import { findInTreeOrThrow } from './find-in-tree' export function renameInTree(tree, id, { newName }) { return mutateInTree(tree, id, (parent, entity, index) => { const newParent = Object.assign([], parent) const newEntity = { ...entity, name: newName } newParent[index] = newEntity return newParent }) } export function deleteInTree(tree, id) { return mutateInTree(tree, id, (parent, entity, index) => { return [...parent.slice(0, index), ...parent.slice(index + 1)] }) } export function moveInTree(tree, entityId, toFolderId) { const found = findInTreeOrThrow(tree, entityId) if (found.parentFolderId === toFolderId) { // nothing to do (the entity was probably already moved) return tree } const newFileTreeData = deleteInTree(tree, entityId) return createEntityInTree(newFileTreeData, toFolderId, { ...found.entity, type: found.type }) } export function createEntityInTree(tree, parentFolderId, newEntityData) { const { type, ...newEntity } = newEntityData if (!type) throw new Error('Entity has no type') const entityType = `${type}s` return mutateInTree(tree, parentFolderId, (parent, folder, index) => { parent[index] = { ...folder, [entityType]: [...folder[entityType], newEntity] } return parent }) } function mutateInTree(tree, id, mutationFunction) { if (tree._id === id) { // covers the root folder case: it has no parent so in order to use // mutationFunction we pass an empty array as the parent and return the // mutated tree directly const [newTree] = mutationFunction([], tree, 0) return newTree } for (const entityType of ['docs', 'fileRefs', 'folders']) { for (let index = 0; index < tree[entityType].length; index++) { const entity = tree[entityType][index] if (entity._id === id) { return { ...tree, [entityType]: mutationFunction(tree[entityType], entity, index) } } } } const newFolders = => mutateInTree(folder, id, mutationFunction) ) return { ...tree, folders: newFolders } }