sinon = require "sinon" chai = require("chai") chai.should() {ObjectId} = require "mongojs" DocstoreClient = require "./helpers/DocstoreClient" describe "Applying updates to a doc", -> beforeEach (done) -> @project_id = ObjectId() @doc_id = ObjectId() @originalLines = ["original", "lines"] @newLines = ["new", "lines"] @originalRanges = { changes: [{ id: ObjectId().toString() op: { i: "foo", p: 3 } meta: user_id: ObjectId().toString() ts: new Date().toString() }] } @newRanges = { changes: [{ id: ObjectId().toString() op: { i: "bar", p: 6 } meta: user_id: ObjectId().toString() ts: new Date().toString() }] } @version = 42 DocstoreClient.createDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @originalLines, @version, @originalRanges, (error) => throw error if error? done() describe "when nothing has been updated", -> beforeEach (done) -> DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @originalLines, @version, @originalRanges, (error, res, @body) => done() it "should return modified = false", -> @body.modified.should.equal false it "should not update the doc in the API", (done) -> DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines doc.version.should.equal @version doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @originalRanges done() describe "when the lines have changed", -> beforeEach (done) -> DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @newLines, @version, @originalRanges, (error, res, @body) => done() it "should return modified = true", -> @body.modified.should.equal true it "should return the rev", -> @body.rev.should.equal 2 it "should update the doc in the API", (done) -> DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @newLines doc.version.should.equal @version doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @originalRanges done() describe "when the version has changed", -> beforeEach (done) -> DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @originalLines, @version + 1, @originalRanges, (error, res, @body) => done() it "should return modified = true", -> @body.modified.should.equal true it "should return the rev", -> @body.rev.should.equal 2 it "should update the doc in the API", (done) -> DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines doc.version.should.equal @version + 1 doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @originalRanges done() describe "when the ranges have changed", -> beforeEach (done) -> DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @originalLines, @version, @newRanges, (error, res, @body) => done() it "should return modified = true", -> @body.modified.should.equal true it "should return the rev", -> @body.rev.should.equal 2 it "should update the doc in the API", (done) -> DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines doc.version.should.equal @version doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @newRanges done() describe "when the doc does not exist", -> beforeEach (done) -> @missing_doc_id = ObjectId() DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @missing_doc_id, @originalLines, 0, @originalRanges, (error, @res, @body) => done() it "should create the doc", -> @body.rev.should.equal 1 it "should be retreivable", (done)-> DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @missing_doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines doc.version.should.equal 0 doc.ranges.should.deep.equal @originalRanges done() describe "when malformed doc lines are provided", -> describe "when the lines are not an array", -> beforeEach (done) -> DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, { foo: "bar" }, @version, @originalRanges, (error, @res, @body) => done() it "should return 400", -> @res.statusCode.should.equal 400 it "should not update the doc in the API", (done) -> DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines done() describe "when the lines are not present", -> beforeEach (done) -> DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, null, @version, @originalRanges, (error, @res, @body) => done() it "should return 400", -> @res.statusCode.should.equal 400 it "should not update the doc in the API", (done) -> DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines done() describe "when no version is provided", -> beforeEach (done) -> DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @originalLines, null, @originalRanges, (error, @res, @body) => done() it "should return 400", -> @res.statusCode.should.equal 400 it "should not update the doc in the API", (done) -> DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @originalLines doc.version.should.equal @version done() describe "when the content is large", -> beforeEach (done) -> line = new Array(1025).join("x") # 1kb @largeLines = Array.apply(null, Array(1024)).map(() -> line) # 1mb DocstoreClient.updateDoc @project_id, @doc_id, @largeLines, @version, @originalRanges, (error, res, @body) => done() it "should return modified = true", -> @body.modified.should.equal true it "should update the doc in the API", (done) -> DocstoreClient.getDoc @project_id, @doc_id, {}, (error, res, doc) => doc.lines.should.deep.equal @largeLines done()