define [], () -> ONEHOUR = 1000 * 60 * 60 class ConnectionManager disconnectAfterMs: ONEHOUR * 24 lastUserAction : new Date() constructor: (@ide, @$scope) -> if !io? console.error " javascript not loaded. Please check that the real-time service is running and accessible." @ide.socket = on: () -> $scope.$apply () => @$scope.state.error = "Could not connect to websocket server :(" return setInterval(() => @disconnectIfInactive() , ONEHOUR) @userIsLeavingPage = false window.addEventListener 'beforeunload', => @userIsLeavingPage = true return # Don't return true or it will show a pop up @connected = false @userIsInactive = false @$scope.connection = reconnecting: false # If we need to force everyone to reload the editor forced_disconnect: false inactive_disconnect: false @$scope.tryReconnectNow = () => @tryReconnect() @$scope.$on 'cursor:editor:update', () => @lastUserAction = new Date() if !@connected @tryReconnect() document.querySelector('body').addEventListener 'click', (e) => if !@connected and != 'try-reconnect-now-button' @tryReconnect() @ide.socket = io.connect null, reconnect: false 'connect timeout': 30 * 1000 "force new connection": true @ide.socket.on "connect", () => sl_console.log "[ connect] Connected" @connected = true @ide.pushEvent("connected") @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.connection.reconnecting = false @$scope.connection.inactive_disconnect = false if @$scope.state.loading @$scope.state.load_progress = 70 setTimeout(() => @joinProject() , 100) @ide.socket.on "connect_failed", () => @connected = false $scope.$apply () => @$scope.state.error = "Unable to connect, please view the connection problems guide to fix the issue." @ide.socket.on 'disconnect', () => sl_console.log "[ disconnect] Disconnected" @connected = false @ide.pushEvent("disconnected") @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.connection.reconnecting = false if !$scope.connection.forced_disconnect and !@userIsInactive @startAutoReconnectCountdown() @ide.socket.on 'forceDisconnect', (message) => @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.permissions.write = false @$scope.connection.forced_disconnect = true @ide.socket.disconnect() @ide.showGenericMessageModal("Please Refresh", """ We're performing maintenance on ShareLaTeX and you need to refresh the editor. Sorry for any inconvenience. The editor will refresh in automatically in 10 seconds. """) setTimeout () -> location.reload() , 10 * 1000 joinProject: () -> sl_console.log "[joinProject] joining..." @ide.socket.emit 'joinProject', { project_id: @ide.project_id }, (err, project, permissionsLevel, protocolVersion) => if err? if err.message == "not authorized" window.location = "/login?redir=#{encodeURI(window.location.pathname)}" else @ide.socket.disconnect() @ide.showGenericMessageModal("Something went wrong connecting", """ Something went wrong connecting to your project. Please refresh is this continues to happen. """) return if @$scope.protocolVersion? and @$scope.protocolVersion != protocolVersion location.reload(true) @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.protocolVersion = protocolVersion @$scope.project = project @$scope.permissionsLevel = permissionsLevel @$scope.state.load_progress = 100 @$scope.state.loading = false @$scope.$broadcast "project:joined" reconnectImmediately: () -> @disconnect() @tryReconnect() disconnect: () -> @ide.socket.disconnect() startAutoReconnectCountdown: () -> twoMinutes = 2 * 60 * 1000 if @lastUpdated? and new Date() - @lastUpdated > twoMinutes # between 1 minute and 3 minutes countdown = 60 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 120) else countdown = 3 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 7) if @userIsLeavingPage #user will have pressed refresh or back etc return @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.connection.reconnecting = false @$scope.connection.reconnection_countdown = countdown setTimeout(=> if !@connected @timeoutId = setTimeout (=> @decreaseCountdown()), 1000 , 200) cancelReconnect: () -> clearTimeout @timeoutId if @timeoutId? decreaseCountdown: () -> return if !@$scope.connection.reconnection_countdown? @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.connection.reconnection_countdown-- if @$scope.connection.reconnection_countdown <= 0 @$scope.$apply () => @tryReconnect() else @timeoutId = setTimeout (=> @decreaseCountdown()), 1000 tryReconnect: () -> @cancelReconnect() delete @$scope.connection.reconnection_countdown return if @connected @$scope.connection.reconnecting = true @ide.socket.socket.reconnect() setTimeout (=> @startAutoReconnectCountdown() if !@connected), 2000 disconnectIfInactive: ()-> @userIsInactive = (new Date() - @lastUserAction) > @disconnectAfterMs if @userIsInactive and @connected @disconnect() @$scope.$apply () => @$scope.connection.inactive_disconnect = true