app = angular.module 'ErrorCatcher', [] app.config ['$provide', ($provide) -> $provide.decorator '$exceptionHandler', ['$log', '$delegate', ($log, $delegate) -> return (exception, cause) -> if (Raven?.captureException?) Raven.captureException exception; $delegate(exception, cause) ] ] # Interceptor to check auth failures in all $http requests # app.factory 'unAuthHttpResponseInterceptor', ['$q','$location', ($q, $location) -> responseError: (response) -> # redirect any unauthorised or forbidden responses back to /login # # set disableAutoLoginRedirect:true in the http request config # to disable this behaviour if response.status in [401, 403] and not response.config?.disableAutoLoginRedirect # for /project urls set the ?redir parameter to come back here # otherwise just go to the login page if window.location.pathname.match(/^\/project/) window.location = "/login?redir=#{encodeURI(window.location.pathname)}" else window.location = "/login" # pass the response back to the original requester return $q.reject(response) ] app.config ['$httpProvider', ($httpProvider) -> $httpProvider.interceptors.push 'unAuthHttpResponseInterceptor' ]