logger = require("logger-sharelatex") fs = require("fs") LocalFileWriter = require("./LocalFileWriter") Errors = require('./Errors') rimraf = require("rimraf") _ = require "underscore" filterName = (key) -> return key.replace /\//g, "_" module.exports = sendFile: ( location, target, source, callback = (err)->) -> filteredTarget = filterName target logger.log location:location, target:filteredTarget, source:source, "sending file" done = _.once (err) -> if err? logger.err err:err, location:location, target:filteredTarget, source:source, "Error on put of file" callback(err) # actually copy the file (instead of moving it) to maintain consistent behaviour # between the different implementations sourceStream = fs.createReadStream source sourceStream.on 'error', done targetStream = fs.createWriteStream "#{location}/#{filteredTarget}" targetStream.on 'error', done targetStream.on 'finish', () -> done() sourceStream.pipe targetStream sendStream: ( location, target, sourceStream, callback = (err)->) -> logger.log location:location, target:target, "sending file stream" sourceStream.on "error", (err)-> logger.err location:location, target:target, err:err "error on stream to send" LocalFileWriter.writeStream sourceStream, null, (err, fsPath)=> if err? logger.err location:location, target:target, fsPath:fsPath, err:err, "something went wrong writing stream to disk" return callback err @sendFile location, target, fsPath, (err) -> # delete the temporary file created above and return the original error LocalFileWriter.deleteFile fsPath, () -> callback(err) # opts may be {start: Number, end: Number} getFileStream: (location, name, opts, _callback = (err, res)->) -> callback = _.once _callback filteredName = filterName name logger.log location:location, name:filteredName, "getting file" sourceStream = fs.createReadStream "#{location}/#{filteredName}", opts sourceStream.on 'error', (err) -> logger.err err:err, location:location, name:name, "Error reading from file" if err.code == 'ENOENT' callback new Errors.NotFoundError(err.message), null else callback err, null sourceStream.on 'readable', () -> # This can be called multiple times, but the callback wrapper # ensures the callback is only called once callback null, sourceStream copyFile: (location, fromName, toName, callback = (err)->)-> filteredFromName=filterName fromName filteredToName=filterName toName logger.log location:location, fromName:filteredFromName, toName:filteredToName, "copying file" sourceStream = fs.createReadStream "#{location}/#{filteredFromName}" sourceStream.on 'error', (err) -> logger.err err:err, location:location, key:filteredFromName, "Error reading from file" callback err targetStream = fs.createWriteStream "#{location}/#{filteredToName}" targetStream.on 'error', (err) -> logger.err err:err, location:location, key:filteredToName, "Error writing to file" callback err targetStream.on 'finish', () -> callback null sourceStream.pipe targetStream deleteFile: (location, name, callback)-> filteredName = filterName name logger.log location:location, name:filteredName, "delete file" fs.unlink "#{location}/#{filteredName}", (err) -> if err? logger.err err:err, location:location, name:filteredName, "Error on delete." callback err else callback() deleteDirectory: (location, name, callback = (err)->)-> filteredName = filterName name.replace(/\/$/,'') rimraf "#{location}/#{filteredName}", (err) -> if err? logger.err err:err, location:location, name:filteredName, "Error on rimraf rmdir." callback err else callback() checkIfFileExists:(location, name, callback = (err,exists)->)-> filteredName = filterName name logger.log location:location, name:filteredName, "checking if file exists" fs.exists "#{location}/#{filteredName}", (exists) -> logger.log location:location, name:filteredName, exists:exists, "checked if file exists" callback null, exists directorySize:(location, name, callback)-> filteredName = filterName name.replace(/\/$/,'') logger.log location:location, name:filteredName, "get project size in file system" fs.readdir "#{location}/#{filteredName}", (err, files) -> if err? logger.err err:err, location:location, name:filteredName, "something went wrong listing prefix in aws" return callback(err) totalSize = 0 _.each files, (entry)-> fd = fs.openSync "#{location}/#{filteredName}/#{entry}", 'r' fileStats = fs.fstatSync(fd) totalSize += fileStats.size fs.closeSync fd logger.log totalSize:totalSize, "total size", files:files callback null, totalSize