should = require('chai').should() SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') assert = require('assert') path = require('path') sinon = require('sinon') modulePath = path.join __dirname, "../../../../app/js/Features/Email/EmailBuilder" expect = require("chai").expect _ = require('underscore') _.templateSettings = interpolate: /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g describe "EmailBuilder", -> beforeEach -> @settings = appName: "testApp" brandPrefix: '' @EmailBuilder = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "settings-sharelatex":@settings "logger-sharelatex": log:-> describe "projectInvite", -> beforeEach -> @opts = to:"" first_name:"bob" owner: email:"" inviteUrl: "" project: url:"" name:"standard project" describe "when sending a normal email", -> beforeEach -> @email = @EmailBuilder.buildEmail("projectInvite", @opts) it 'should have html and text properties', -> expect(@email.html?).to.equal true expect(@email.text?).to.equal true it "should not have undefined in it", -> @email.html.indexOf("undefined").should.equal -1 @email.subject.indexOf("undefined").should.equal -1 describe "when someone is up to no good", -> beforeEach -> = "" @email = @EmailBuilder.buildEmail("projectInvite", @opts) it 'should not contain unescaped html in the html part', -> expect(@email.html).to.contain "New Project" it "should not have undefined in it", -> @email.html.indexOf("undefined").should.equal -1 @email.subject.indexOf("undefined").should.equal -1 describe "SpamSafe", -> beforeEach -> @opts = to:"" first_name:"bob" owner: email:"" inviteUrl: "" project: url:"" name:"come buy my product at" @email = @EmailBuilder.buildEmail("projectInvite", @opts) it "should replace spammy project name", -> @email.html.indexOf("a new project").should.not.equal -1 @email.subject.indexOf("New Project").should.not.equal -1