const fs = require('fs') const Path = require('path') const pug = require('pug') const async = require('async') const { promisify } = require('util') const Settings = require('@overleaf/settings') const MODULE_BASE_PATH = Path.resolve(__dirname + '/../../../modules') const _modules = [] const _hooks = {} let _viewIncludes = {} function loadModules() { const settingsCheckModule = Path.join( MODULE_BASE_PATH, 'settings-check', 'index.js' ) if (fs.existsSync(settingsCheckModule)) { require(settingsCheckModule) } for (const moduleName of Settings.moduleImportSequence) { const loadedModule = require(Path.join( MODULE_BASE_PATH, moduleName, 'index.js' )) = moduleName _modules.push(loadedModule) } attachHooks() } function applyRouter(webRouter, privateApiRouter, publicApiRouter) { for (const module of _modules) { if (module.router && module.router.apply) { module.router.apply(webRouter, privateApiRouter, publicApiRouter) } } } function applyNonCsrfRouter(webRouter, privateApiRouter, publicApiRouter) { for (const module of _modules) { if (module.nonCsrfRouter != null) { module.nonCsrfRouter.apply(webRouter, privateApiRouter, publicApiRouter) } if (module.router && module.router.applyNonCsrfRouter) { module.router.applyNonCsrfRouter( webRouter, privateApiRouter, publicApiRouter ) } } } function loadViewIncludes(app) { _viewIncludes = {} for (const module of _modules) { const object = module.viewIncludes || {} for (const view in object) { const partial = object[view] if (!_viewIncludes[view]) { _viewIncludes[view] = [] } const filePath = Path.join( MODULE_BASE_PATH,, 'app/views', partial + '.pug' ) _viewIncludes[view].push( pug.compileFile(filePath, { doctype: 'html', compileDebug: Settings.debugPugTemplates, }) ) } } } function moduleIncludes(view, locals) { const compiledPartials = _viewIncludes[view] || [] let html = '' for (const compiledPartial of compiledPartials) { html += compiledPartial(locals) } return html } function moduleIncludesAvailable(view) { return (_viewIncludes[view] || []).length > 0 } function linkedFileAgentsIncludes() { const agents = {} for (const module of _modules) { for (const name in module.linkedFileAgents) { const agentFunction = module.linkedFileAgents[name] agents[name] = agentFunction() } } return agents } function attachHooks() { for (var module of _modules) { if (module.hooks != null) { for (const hook in module.hooks) { const method = module.hooks[hook] attachHook(hook, method) } } } } function attachHook(name, method) { if (_hooks[name] == null) { _hooks[name] = [] } _hooks[name].push(method) } function fireHook(name, { const adjustedLength = Math.max(rest.length, 1) const args = rest.slice(0, adjustedLength - 1) const callback = rest[adjustedLength - 1] const methods = _hooks[name] || [] const callMethods = => cb => method(...args, cb)) async.series(callMethods, function (error, results) { if (error) { return callback(error) } callback(null, results) }) } module.exports = { applyNonCsrfRouter, applyRouter, linkedFileAgentsIncludes, loadViewIncludes, moduleIncludes, moduleIncludesAvailable, hooks: { attach: attachHook, fire: fireHook, }, promises: { hooks: { fire: promisify(fireHook), }, }, } loadModules()