import { Extension, StateEffect, StateField, TransactionSpec, } from '@codemirror/state' import { EditorView, ViewPlugin, ViewUpdate } from '@codemirror/view' export function verticalOverflow(): Extension { return [ overflowPaddingState, minimumBottomPaddingState, contentAttributes, bottomPaddingPlugin, topPaddingPlugin, ] } type VerticalPadding = { top: number; bottom: number } const setOverflowPaddingEffect = StateEffect.define() // Store extra padding needed at the top and bottom of the editor to match the height of the review panel. // The padding needs to allow enough space for tracked changes/comments at the top and/or bottom of the review panel. const overflowPaddingState = StateField.define({ create() { return { top: 0, bottom: 0 } }, update(value, tr) { for (const effect of tr.effects) { if ( { const { top, bottom } = effect.value // only update the state when the values actually change if (top !== || bottom !== value.bottom) { value = { top, bottom } } } } return value }, }) const setMinimumBottomPaddingEffect = StateEffect.define() // Store extra padding needed at the bottom of the editor content. // The content must have a space at the bottom equivalent to the // height of the editor content minus one line, so that the last // line in the document can be scrolled to the top of the editor. const minimumBottomPaddingState = StateField.define({ create() { return 0 }, update(value, tr) { for (const effect of tr.effects) { if ( { value = effect.value } } return value }, }) // Set scrollTop to counteract changes to the top padding. // This view plugin is needed because the overflowPaddingState StateField doesn't have access to the view. const topPaddingPlugin = ViewPlugin.define(view => { let previousTop = 0 return { update: update => { const { top } = update.state.field(overflowPaddingState) if (top !== previousTop) { const diff = top - previousTop if (diff < 0) { // padding is decreasing, scroll now view.scrollDOM.scrollTop += diff } else { // padding is increasing, scroll after it has been applied view.requestMeasure({ key: 'vertical-overflow-scroll-top', read() { // do nothing }, write(measure, view) { view.scrollDOM.scrollTop += diff }, }) } previousTop = top } }, } }) /** * When the editor geometry changes, recalculate the amount of padding needed at * the end of the doc: (the scrollDOM height - 1 line height). * Adapted from the CodeMirror 6 scrollPastEnd extension, licensed under the MIT * license: * */ const bottomPaddingPlugin = ViewPlugin.define(view => { let previousHeight = 0 const measure = { key: 'vertical-overflow-bottom-padding', read(view: EditorView) { return view.scrollDOM.clientHeight - view.defaultLineHeight }, write(height: number, view: EditorView) { if (height !== previousHeight) { // dispatch must be wrapped in a timeout to avoid clashing with the current update window.setTimeout(() => view.dispatch({ effects: setMinimumBottomPaddingEffect.of(height), }) ) previousHeight = height } }, } view.requestMeasure(measure) return { update: update => { if (update.geometryChanged) { update.view.requestMeasure(measure) } }, } }) // Set a style attribute on the contentDOM containing the calculated top and bottom padding. // This value will be concatenated with style values from any other extensions. const contentAttributes = EditorView.contentAttributes.compute( [overflowPaddingState, minimumBottomPaddingState], state => { const overflowPadding = state.field(overflowPaddingState) const minimumBottomPadding = state.field(minimumBottomPaddingState) const bottomPadding = Math.max(minimumBottomPadding, overflowPadding.bottom) return { style: `padding-top: ${}px; padding-bottom: ${bottomPadding}px;`, } } ) export function setVerticalOverflow(padding: VerticalPadding): TransactionSpec { return { effects: [setOverflowPaddingEffect.of(padding)], } } export function updateSetsVerticalOverflow(update: ViewUpdate): boolean { return update.transactions.some(tr => { return tr.effects.some(effect => }) } export function editorVerticalTopPadding(view: EditorView): number { return view.state.field(overflowPaddingState).top }