namespace 'run' do desc "compiles and runs the spelling-sharelatex server" task :app => ["compile:app"] do sh %{node app.js | bunyan} end end namespace 'compile' do desc "compiles application files" task :app do FileUtils.rm_rf "app/js" sh %{coffee -c -o app/js/ app/coffee/} do |ok, res| if ! ok raise "error compiling app folder tests : #{res}" end puts 'finished app/coffee compile' end sh %{coffee -c} do |ok, res| if ! ok raise "error compiling root app file: #{res}" end puts 'finished compile' end end desc "compiles unit tests" task :unit_tests => ["compile:app"] do FileUtils.rm_rf "test/UnitTests/js" puts "Compiling Unit Tests to JS" sh %{coffee -c -o test/UnitTests/js/ test/UnitTests/coffee/} do |ok, res| if ! ok raise "error compiling tests : #{res}" end puts 'finished unit tests compile' end end end namespace 'test' do desc "Run Unit Tests" task :unit => ["compile:unit_tests"]do puts "Running Unit Tests" sh %{mocha -R spec test/UnitTests/js/*} do |ok, res| if ! ok raise "error running unit tests : #{res}" end end end end