import Core from 'overleaf-editor-core' import { Readable as StringStream } from 'stream' import BPromise from 'bluebird' import OError from '@overleaf/o-error' import * as HistoryStoreManager from './HistoryStoreManager.js' import * as WebApiManager from './WebApiManager.js' import * as Errors from './Errors.js' StringStream.prototype._read = function () {} const MAX_REQUESTS = 4 // maximum number of parallel requests to v1 history service export function getFileSnapshotStream(projectId, version, pathname, callback) { _getSnapshotAtVersion(projectId, version, (error, snapshot) => { if (error) { return callback(OError.tag(error)) } const file = snapshot.getFile(pathname) if (file == null) { error = new Errors.NotFoundError(`${pathname} not found`, { projectId, version, pathname, }) return callback(error) } WebApiManager.getHistoryId(projectId, (err, historyId) => { if (err) { return callback(OError.tag(err)) } if (file.isEditable()) { file .load('eager', HistoryStoreManager.getBlobStore(historyId)) .then(() => { const stream = new StringStream() stream.push(file.getContent()) stream.push(null) callback(null, stream) }) .catch(err => callback(err)) } else { HistoryStoreManager.getProjectBlobStream( historyId, file.getHash(), callback ) } }) }) } // Returns project snapshot containing the document content for files with // text operations in the relevant chunk, and hashes for unmodified/binary // files. Used by git bridge to get the state of the project. export function getProjectSnapshot(projectId, version, callback) { _getSnapshotAtVersion(projectId, version, (error, snapshot) => { if (error) { return callback(OError.tag(error)) } WebApiManager.getHistoryId(projectId, (err, historyId) => { if (err) { return callback(OError.tag(err)) } _loadFilesLimit( snapshot, 'eager', HistoryStoreManager.getBlobStore(historyId) ) .then(() => { const data = { projectId, files: snapshot.getFileMap().files, } callback(null, data) }) .catch(callback) }) }) } function _getSnapshotAtVersion(projectId, version, callback) { WebApiManager.getHistoryId(projectId, (error, historyId) => { if (error) { return callback(OError.tag(error)) } HistoryStoreManager.getChunkAtVersion( projectId, historyId, version, (error, data) => { if (error) { return callback(OError.tag(error)) } const chunk = Core.Chunk.fromRaw(data.chunk) const snapshot = chunk.getSnapshot() const changes = chunk .getChanges() .slice(0, version - chunk.getStartVersion()) snapshot.applyAll(changes) callback(null, snapshot) } ) }) } export function getLatestSnapshot(projectId, historyId, callback) { HistoryStoreManager.getMostRecentChunk(projectId, historyId, (err, data) => { if (err) { return callback(err) } if (data == null || data.chunk == null) { return callback(new OError('undefined chunk')) } // apply all the changes in the chunk to get the current snapshot const chunk = Core.Chunk.fromRaw(data.chunk) const snapshot = chunk.getSnapshot() const changes = chunk.getChanges() snapshot.applyAll(changes) snapshot .loadFiles('lazy', HistoryStoreManager.getBlobStore(historyId)) .then(snapshotFiles => callback(null, snapshotFiles)) .catch(err => callback(err)) }) } function _loadFilesLimit(snapshot, kind, blobStore) { // bluebird promises only support a limit on concurrency for map() // so make an array of the files we need to load const fileList = [] => fileList.push(file)) // load the files in parallel with a limit on the concurrent requests return fileList, file => { // only load changed files, others can be dereferenced from their // blobs (this method is only used by the git bridge which // understands how to load blobs). if (!file.isEditable() || file.getHash()) { return } return file.load(kind, blobStore) }, { concurrency: MAX_REQUESTS } ) }