sinon = require "sinon" chai = require("chai") chai.should() expect = chai.expect async = require "async" Settings = require('settings-sharelatex') rclient_history = require("redis-sharelatex").createClient(Settings.redis.history) rclient_du = require("redis-sharelatex").createClient(Settings.redis.documentupdater) Keys = Settings.redis.documentupdater.key_schema HistoryKeys = Settings.redis.history.key_schema ProjectHistoryKeys = Settings.redis.project_history.key_schema MockTrackChangesApi = require "./helpers/MockTrackChangesApi" MockWebApi = require "./helpers/MockWebApi" DocUpdaterClient = require "./helpers/DocUpdaterClient" DocUpdaterApp = require "./helpers/DocUpdaterApp" describe "Applying updates to a doc", -> before (done) -> @lines = ["one", "two", "three"] @version = 42 @update = doc: @doc_id op: [{ i: "one and a half\n" p: 4 }] v: @version @result = ["one", "one and a half", "two", "three"] DocUpdaterApp.ensureRunning(done) describe "when the document is not loaded", -> before (done) -> [@project_id, @doc_id] = [DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), DocUpdaterClient.randomId()] sinon.spy MockWebApi, "getDocument" @startTime = MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {lines: @lines, version: @version} DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, @update, (error) -> throw error if error? setTimeout done, 200 after -> MockWebApi.getDocument.restore() it "should load the document from the web API", -> MockWebApi.getDocument .calledWith(@project_id, @doc_id) .should.equal true it "should update the doc", (done) -> DocUpdaterClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @result done() it "should push the applied updates to the track changes api", (done) -> rclient_history.lrange HistoryKeys.uncompressedHistoryOps({@doc_id}), 0, -1, (error, updates) => throw error if error? JSON.parse(updates[0]).op.should.deep.equal @update.op rclient_history.sismember HistoryKeys.docsWithHistoryOps({@project_id}), @doc_id, (error, result) => throw error if error? result.should.equal 1 done() it "should push the applied updates to the project history changes api", (done) -> rclient_history.lrange ProjectHistoryKeys.projectHistoryOps({@project_id}), 0, -1, (error, updates) => throw error if error? JSON.parse(updates[0]).op.should.deep.equal @update.op done() it "should set the first op timestamp", (done) -> rclient_history.get ProjectHistoryKeys.projectHistoryFirstOpTimestamp({@project_id}), (error, result) => throw error if error?, @firstOpTimestamp = result done() describe "when sending another update", -> before (done) -> @second_update = Object.create(@update) @second_update.v = @version + 1 DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, @second_update, (error) -> throw error if error? setTimeout done, 200 it "should not change the first op timestamp", (done) -> rclient_history.get ProjectHistoryKeys.projectHistoryFirstOpTimestamp({@project_id}), (error, result) => throw error if error? result.should.equal @firstOpTimestamp done() describe "when the document is loaded", -> before (done) -> [@project_id, @doc_id] = [DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), DocUpdaterClient.randomId()] MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {lines: @lines, version: @version} DocUpdaterClient.preloadDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error) => throw error if error? sinon.spy MockWebApi, "getDocument" DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, @update, (error) -> throw error if error? setTimeout done, 200 after -> MockWebApi.getDocument.restore() it "should not need to call the web api", -> MockWebApi.getDocument.called.should.equal false it "should update the doc", (done) -> DocUpdaterClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @result done() it "should push the applied updates to the track changes api", (done) -> rclient_history.lrange HistoryKeys.uncompressedHistoryOps({@doc_id}), 0, -1, (error, updates) => JSON.parse(updates[0]).op.should.deep.equal @update.op rclient_history.sismember HistoryKeys.docsWithHistoryOps({@project_id}), @doc_id, (error, result) => result.should.equal 1 done() it "should push the applied updates to the project history changes api", (done) -> rclient_history.lrange ProjectHistoryKeys.projectHistoryOps({@project_id}), 0, -1, (error, updates) => JSON.parse(updates[0]).op.should.deep.equal @update.op done() describe "when the document has been deleted", -> describe "when the ops come in a single linear order", -> before (done) -> [@project_id, @doc_id] = [DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), DocUpdaterClient.randomId()] lines = ["", "", ""] MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {lines: lines, version: 0} @updates = [ { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 0, op: [i: "h", p: 0 ] } { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 1, op: [i: "e", p: 1 ] } { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 2, op: [i: "l", p: 2 ] } { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 3, op: [i: "l", p: 3 ] } { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 4, op: [i: "o", p: 4 ] } { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 5, op: [i: " ", p: 5 ] } { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 6, op: [i: "w", p: 6 ] } { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 7, op: [i: "o", p: 7 ] } { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 8, op: [i: "r", p: 8 ] } { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 9, op: [i: "l", p: 9 ] } { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 10, op: [i: "d", p: 10] } ] @my_result = ["hello world", "", ""] done() it "should be able to continue applying updates when the project has been deleted", (done) -> actions = [] for update in @updates.slice(0,6) do (update) => actions.push (callback) => DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, update, callback actions.push (callback) => DocUpdaterClient.deleteDoc @project_id, @doc_id, callback for update in @updates.slice(6) do (update) => actions.push (callback) => DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, update, callback async.series actions, (error) => throw error if error? DocUpdaterClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @my_result done() it "should push the applied updates to the track changes api", (done) -> rclient_history.lrange HistoryKeys.uncompressedHistoryOps({@doc_id}), 0, -1, (error, updates) => updates = (JSON.parse(u) for u in updates) for appliedUpdate, i in @updates appliedUpdate.op.should.deep.equal updates[i].op rclient_history.sismember HistoryKeys.docsWithHistoryOps({@project_id}), @doc_id, (error, result) => result.should.equal 1 done() it "should store the doc ops in the correct order", (done) -> rclient_du.lrange Keys.docOps({doc_id: @doc_id}), 0, -1, (error, updates) => updates = (JSON.parse(u) for u in updates) for appliedUpdate, i in @updates appliedUpdate.op.should.deep.equal updates[i].op done() describe "when older ops come in after the delete", -> before (done) -> [@project_id, @doc_id] = [DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), DocUpdaterClient.randomId()] lines = ["", "", ""] MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {lines: lines, version: 0} @updates = [ { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 0, op: [i: "h", p: 0 ] } { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 1, op: [i: "e", p: 1 ] } { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 2, op: [i: "l", p: 2 ] } { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 3, op: [i: "l", p: 3 ] } { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 4, op: [i: "o", p: 4 ] } { doc_id: @doc_id, v: 0, op: [i: "world", p: 1 ] } ] @my_result = ["hello", "world", ""] done() it "should be able to continue applying updates when the project has been deleted", (done) -> actions = [] for update in @updates.slice(0,5) do (update) => actions.push (callback) => DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, update, callback actions.push (callback) => DocUpdaterClient.deleteDoc @project_id, @doc_id, callback for update in @updates.slice(5) do (update) => actions.push (callback) => DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, update, callback async.series actions, (error) => throw error if error? DocUpdaterClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @my_result done() describe "with a broken update", -> before (done) -> [@project_id, @doc_id] = [DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), DocUpdaterClient.randomId()] @broken_update = { doc_id: @doc_id, v: @version, op: [d: "not the correct content", p: 0 ] } MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {lines: @lines, version: @version} DocUpdaterClient.subscribeToAppliedOps @messageCallback = sinon.stub() DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, @broken_update, (error) -> throw error if error? setTimeout done, 200 it "should not update the doc", (done) -> DocUpdaterClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @lines done() it "should send a message with an error", -> @messageCallback.called.should.equal true [channel, message] = @messageCallback.args[0] channel.should.equal "applied-ops" JSON.parse(message).should.deep.equal { project_id: @project_id, doc_id: @doc_id, error:'Delete component \'not the correct content\' does not match deleted text \'one\ntwo\nthree\'' } describe "with enough updates to flush to the track changes api", -> before (done) -> [@project_id, @doc_id] = [DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), DocUpdaterClient.randomId()] updates = [] for v in [0..199] # Should flush after 100 ops updates.push doc_id: @doc_id, op: [i: v.toString(), p: 0] v: v sinon.spy MockTrackChangesApi, "flushDoc" MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {lines: @lines, version: 0} # Send updates in chunks to causes multiple flushes actions = [] for i in [0..19] do (i) => actions.push (cb) => DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdates @project_id, @doc_id, updates.slice(i*10, (i+1)*10), cb async.series actions, (error) => throw error if error? setTimeout done, 2000 after -> MockTrackChangesApi.flushDoc.restore() it "should flush the doc twice", -> MockTrackChangesApi.flushDoc.calledTwice.should.equal true describe "when there is no version in Mongo", -> before (done) -> [@project_id, @doc_id] = [DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), DocUpdaterClient.randomId()] MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id, @doc_id, { lines: @lines } update = doc: @doc_id op: @update.op v: 0 DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, update, (error) -> throw error if error? setTimeout done, 200 it "should update the doc (using version = 0)", (done) -> DocUpdaterClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @result done() describe "when the sending duplicate ops", -> before (done) -> [@project_id, @doc_id] = [DocUpdaterClient.randomId(), DocUpdaterClient.randomId()] MockWebApi.insertDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {lines: @lines, version: @version} DocUpdaterClient.subscribeToAppliedOps @messageCallback = sinon.stub() # One user delete 'one', the next turns it into 'once'. The second becomes a NOP. DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, { doc: @doc_id op: [{ i: "one and a half\n" p: 4 }] v: @version meta: source: "ikHceq3yfAdQYzBo4-xZ" }, (error) => throw error if error? setTimeout () => DocUpdaterClient.sendUpdate @project_id, @doc_id, { doc: @doc_id op: [{ i: "one and a half\n" p: 4 }] v: @version dupIfSource: ["ikHceq3yfAdQYzBo4-xZ"] meta: source: "ikHceq3yfAdQYzBo4-xZ" }, (error) => throw error if error? setTimeout done, 200 , 200 it "should update the doc", (done) -> DocUpdaterClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @result done() it "should return a message about duplicate ops", -> @messageCallback.calledTwice.should.equal true @messageCallback.args[0][0].should.equal "applied-ops" expect(JSON.parse(@messageCallback.args[0][1]).op.dup) @messageCallback.args[1][0].should.equal "applied-ops" expect(JSON.parse(@messageCallback.args[1][1]).op.dup).to.equal true