import { checkChunkResponse, estimateSizeOfMultipartResponse, getMultipartBoundary, resolveMultiPartResponses, } from '../pdf-preview/util/pdf-caching' import getMeta from '../../utils/meta' import OError from '@overleaf/o-error' import { captureException } from '../../infrastructure/error-reporter' import { postJSON } from '../../infrastructure/fetch-json' import { isSplitTestEnabled, parseIntFromSplitTest, } from '../../utils/splitTestUtils' const MAX_CHECKS_PER_PAGE_LOAD = parseIntFromSplitTest( 'user-content-domain-access-check-max-checks', 3 ) const INITIAL_DELAY_MS = parseIntFromSplitTest( 'user-content-domain-access-check-delay', 30_000 ) const TIMEOUT_MS = 30_000 const FULL_SIZE = 739 const FULL_HASH = 'b7d25591c18da373709d3d88ddf5eeab0b5089359e580f051314fd8935df0b73' const CHUNKS = [ { start: 0, end: 21, hash: 'd2ad9cbf1bc669646c0dfc43fa3167d30ab75077bb46bc9e3624b9e7e168abc2', }, { start: 21, end: 42, hash: 'd6d110ec0f3f4e27a4050bc2be9c5552cc9092f86b74fec75072c2c9e8483454', }, { start: 42, end: 64, hash: '8278914487a3a099c9af5aa22ed836d6587ca0beb7bf9a059fb0409667b3eb3d', }, ] function pickZone() { const x = Math.random() switch (true) { case x > 0.66: return 'b' case x > 0.33: return 'c' default: return 'd' } } function arrayLikeToHex(a: Uint8Array) { return Array.from(a) .map(i => i.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')) .join('') } async function hashBody(body: ArrayBuffer) { const digest = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', body) return arrayLikeToHex(new Uint8Array(digest)) } async function checkHash( res: Response, data: ArrayBuffer, expectedHash: string ) { const actualHash = await hashBody(data) if (actualHash !== expectedHash) { throw new OError('content hash mismatch', { actualHash, expectedHash, headers: Object.fromEntries(res.headers.entries()), }) } } function randomHex(bytes: number) { const buf = new Uint8Array(bytes) crypto.getRandomValues(buf) return arrayLikeToHex(buf) } function genBuildId() { const date = const random = randomHex(8) return `${date}-${random}` } async function singleCheck( url: string, init: RequestInit, estimatedSize: number, expectedHash: string, chunks?: Array ) { const ac = new AbortController() setTimeout(() => ac.abort(), TIMEOUT_MS) init.signal = ac.signal init.cache = 'no-store' const res = await fetch(url, init) checkChunkResponse(res, estimatedSize, init) const body = await res.arrayBuffer() if (chunks) { const boundary = getMultipartBoundary(res, chunks) const parts = resolveMultiPartResponses({ file: { size: FULL_SIZE }, chunks, data: new Uint8Array(body), boundary, metrics: {}, }) for (const part of parts) { await checkHash(res,, part.chunk.hash) } } else { await checkHash(res, body, expectedHash) } } export async function checkUserContentDomainAccess() { // Note: The ids are zero prefixed. No actual user/project uses these ids. // mongo-id 000000000000000000000000 -> 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z // mongo-id 000000010000000000000000 -> 1970-01-01T00:00:01.000Z // mongo-id 100000000000000000000000 -> 1978-07-04T21:24:16.000Z // This allows us to distinguish between check-traffic and regular output // traffic. const projectId = `0${randomHex(12).slice(1)}` const userId = `0${randomHex(12).slice(1)}` const buildId = genBuildId() const zone = pickZone() const urls = [] if (getMeta('ol-user_id')) { // Logged-in user urls.push( `${getMeta( 'ol-compilesUserContentDomain' )}/zone/${zone}/project/${projectId}/user/${userId}/build/${buildId}/output/output.pdf` ) } else { // Anonymous user urls.push( `${getMeta( 'ol-compilesUserContentDomain' )}/zone/${zone}/project/${projectId}/build/${buildId}/output/output.pdf` ) } const cases = [] for (const url of urls) { // full download cases.push({ url, init: {}, estimatedSize: FULL_SIZE, hash: FULL_HASH, }) // range request const chunk = CHUNKS[0] cases.push({ url, init: { headers: { Range: `bytes=${chunk.start}-${chunk.end - 1}`, }, }, estimatedSize: chunk.end - chunk.start, hash: chunk.hash, }) // multipart request cases.push({ url, init: { headers: { Range: `bytes=${ => `${c.start}-${c.end - 1}`).join( ',' )}`, }, }, estimatedSize: estimateSizeOfMultipartResponse(CHUNKS), hash: chunk.hash, chunks: CHUNKS, }) } let failed = 0 let ignoreResult = false const epochBeforeCheck = networkEpoch await Promise.all( ({ url, init, estimatedSize, hash, chunks }) => { try { await singleCheck(url, init, estimatedSize, hash, chunks) } catch (err: any) { if (!navigator.onLine || epochBeforeCheck !== networkEpoch) { // It is very likely that the request failed because we are offline or // the network connection changed just now. ignoreResult = true } if (ignoreResult) return failed++ OError.tag(err, 'user-content-domain-access-check failed', { url, init, }) if ( isSplitTestEnabled('report-user-content-domain-access-check-error') ) { captureException(err) } else { console.error(OError.getFullStack(err), OError.getFullInfo(err)) } } }) ) if (ignoreResult) return false try { await postJSON('/record-user-content-domain-access-check-result', { body: { failed, succeeded: cases.length - failed }, }) } catch (e) {} return failed === 0 } let accessCheckPassed = false export function userContentDomainAccessCheckPassed() { return accessCheckPassed } let networkEpoch = window.addEventListener('offline', () => { // We are offline. Abort any scheduled check. clearTimeout(lastScheduledCheck) accessCheckPassed = false networkEpoch = }) window.addEventListener('online', () => { // We are online again. Schedule another check for this network. accessCheckPassed = false networkEpoch = scheduleUserContentDomainAccessCheck() }) try { // Note: navigator.connection is not available on Firefox and Safari. // Docs: navigator.connection.addEventListener('change', () => { // The network changed. Schedule another check for it. accessCheckPassed = false networkEpoch = scheduleUserContentDomainAccessCheck() }) } catch (e) {} let lastScheduledCheck: number let remainingChecks = MAX_CHECKS_PER_PAGE_LOAD export function scheduleUserContentDomainAccessCheck() { if (!isSplitTestEnabled('user-content-domain-access-check')) return clearTimeout(lastScheduledCheck) const networkEpochBeforeDelay = networkEpoch lastScheduledCheck = window.setTimeout(() => { if (!window.navigator.onLine || networkEpochBeforeDelay !== networkEpoch) { // Must be online for more than INITIAL_DELAY_MS before we check. // We want to avoid false-positives from flaky network connections. // Try again in INITIAL_DELAY_MS. return scheduleUserContentDomainAccessCheck() } if (accessCheckPassed) return if (remainingChecks-- <= 0) return checkUserContentDomainAccess() .then(ok => { accessCheckPassed = ok }) .catch(err => { captureException(err) }) }, INITIAL_DELAY_MS) }