const text = require('../app/js/sharejs/types/text.js') const TEST_RUNS = 1_000_000 const MAX_OPS_BATCH_SIZE = 35 const KB = 1000 function runTestCase(testCase, documentSizeBytes) { const initialText = 'A'.repeat(documentSizeBytes) console.log(`test: ${}`) console.log(`opsBatchSize\topsPerSeconds ${documentSizeBytes / 1000}KB`) for (let i = 1; i <= MAX_OPS_BATCH_SIZE; i++) { const ops = testCase(documentSizeBytes, i) let timeTotal = 0 for (let i = 0; i < TEST_RUNS; i++) { const start = try { text.apply(initialText, ops) } catch { console.error(`test failed: ${}, with ops:`) console.error(ops) return } const done = timeTotal += done - start } const opsPerSeconds = TEST_RUNS / (timeTotal / 1000) console.log(`${i}\t${opsPerSeconds}`) } } const randomAdditionTestCase = (docSize, opsSize) => Array.from({ length: opsSize }, () => ({ p: Math.floor(Math.random() * docSize), i: 'B', })) const sequentialAdditionsTestCase = (docSize, opsSize) => Array.from({ length: opsSize }, (_, i) => ({ p: i + docSize, i: 'B' })) const sequentialAdditionsInMiddleTestCase = (docSize, opsSize) => Array.from({ length: opsSize }, (_, i) => ({ p: Math.floor(docSize / 2) + i, i: 'B', })) const randomDeletionTestCase = (docSize, opsSize) => Array.from({ length: opsSize }, (_, i) => ({ p: Math.floor(Math.random() * (docSize - 1 - i)), d: 'A', })) const sequentialDeletionTestCase = (docSize, opsSize) => Array.from({ length: opsSize }, (_, i) => ({ p: docSize - 1 - i, d: 'A', })) const sequentialDeletionInMiddleTestCase = (docSize, opsSize) => Array.from({ length: opsSize }, (_, i) => ({ p: Math.floor(docSize / 2), d: 'A', })) for (const docSize of [10 * KB, 100 * KB]) { for (const testCase of [ randomAdditionTestCase, sequentialAdditionsTestCase, sequentialAdditionsInMiddleTestCase, randomDeletionTestCase, sequentialDeletionTestCase, sequentialDeletionInMiddleTestCase, ]) { runTestCase(testCase, docSize) } }