import 'abort-controller/polyfill' import { postJSON } from '../../infrastructure/fetch-json' import { debugConsole } from '@/utils/debugging' const grecaptcha = window.grecaptcha let recaptchaId, canResetCaptcha, isFromReset, resetFailed const recaptchaCallbacks = [] function resetCaptcha() { if (!canResetCaptcha) return canResetCaptcha = false isFromReset = true grecaptcha.reset(recaptchaId) } function handleAbortedCaptcha() { if (recaptchaCallbacks.length > 0) { // There is a pending captcha process and the user dismissed it by // clicking somewhere else on the page. Show it again. // But first clear the timeout to give the user more time to solve the // next one. recaptchaCallbacks.forEach(({ resetTimeout }) => resetTimeout()) validateCaptchaV2().catch(() => { // The other callback is still there to pick up the result }) } } function emitToken(token) { recaptchaCallbacks.splice(0).forEach(({ resolve, resetTimeout }) => { resetTimeout() resolve(token) }) // Happy path, let the user solve another one -- if needed. canResetCaptcha = true resetCaptcha() } function getMessage(err) { return (err && err.message) || 'no details returned' } function emitError(err, src) { if (isFromReset) { resetFailed = true } err = new Error( `captcha check failed: ${getMessage(err)}, please retry again` ) // Keep a record of this error. 2nd line might request a screenshot of it. debugConsole.error(err, src) recaptchaCallbacks.splice(0).forEach(({ reject, resetTimeout }) => { resetTimeout() reject(err) }) // Unhappy path: Only reset if not failed before. // This could be a loop without human interaction: error -> reset -> error. resetCaptcha() } export async function canSkipCaptcha(email) { let timer let canSkip try { const controller = new AbortController() const signal = controller.signal timer = setTimeout(() => { controller.abort() }, 1000) canSkip = await postJSON('/login/can-skip-captcha', { signal, body: { email }, swallowAbortError: false, }) } catch (e) { canSkip = false } finally { clearTimeout(timer) } return canSkip } export async function validateCaptchaV2() { if ( // Detect blocked recaptcha typeof grecaptcha === 'undefined' || // Detect stubbed recaptcha typeof grecaptcha.render !== 'function' || typeof grecaptcha.execute !== 'function' || typeof grecaptcha.reset !== 'function' ) { return } if (recaptchaId === undefined) { const el = document.getElementById('recaptcha') recaptchaId = grecaptcha.render(el, { callback: token => { emitToken(token) }, 'error-callback': () => { emitError( new Error('recaptcha: something went wrong'), 'error-callback' ) }, 'expired-callback': () => { emitError(new Error('recaptcha: challenge expired'), 'expired-callback') }, }) // Attach abort handler once when setting up the captcha. document .querySelector('[data-ol-captcha-retry-trigger-area]') .addEventListener('click', handleAbortedCaptcha) } if (resetFailed) { throw new Error('captcha not available. try reloading the page') } // This is likely a human making a submit action. Let them retry on error. canResetCaptcha = true isFromReset = false return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const timeout = setTimeout(() => { // We triggered this error. Ensure that we can reset to captcha. canResetCaptcha = true emitError(new Error('challenge expired'), 'timeout') // The iframe title says it will expire after 2 min. Enforce that here. }, 120 * 1000) recaptchaCallbacks.push({ resolve, reject, resetTimeout: () => clearTimeout(timeout), }) try { grecaptcha.execute(recaptchaId).catch(err => { emitError(new Error(`recaptcha: ${getMessage(err)}`), '.catch()') }) } catch (err) { emitError(new Error(`recaptcha: ${getMessage(err)}`), 'try/catch') } // Try to (re-)attach a handler to the backdrop element of the popup. for (const delay of [1, 10, 100, 1000]) { setTimeout(() => { const el = document.body.lastChild if (el.tagName !== 'DIV') return el.removeEventListener('click', handleAbortedCaptcha) el.addEventListener('click', handleAbortedCaptcha) }, delay) } }) }