require "benchmark" require "redis" N = (ARGV.first || 1).to_i DOC_ID = (ARGV.last || "606072b20bb4d3109fb5b122") @r = def get @r.get("doclines:{#{DOC_ID}}") @r.get("DocVersion:{#{DOC_ID}}") @r.get("DocHash:{#{DOC_ID}}") @r.get("ProjectId:{#{DOC_ID}}") @r.get("Ranges:{#{DOC_ID}}") @r.get("Pathname:{#{DOC_ID}}") @r.get("ProjectHistoryId:{#{DOC_ID}}") @r.get("UnflushedTime:{#{DOC_ID}}") @r.get("lastUpdatedAt:{#{DOC_ID}}") @r.get("lastUpdatedBy:{#{DOC_ID}}") end def mget @r.mget( "doclines:{#{DOC_ID}}", "DocVersion:{#{DOC_ID}}", "DocHash:{#{DOC_ID}}", "ProjectId:{#{DOC_ID}}", "Ranges:{#{DOC_ID}}", "Pathname:{#{DOC_ID}}", "ProjectHistoryId:{#{DOC_ID}}", "UnflushedTime:{#{DOC_ID}}", "lastUpdatedAt:{#{DOC_ID}}", "lastUpdatedBy:{#{DOC_ID}}", ) end def set @r.set("doclines:{#{DOC_ID}}", "[\"@book{adams1995hitchhiker,\",\" title={The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy},\",\" author={Adams, D.},\",\" isbn={9781417642595},\",\" url={},\",\" year={1995},\",\" publisher={San Val}\",\"}\",\"\"]") @r.set("DocVersion:{#{DOC_ID}}", "0") @r.set("DocHash:{#{DOC_ID}}", "0075bb0629c6c13d0d68918443648bbfe7d98869") @r.set("ProjectId:{#{DOC_ID}}", "606072b20bb4d3109fb5b11e") @r.set("Ranges:{#{DOC_ID}}", "") @r.set("Pathname:{#{DOC_ID}}", "/references.bib") @r.set("ProjectHistoryId:{#{DOC_ID}}", "") @r.set("UnflushedTime:{#{DOC_ID}}", "") @r.set("lastUpdatedAt:{#{DOC_ID}}", "") @r.set("lastUpdatedBy:{#{DOC_ID}}", "") end def mset @r.mset( "doclines:{#{DOC_ID}}", "[\"@book{adams1995hitchhiker,\",\" title={The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy},\",\" author={Adams, D.},\",\" isbn={9781417642595},\",\" url={},\",\" year={1995},\",\" publisher={San Val}\",\"}\",\"\"]", "DocVersion:{#{DOC_ID}}", "0", "DocHash:{#{DOC_ID}}", "0075bb0629c6c13d0d68918443648bbfe7d98869", "ProjectId:{#{DOC_ID}}", "606072b20bb4d3109fb5b11e", "Ranges:{#{DOC_ID}}", "", "Pathname:{#{DOC_ID}}", "/references.bib", "ProjectHistoryId:{#{DOC_ID}}", "", "UnflushedTime:{#{DOC_ID}}", "", "lastUpdatedAt:{#{DOC_ID}}", "", "lastUpdatedBy:{#{DOC_ID}}", "", ) end def benchmark_multi_get(benchmark, i)"#{i}: multi get") do N.times do @r.multi do get end end end end def benchmark_mget(benchmark, i)"#{i}: mget") do N.times do mget end end end def benchmark_multi_set(benchmark, i)"#{i}: multi set") do N.times do @r.multi do set end end end end def benchmark_mset(benchmark, i)"#{i}: mset") do N.times do mset end end end # init set Benchmark.bmbm do |benchmark| 3.times do |i| benchmark_multi_get(benchmark, i) benchmark_mget(benchmark, i) benchmark_multi_set(benchmark, i) benchmark_mset(benchmark, i) end end =begin # Results I could not max out the redis-server process with this benchmark. The ruby process hit 100% of a modern i7 CPU thread and the redis-server process barely hit 50% of a CPU thread. Based on the timings below, mget is about 3 times faster and mset about 4 times faster than multiple get/set commands in a multi. =end =begin $ redis-server --version Redis server v=5.0.7 sha=00000000:0 malloc=jemalloc-5.2.1 bits=64 build=636cde3b5c7a3923 $ ruby multi_vs_mget_mset.rb 100000 Rehearsal ------------------------------------------------ 0: multi get 12.132423 4.246689 16.379112 ( 16.420069) 0: mget 4.499457 0.947556 5.447013 ( 6.274883) 0: multi set 12.685936 4.495241 17.181177 ( 17.225984) 0: mset 2.543401 0.913448 3.456849 ( 4.554799) 1: multi get 13.397207 4.581881 17.979088 ( 18.027755) 1: mget 4.551287 1.160531 5.711818 ( 6.579168) 1: multi set 13.018957 4.927175 17.946132 ( 17.987502) 1: mset 2.561096 1.048416 3.609512 ( 4.780087) 2: multi get 13.224422 5.014475 18.238897 ( 18.284152) 2: mget 4.664434 1.051083 5.715517 ( 6.592088) 2: multi set 12.972284 4.600422 17.572706 ( 17.613185) 2: mset 2.621344 0.984123 3.605467 ( 4.766855) ------------------------------------- total: 132.843288sec user system total real 0: multi get 13.341552 4.900892 18.242444 ( 18.289912) 0: mget 5.056534 0.960954 6.017488 ( 6.971189) 0: multi set 12.989880 4.823793 17.813673 ( 17.858393) 0: mset 2.543434 1.025352 3.568786 ( 4.723040) 1: multi get 13.059379 4.674345 17.733724 ( 17.777859) 1: mget 4.698754 0.915637 5.614391 ( 6.489614) 1: multi set 12.608293 4.729163 17.337456 ( 17.372993) 1: mset 2.645290 0.940584 3.585874 ( 4.744134) 2: multi get 13.678224 4.732373 18.410597 ( 18.457525) 2: mget 4.716749 1.072064 5.788813 ( 6.697683) 2: multi set 13.058710 4.889801 17.948511 ( 17.988742) 2: mset 2.311854 0.989166 3.301020 ( 4.346467) =end =begin # multi get/set run at about O(65'000) operations per second $ redis-cli info | grep 'instantaneous_ops_per_sec' instantaneous_ops_per_sec:65557 # mget runs at about O(15'000) operations per second $ redis-cli info | grep 'instantaneous_ops_per_sec' instantaneous_ops_per_sec:14580 # mset runs at about O(20'000) operations per second $ redis-cli info | grep 'instantaneous_ops_per_sec' instantaneous_ops_per_sec:20792 These numbers are pretty reasonable: multi: 100'000 * 12 ops / 18s = 66'666 ops/s mget : 100'000 * 1 ops / 7s = 14'285 ops/s mset : 100'000 * 1 ops / 5s = 20'000 ops/s Bonus: Running three benchmarks in parallel on different keys. multi get: O(125'000) ops/s and 80% CPU load of redis-server multi set: O(130'000) ops/s and 90% CPU load of redis-server mget : O( 30'000) ops/s and 70% CPU load of redis-server mset : O( 40'000) ops/s and 90% CPU load of redis-server =end