const { db, waitForDb, READ_PREFERENCE_SECONDARY, } = require('../app/src/infrastructure/mongodb') async function main() { await waitForDb() const projects = db.projects.find( {}, { projection: { rootFolder: 1 }, readPreference: READ_PREFERENCE_SECONDARY, } ) let projectsProcessed = 0 for await (const project of projects) { projectsProcessed += 1 if (projectsProcessed % 100000 === 0) { console.log(projectsProcessed, 'projects processed') } processProject(project) } } function processProject(project) { if (!project.rootFolder || !Array.isArray(project.rootFolder)) { console.log('BAD PATH:', project._id, 'rootFolder') return } if (!project.rootFolder[0]) { console.log('BAD PATH:', project._id, 'rootFolder.0') return } const badPaths = findBadPaths(project.rootFolder[0]) for (const path of badPaths) { console.log('BAD PATH:', project._id, `rootFolder.0.${path}`) } } function findBadPaths(folder) { const result = [] if (!folder._id) { result.push('_id') } if (typeof !== 'string' || ! { result.push('name') } if (folder.folders) { if (Array.isArray(folder.folders)) { for (const [i, subfolder] of folder.folders.entries()) { if (!subfolder || typeof subfolder !== 'object') { result.push(`folders.${i}`) continue } for (const badPath of findBadPaths(subfolder)) { result.push(`folders.${i}.${badPath}`) } } } else { result.push('folders') } } if ( { if (Array.isArray( { for (const [i, doc] of { if (!doc || typeof doc !== 'object') { result.push(`docs.${i}`) continue } if (!doc._id) { result.push(`docs.${i}._id`) // no need to check further: this doc can be deleted continue } if (typeof !== 'string' || ! { result.push(`docs.${i}.name`) } } } else { result.push('docs') } } if (folder.fileRefs) { if (Array.isArray(folder.fileRefs)) { for (const [i, file] of folder.fileRefs.entries()) { if (!file || typeof file !== 'object') { result.push(`fileRefs.${i}`) continue } if (!file._id) { result.push(`fileRefs.${i}._id`) // no need to check further: this file can be deleted continue } if (typeof !== 'string' || ! { result.push(`fileRefs.${i}.name`) } } } else { result.push('fileRefs') } } return result } main() .then(() => { process.exit(0) }) .catch(err => { console.error(err) process.exit(1) })