/* eslint-disable camelcase, handle-callback-err, no-return-assign, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS101: Remove unnecessary use of Array.from * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * DS201: Simplify complex destructure assignments * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ const async = require('async') const chai = require('chai') const { expect } = chai chai.should() const RealTimeClient = require('./helpers/RealTimeClient') const FixturesManager = require('./helpers/FixturesManager') const settings = require('settings-sharelatex') const redis = require('@overleaf/redis-wrapper') const rclient = redis.createClient(settings.redis.documentupdater) const redisSettings = settings.redis const PENDING_UPDATES_LIST_KEYS = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].map((n) => { let key = 'pending-updates-list' if (n !== 0) { key += `-${n}` } return key }) function getPendingUpdatesList(cb) { Promise.all( PENDING_UPDATES_LIST_KEYS.map((key) => rclient.lrange(key, 0, -1)) ) .then((results) => { cb( null, results.reduce((acc, more) => { if (more.length) { acc.push(...more) } return acc }, []) ) }) .catch(cb) } function clearPendingUpdatesList(cb) { Promise.all(PENDING_UPDATES_LIST_KEYS.map((key) => rclient.del(key))) .then(() => cb(null)) .catch(cb) } describe('applyOtUpdate', function () { before(function () { return (this.update = { op: [{ i: 'foo', p: 42 }] }) }) describe('when authorized', function () { before(function (done) { return async.series( [ (cb) => { return FixturesManager.setUpProject( { privilegeLevel: 'readAndWrite' }, (e, { project_id, user_id }) => { this.project_id = project_id this.user_id = user_id return cb(e) } ) }, (cb) => { return FixturesManager.setUpDoc( this.project_id, { lines: this.lines, version: this.version, ops: this.ops }, (e, { doc_id }) => { this.doc_id = doc_id return cb(e) } ) }, (cb) => { this.client = RealTimeClient.connect() return this.client.on('connectionAccepted', cb) }, (cb) => { return this.client.emit( 'joinProject', { project_id: this.project_id }, cb ) }, (cb) => { return this.client.emit('joinDoc', this.doc_id, cb) }, (cb) => { return this.client.emit( 'applyOtUpdate', this.doc_id, this.update, cb ) } ], done ) }) it('should push the doc into the pending updates list', function (done) { getPendingUpdatesList((error, ...rest) => { const [doc_id] = Array.from(rest[0]) doc_id.should.equal(`${this.project_id}:${this.doc_id}`) return done() }) return null }) it('should push the update into redis', function (done) { rclient.lrange( redisSettings.documentupdater.key_schema.pendingUpdates({ doc_id: this.doc_id }), 0, -1, (error, ...rest) => { let [update] = Array.from(rest[0]) update = JSON.parse(update) update.op.should.deep.equal(this.update.op) update.meta.should.deep.equal({ source: this.client.publicId, user_id: this.user_id }) return done() } ) return null }) return after(function (done) { return async.series( [ (cb) => clearPendingUpdatesList(cb), (cb) => rclient.del( 'DocsWithPendingUpdates', `${this.project_id}:${this.doc_id}`, cb ), (cb) => rclient.del( redisSettings.documentupdater.key_schema.pendingUpdates( this.doc_id ), cb ) ], done ) }) }) describe('when authorized with a huge edit update', function () { before(function (done) { this.update = { op: { p: 12, t: 'update is too large'.repeat(1024 * 400) // >7MB } } return async.series( [ (cb) => { return FixturesManager.setUpProject( { privilegeLevel: 'readAndWrite' }, (e, { project_id, user_id }) => { this.project_id = project_id this.user_id = user_id return cb(e) } ) }, (cb) => { return FixturesManager.setUpDoc( this.project_id, { lines: this.lines, version: this.version, ops: this.ops }, (e, { doc_id }) => { this.doc_id = doc_id return cb(e) } ) }, (cb) => { this.client = RealTimeClient.connect() this.client.on('connectionAccepted', cb) return this.client.on('otUpdateError', (otUpdateError) => { this.otUpdateError = otUpdateError }) }, (cb) => { return this.client.emit( 'joinProject', { project_id: this.project_id }, cb ) }, (cb) => { return