import PaymentPreviewPanel from '../../../../../../frontend/js/features/subscription/components/new/payment-preview/payment-preview-panel' import { PaymentProvider } from '../../../../../../frontend/js/features/subscription/context/payment-context' import { plans } from '../../fixtures/plans' import { createFakeRecurly, defaultSubscription, } from '../../fixtures/recurly-mock' import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash' import { Plan } from '../../../../../../types/subscription/plan' function PaymentPreviewPanelWithPaymentProvider() { return ( ) } describe('payment preview panel', function () { beforeEach(function () { const plan = plans.find(({ planCode }) => planCode === 'collaborator') if (!plan) { throw new Error('No plan was found while running the test!') } cy.window().then(win => { win.metaAttributesCache = new Map() win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-countryCode', '') win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-recurlyApiKey', '0000') win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-recommendedCurrency', 'USD') win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-plan', plan) win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-planCode', plan.planCode) cy.wrap(plan).as('plan') // init default recurly win.recurly = createFakeRecurly(defaultSubscription) cy.interceptEvents() }) }) it('renders plan name', function () { cy.mount() cy.contains(defaultSubscription.items.plan!.name) }) it('renders collaborators per project', function () { cy.mount() cy.get('@plan').then(plan => { cy.contains(`${plan.features?.collaborators} collaborators per project`) }) }) it('renders features list', function () { cy.mount() cy.contains(/all premium features/i) cy.findByTestId('features-list').within(() => { cy.get(':nth-child(1)').contains(/increased compile timeout/i) cy.get(':nth-child(2)').contains(/sync with dropbox and github/i) cy.get(':nth-child(3)').contains(/full document history/i) cy.get(':nth-child(4)').contains(/track changes/i) cy.get(':nth-child(5)').contains(/advanced reference search/i) cy.get(':nth-child(6)').contains(/reference manager sync/i) cy.get(':nth-child(7)').contains(/symbol palette/i) }) }) it('renders no features list', function () { cy.window().then(win => { cy.get('@plan').then(plan => { const { features: _, ...noFeaturesPlan } = plan win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-plan', noFeaturesPlan) }) }) cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('features-list').should('not.exist') }) describe('price summary', function () { beforeEach(function () { cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('price-summary').as('priceSummary') cy.findByTestId('price-summary-plan').as('priceSummaryPlan') cy.findByTestId('price-summary-coupon').as('priceSummaryCoupon') cy.findByTestId('price-summary-vat').as('priceSummaryVat') cy.findByTestId('price-summary-total').as('priceSummaryTotal') }) it('renders title', function () { cy.get('@priceSummary').contains(/payment summary/i) }) it('renders plan info', function () { cy.get('@priceSummaryPlan').contains(defaultSubscription.items.plan!.name) cy.get('@priceSummaryPlan').contains( `$${defaultSubscription.price.base.plan.unit}` ) }) it('renders coupon info', function () { cy.get('@priceSummaryCoupon').contains(!.name ) cy.get('@priceSummaryCoupon').contains( `Discount of $${}` ) }) it('does not render coupon info when there is no coupon', function () { cy.window().then(win => { const { coupon: _, ...items } = defaultSubscription.items win.recurly = createFakeRecurly({ ...defaultSubscription, items }) }) cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('price-summary-coupon').should('not.exist') }) it('renders VAT', function () { cy.get('@priceSummaryVat').contains( `VAT ${parseFloat(defaultSubscription.price.taxes[0].rate) * 100}%` ) cy.get('@priceSummaryVat').contains( `$${}` ) }) describe('total amount', function () { it('renders "total per month" text', function () { cy.window().then(win => { const clone = cloneDeep(defaultSubscription) clone.items.plan!.period.length = 1 win.recurly = createFakeRecurly(clone) }) cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('price-summary-total').contains(/total per month/i) }) it('renders "total per year" text', function () { cy.window().then(win => { const clone = cloneDeep(defaultSubscription) clone.items.plan!.period.length = 2 win.recurly = createFakeRecurly(clone) }) cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('price-summary-total').contains(/total per year/i) }) it('renders total amount', function () { cy.get('@priceSummaryTotal').contains( `$${}` ) }) }) it('renders "change currency" dropdown and changes currency', function () { cy.get('@priceSummary').within(() => { cy.get('@priceSummary') .findByRole('button', { name: /change currency/i }) .as('button') cy.findByRole('menu').should('not.exist') cy.get('@button').click() cy.findByRole('menu').within(() => { cy.findByRole('menuitem', { name: /usd \(\$\)/i }).contains( /selected/i ) cy.findByRole('menuitem', { name: /eur \(€\)/i }) cy.findByRole('menuitem', { name: /gbp \(£\)/i }).click() cy.get('@priceSummaryPlan').contains( `£${defaultSubscription.price.base.plan.unit}` ) cy.get('@priceSummaryCoupon').contains( `Discount of £${}` ) cy.get('@priceSummaryVat').contains( `£${}` ) cy.get('@priceSummaryTotal').contains( `£${}` ) }) }) cy.findByTestId('trial-coupon-summary') .should('not.contain.text', '$') .should('contain.text', '£') }) }) describe('trial coupon summary', function () { it('renders trial price', function () { cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('trial-coupon-summary').contains( `First ${defaultSubscription.items.plan!.trial!.length} days free, ` + `after that $${} per month` ) }) it('renders "X price for Y months"', function () { cy.window() .then(win => { const clone = cloneDeep(defaultSubscription)!.applies_for_months = 6!.single_use = false clone.items.plan!.period.length = 1 win.recurly = createFakeRecurly(clone) return clone }) .then((clone: typeof defaultSubscription) => { cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('trial-coupon-summary').contains( `$${} for your first ${!.applies_for_months } months` ) }) }) it('renders "X price for first month"', function () { cy.window() .then(win => { const clone = cloneDeep(defaultSubscription) clone.items.plan!.period.length = 1 win.recurly = createFakeRecurly(clone) }) .then(() => { cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('trial-coupon-summary').contains( `$${} for your first month` ) }) }) it('renders "X price for first year"', function () { cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('trial-coupon-summary').contains( `$${} for your first year` ) }) it('renders "then X price per month"', function () { cy.window() .then(win => { const clone = cloneDeep(defaultSubscription)!.applies_for_months = 6!.single_use = false clone.items.plan!.period.length = 1 win.recurly = createFakeRecurly(clone) }) .then(() => { cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('trial-coupon-summary').contains( `Then $26.00 per month` ) }) }) it('renders "then X price per year"', function () { cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('trial-coupon-summary').contains(`Then $26.00 per year`) }) it('renders "normally X price per month"', function () { cy.window() .then(win => { const clone = cloneDeep(defaultSubscription)!.applies_for_months = 0!.single_use = false clone.items.plan!.period.length = 1 win.recurly = createFakeRecurly(clone) }) .then(() => { cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('trial-coupon-summary').contains( `Normally $26.00 per month` ) }) }) it('renders "normally X price per year"', function () { cy.window() .then(win => { const clone = cloneDeep(defaultSubscription)!.single_use = false clone.items.plan!.period.length = 2 win.recurly = createFakeRecurly(clone) }) .then(() => { cy.mount() cy.findByTestId('trial-coupon-summary').contains( `Normally $26.00 per year` ) }) }) }) it('renders "cancel anytime" content', function () { cy.mount() cy.contains( /we’re confident that you’ll love Overleaf, but if not you can cancel anytime/i ).contains( /we’ll give you your money back, no questions asked, if you let us know within 30 days/i ) }) })