extends ../layout block content .content.content-alt .container .row .col-md-8.col-md-offset-2 .card .page-header h2 Thanks for subscribing! .alert.alert-success p Your card will be charged soon. p The next payment of #{subscription.price} will be collected on #{subscription.nextPaymentDueAt}. p If you do not want to be charged again a(href="/user/subscription") click here to cancel. p - if (subscription.groupPlan == true) a.btn.btn-success.btn-large(href="/subscription/group") Add your first group members now p.letter-from-founders p Thank you for subscribing to the #{subscription.name} plan. It's support from people like yourself that allows ShareLaTeX to continue to grow and improve. p If there is anything you ever need please feel free to contact us directly at a(href='mailto:support@sharelatex.com') support@sharelatex.com | . It goes straight to both our inboxes. p Regards, br | Henry and James .portraits span.img-circle img(src="/img/about/henry_oswald.jpg")   span.img-circle img(src="/img/about/james_allen.jpg") p a.btn.btn-primary(href="/project") < Back to your projects