import { useState, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useCallback, useRef, useContext, createContext, } from 'react' import { currencies, CurrencyCode, CurrencySymbol } from '../data/currency' import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next' import getMeta from '../../../utils/meta' import * as eventTracking from '../../../infrastructure/event-tracking' import { PaymentContextValue, PricingFormState, } from './types/payment-context-value' import { Plan } from '../../../../../types/subscription/plan' import { RecurlyOptions, SubscriptionPricingStateTax, } from 'recurly__recurly-js' import { SubscriptionPricingInstanceCustom } from '../../../../../types/recurly/pricing/subscription' function usePayment({ publicKey }: RecurlyOptions) { const { t } = useTranslation() const plan: Plan = getMeta('ol-plan') const initialCountry: PricingFormState['country'] = getMeta( 'ol-countryCode', '' ) const initialCouponCode: PricingFormState['coupon'] = getMeta( 'ol-couponCode', '' ) const initiallySelectedCurrencyCode: CurrencyCode = getMeta( 'ol-recommendedCurrency' ) const planCode: string = getMeta('ol-planCode') const [planName, setPlanName] = useState( const [recurlyLoading, setRecurlyLoading] = useState(true) const [recurlyLoadError, setRecurlyLoadError] = useState(false) const [recurlyPrice, setRecurlyPrice] = useState<{ subtotal: string plan: string addons: string setup_fee: string discount: string tax: string total: string }>() const [monthlyBilling, setMonthlyBilling] = useState() const [taxes, setTaxes] = useState([]) const [coupon, setCoupon] = useState<{ discountMonths?: number discountRate?: number singleUse: boolean normalPrice: number name: string normalPriceWithoutTax: number }>() const [couponError, setCouponError] = useState('') const [trialLength, setTrialLength] = useState() const [currencyCode, setCurrencyCode] = useState( initiallySelectedCurrencyCode ) const [pricingFormState, setPricingFormState] = useState({ first_name: '', last_name: '', postal_code: '', address1: '', address2: '', state: '', city: '', company: '', vat_number: '', country: initialCountry, coupon: initialCouponCode, }) const pricing = useRef() const limitedCurrencyCodes = Array.from( new Set([initiallySelectedCurrencyCode, 'USD', 'EUR', 'GBP']) ) const limitedCurrencies = limitedCurrencyCodes.reduce((prev, cur) => { return { ...prev, [cur]: currencies[cur] } }, {} as Partial) const currencySymbol = limitedCurrencies[currencyCode] as CurrencySymbol useLayoutEffect(() => { if (typeof recurly === 'undefined' || !recurly) { setRecurlyLoadError(true) return } eventTracking.sendMB('payment-page-view', { plan: planCode }) eventTracking.send( 'subscription-funnel', 'subscription-form-viewed', planCode ) recurly.configure({ publicKey }) pricing.current = recurly.Pricing.Subscription() as SubscriptionPricingInstanceCustom const setupPricing = () => { setRecurlyLoading(true) pricing.current ?.plan(planCode, { quantity: 1 }) .address({ first_name: '', last_name: '', country: initialCountry, }) .tax({ tax_code: 'digital', vat_number: '' }) .currency(initiallySelectedCurrencyCode) .coupon(initialCouponCode) .catch(function (err) { if ( initiallySelectedCurrencyCode !== 'USD' && === 'invalid-currency' ) { setCurrencyCode('USD') setupPricing() } else if ( === 'api-error' && err.code === 'not-found') { // not-found here should refer to the coupon code, plan_code should be valid setCouponError(t('coupon_code_is_not_valid_for_selected_plan')) } else { // Bail out on other errors, form state will not be correct setRecurlyLoadError(true) throw err } }) .done(() => { setRecurlyLoading(false) }) } setupPricing() }, [ initialCountry, initialCouponCode, initiallySelectedCurrencyCode, planCode, publicKey, t, ]) useEffect(() => { pricing.current?.on('change', function () { if (!pricing.current) return const planName = pricing.current.items.plan?.name if (planName) { setPlanName(planName) } const trialLength = pricing.current.items.plan?.trial?.length setTrialLength(trialLength) const recurlyPrice = trialLength ? : setRecurlyPrice(recurlyPrice) const monthlyBilling = pricing.current.items.plan?.period.length === 1 setMonthlyBilling(monthlyBilling) setTaxes(pricing.current.price.taxes) const couponData = (() => { if ( === 'percent') { const coupon = const basePrice = parseInt(pricing.current.price.base.plan.unit, 10) const discountData = coupon.applies_for_months > 0 && ? { discountMonths: coupon.applies_for_months, discountRate: * 100, } : {} const couponData = { singleUse: coupon.single_use, normalPrice: basePrice, name:, normalPriceWithoutTax: basePrice, ...discountData, } if (pricing.current.price.taxes[0]?.rate) { couponData.normalPrice += basePrice * parseFloat(pricing.current.price.taxes[0].rate) } return couponData } })() setCoupon(couponData) }) }, []) const addCoupon = useCallback( (coupon: PricingFormState['coupon']) => { setRecurlyLoading(true) setCouponError('') pricing.current ?.coupon(coupon) .catch(function (err) { if ( === 'api-error' && err.code === 'not-found') { setCouponError(t('coupon_code_is_not_valid_for_selected_plan')) } else { setCouponError( t('an_error_occurred_when_verifying_the_coupon_code') ) throw err } }) .done(() => { setRecurlyLoading(false) }) }, [t] ) const updateCountry = useCallback( (country: PricingFormState['country']) => { setRecurlyLoading(true) pricing.current ?.address({ country, first_name: pricingFormState.first_name, last_name: pricingFormState.last_name, }) .done(() => { setRecurlyLoading(false) }) }, [pricingFormState.first_name, pricingFormState.last_name] ) const applyVatNumber = useCallback( (vatNumber: PricingFormState['vat_number']) => { setRecurlyLoading(true) pricing.current ?.tax({ tax_code: 'digital', vat_number: vatNumber }) .done(() => { setRecurlyLoading(false) }) }, [] ) const changeCurrency = useCallback( (newCurrency: CurrencyCode) => { setRecurlyLoading(true) setCurrencyCode(newCurrency) pricing.current ?.currency(newCurrency) .catch(function (err) { if (currencyCode !== 'USD' && === 'invalid-currency') { setCurrencyCode('USD') } else { throw err } }) .done(() => { setRecurlyLoading(false) }) }, [currencyCode] ) const value = useMemo( () => ({ currencyCode, setCurrencyCode, currencySymbol, limitedCurrencies, pricingFormState, setPricingFormState, plan, planCode, planName, pricing, recurlyLoading, recurlyLoadError, recurlyPrice, monthlyBilling, taxes, coupon, couponError, trialLength, addCoupon, applyVatNumber, changeCurrency, updateCountry, }), [ currencyCode, setCurrencyCode, currencySymbol, limitedCurrencies, pricingFormState, setPricingFormState, plan, planCode, planName, pricing, recurlyLoading, recurlyLoadError, recurlyPrice, monthlyBilling, taxes, coupon, couponError, trialLength, addCoupon, applyVatNumber, changeCurrency, updateCountry, ] ) return { value } } const PaymentContext = createContext(undefined) type PaymentProviderProps = { publicKey: string children: React.ReactNode } export function PaymentProvider({ publicKey, ...props }: PaymentProviderProps) { const { value } = usePayment({ publicKey }) return } export function usePaymentContext() { const context = useContext(PaymentContext) if (!context) { throw new Error('PaymentContext is only available inside PaymentProvider') } return context }