -> before (done) -> uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/upload" json: true qs: folder_id: @rootFolderId qqfilename: "main.tex" formData: qqfile: value: fs.createReadStream Path.resolve(__dirname + '/../files/1pixel.png') options: filename: 'main.tex', contentType: 'image/png' , (err, res, body) => @body = body done() it "should respond with failure status", -> expect(@body.success).to.equal false describe "for an existing file", -> describe "trying to add a doc with the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/doc" json: name: "universe.jpg" parent_folder_id: @rootFolderId }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to add a folder with the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/folder" json: name: "universe.jpg" parent_folder_id: @rootFolderId }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to upload a file with the same name", -> before (done) -> uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/upload" json: true qs: folder_id: @rootFolderId qqfilename: "universe.jpg" formData: qqfile: value: fs.createReadStream Path.resolve(__dirname + '/../files/1pixel.png') options: filename: 'universe.jpg', contentType: 'image/jpeg' , (err, res, body) => @body = body # update the image id because we have replaced the file @imageFile._id = @body.entity_id done() it "should succeed (overwriting the file)", -> expect(@body.success).to.equal true # at this point the @imageFile._id has changed describe "for an existing folder", -> describe "trying to add a doc with the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/doc" json: name: "testfolder" parent_folder_id: @rootFolderId }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to add a folder with the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/folder" json: name: "testfolder" parent_folder_id: @rootFolderId }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to upload a file with the same name", -> before (done) -> uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/upload" json: true qs: folder_id: @rootFolderId qqfilename: "universe.jpg" formData: qqfile: value: fs.createReadStream Path.resolve(__dirname + '/../files/1pixel.png') options: filename: 'testfolder', contentType: 'image/jpeg' , (err, res, body) => @body = body done() it "should respond with failure status", -> expect(@body.success).to.equal false describe "for an existing doc", -> describe "trying to rename a doc to the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/doc/#{@refBibDoc._id}/rename" json: name: "main.tex" }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to rename a folder to the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/folder/#{@testFolderId}/rename" json: name: "main.tex" }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to rename a file to the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/file/#{@imageFile._id}/rename" json: name: "main.tex" }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with failure status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "for an existing file", -> describe "trying to rename a doc to the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/doc/#{@refBibDoc._id}/rename" json: name: "universe.jpg" }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to rename a folder to the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/folder/#{@testFolderId}/rename" json: name: "universe.jpg" }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to rename a file to the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/file/#{@imageFile._id}/rename" json: name: "universe.jpg" }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with failure status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "for an existing folder", -> describe "trying to rename a doc to the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/doc/#{@refBibDoc._id}/rename" json: name: "testfolder" }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to rename a folder to the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/folder/#{@testFolderId}/rename" json: name: "testfolder" }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to rename a file to the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/file/#{@imageFile._id}/rename" json: name: "testfolder" }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with failure status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "for an existing folder with a file with the same name", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/doc" json: name: "main.tex" parent_folder_id: @testFolderId }, (err, res, body) => { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/doc" json: name: "universe.jpg" parent_folder_id: @testFolderId }, (err, res, body) => { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/folder" json: name: "otherFolder" parent_folder_id: @testFolderId }, (err, res, body) => @subFolderId = body._id { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/folder" json: name: "otherFolder" parent_folder_id: @rootFolderId }, (err, res, body) => @otherFolderId = body._id done() describe "trying to move a doc into the folder", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/doc/#{@mainTexDoc._id}/move" json: folder_id: @testFolderId }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to move a file into the folder", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/file/#{@imageFile._id}/move" json: folder_id: @testFolderId }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to move a folder into the folder", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/folder/#{@otherFolderId}/move" json: folder_id: @testFolderId }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400 describe "trying to move a folder into a subfolder of itself", -> before (done) -> { uri: "/project/#{@example_project_id}/folder/#{@testFolderId}/move" json: folder_id: @subFolderId }, (err, res, body) => @res = res done() it "should respond with 400 error status", -> expect(@res.statusCode).to.equal 400