this.client.emit('joinDoc', this.doc_id, cb) }, (cb) => { return this.client.emit( 'applyOtUpdate', this.doc_id, this.update, (error) => { this.error = error return cb() } ) } ], done ) }) it('should not return an error', function () { return expect(this.error).to.not.exist }) it('should send an otUpdateError to the client', function (done) { return setTimeout(() => { expect(this.otUpdateError).to.exist return done() }, 300) }) it('should disconnect the client', function (done) { return setTimeout(() => { this.client.socket.connected.should.equal(false) return done() }, 300) }) return it('should not put the update in redis', function (done) { rclient.llen( redisSettings.documentupdater.key_schema.pendingUpdates({ doc_id: this.doc_id }), (error, len) => { len.should.equal(0) return done() } ) return null }) }) describe('when authorized to read-only with an edit update', function () { before(function (done) { return async.series( [ (cb) => { return FixturesManager.setUpProject( { privilegeLevel: 'readOnly' }, (e, { project_id, user_id }) => { this.project_id = project_id this.user_id = user_id return cb(e) } ) }, (cb) => { return FixturesManager.setUpDoc( this.project_id, { lines: this.lines, version: this.version, ops: this.ops }, (e, { doc_id }) => { this.doc_id = doc_id return cb(e) } ) }, (cb) => { this.client = RealTimeClient.connect() return this.client.on('connectionAccepted', cb) }, (cb) => { return this.client.emit( 'joinProject', { project_id: this.project_id }, cb ) }, (cb) => { return this.client.emit('joinDoc', this.doc_id, cb) }, (cb) => { return this.client.emit( 'applyOtUpdate', this.doc_id, this.update, (error) => { this.error = error return cb() } ) } ], done ) }) it('should return an error', function () { return expect(this.error).to.exist }) it('should disconnect the client', function (done) { return setTimeout(() => { this.client.socket.connected.should.equal(false) return done() }, 300) }) return it('should not put the update in redis', function (done) { rclient.llen( redisSettings.documentupdater.key_schema.pendingUpdates({ doc_id: this.doc_id }), (error, len) => { len.should.equal(0) return done() } ) return null }) }) return describe('when authorized to read-only with a comment update', function () { before(function (done) { this.comment_update = { op: [{ c: 'foo', p: 42 }] } return async.series( [ (cb) => { return FixturesManager.setUpProject( { privilegeLevel: 'readOnly' }, (e, { project_id, user_id }) => { this.project_id = project_id this.user_id = user_id return cb(e) } ) }, (cb) => { return FixturesManager.setUpDoc( this.project_id, { lines: this.lines, version: this.version, ops: this.ops }, (e, { doc_id }) => { this.doc_id = doc_id return cb(e) } ) }, (cb) => { this.client = RealTimeClient.connect() return this.client.on('connectionAccepted', cb) }, (cb) => { return this.client.emit( 'joinProject', { project_id: this.project_id }, cb ) }, (cb) => { return this.client.emit('joinDoc', this.doc_id, cb) }, (cb) => { return this.client.emit( 'applyOtUpdate', this.doc_id, this.comment_update, cb ) } ], done ) }) it('should push the doc into the pending updates list', function (done) { getPendingUpdatesList((error, ...rest) => { const [doc_id] = Array.from(rest[0]) doc_id.should.equal(`${this.project_id}:${this.doc_id}`) return done() }) return null }) it('should push the update into redis', function (done) { rclient.lrange( redisSettings.documentupdater.key_schema.pendingUpdates({ doc_id: this.doc_id }), 0, -1, (error, ...rest) => { let [update] = Array.from(rest[0]) update = JSON.parse(update) update.op.should.deep.equal(this.comment_update.op) update.meta.should.deep.equal({ source: this.client.publicId, user_id: this.user_id }) return done() } ) return null }) return after(function (done) { return async.series( [ (cb) => clearPendingUpdatesList(cb), (cb) => rclient.del( 'DocsWithPendingUpdates', `${this.project_id}:${this.doc_id}`, cb ), (cb) => rclient.del( redisSettings.documentupdater.key_schema.pendingUpdates({ doc_id: this.doc_id }), cb ) ], done ) }) }) })