{db, ObjectId} = require "./mongojs" module.exports = MongoManager = findDoc: (doc_id, callback = (error, doc) ->) -> db.docs.find _id: ObjectId(doc_id.toString()), {}, (error, docs = []) -> callback error, docs[0] getProjectsDocs: (project_id, callback)-> db.docs.find project_id: ObjectId(project_id.toString()), {}, callback upsertIntoDocCollection: (project_id, doc_id, lines, oldRev, callback)-> update = $set:{} $inc:{} update.$set["lines"] = lines update.$set["project_id"] = ObjectId(project_id) update.$inc["rev"] = 1 #on new docs being created this will set the rev to 1 db.docs.update _id: ObjectId(doc_id), update, {upsert: true}, callback markDocAsDeleted: (doc_id, callback)-> update = $set: {} update.$set["deleted"] = true db.docs.update _id: ObjectId(doc_id), update, (err)-> callback(err)