sinon = require('sinon') chai = require('chai') should = chai.should() expect = chai.expect modulePath = "../../../../app/js/Features/Authorization/AuthorizationManager.js" SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') Errors = require "../../../../app/js/Features/Errors/Errors.js" describe "AuthorizationManager", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager = SandboxedModule.require modulePath, requires: "../Collaborators/CollaboratorsHandler": @CollaboratorsHandler = {} "../../models/Project": Project: @Project = {} "../../models/User": User: @User = {} "../Errors/Errors": Errors @user_id = "user-id-1" @project_id = "project-id-1" @callback = sinon.stub() describe "getPrivilegeLevelForProject", -> beforeEach -> @Project.findOne = sinon.stub() @CollaboratorsHandler.getMemberIdPrivilegeLevel = sinon.stub() describe "with a private project", -> beforeEach -> @Project.findOne .withArgs({ _id: @project_id }, { publicAccesLevel: 1 }) .yields(null, { publicAccesLevel: "private" }) describe "with a user_id with a privilege level", -> beforeEach -> @CollaboratorsHandler.getMemberIdPrivilegeLevel .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, "readOnly") @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject @user_id, @project_id, @callback it "should return the user's privilege level", -> @callback.calledWith(null, "readOnly", false).should.equal true describe "with a user_id with no privilege level", -> beforeEach -> @CollaboratorsHandler.getMemberIdPrivilegeLevel .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, false) @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject @user_id, @project_id, @callback it "should return false", -> @callback.calledWith(null, false, false).should.equal true describe "with no user (anonymous)", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject null, @project_id, @callback it "should not call CollaboratorsHandler.getMemberIdPrivilegeLevel", -> @CollaboratorsHandler.getMemberIdPrivilegeLevel.called.should.equal false it "should return false", -> @callback.calledWith(null, false, false).should.equal true describe "with a public project", -> beforeEach -> @Project.findOne .withArgs({ _id: @project_id }, { publicAccesLevel: 1 }) .yields(null, { publicAccesLevel: "readAndWrite" }) describe "with a user_id with a privilege level", -> beforeEach -> @CollaboratorsHandler.getMemberIdPrivilegeLevel .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, "readOnly") @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject @user_id, @project_id, @callback it "should return the user's privilege level", -> @callback.calledWith(null, "readOnly", false).should.equal true describe "with a user_id with no privilege level", -> beforeEach -> @CollaboratorsHandler.getMemberIdPrivilegeLevel .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, false) @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject @user_id, @project_id, @callback it "should return the public privilege level", -> @callback.calledWith(null, "readAndWrite", true).should.equal true describe "with no user (anonymous)", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject null, @project_id, @callback it "should not call CollaboratorsHandler.getMemberIdPrivilegeLevel", -> @CollaboratorsHandler.getMemberIdPrivilegeLevel.called.should.equal false it "should return the public privilege level", -> @callback.calledWith(null, "readAndWrite", true).should.equal true describe "when the project doesn't exist", -> beforeEach -> @Project.findOne .withArgs({ _id: @project_id }, { publicAccesLevel: 1 }) .yields(null, null) it "should return a NotFoundError", -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject @user_id, @project_id, (error) -> Errors.NotFoundError describe "canUserReadProject", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject = sinon.stub() describe "when user is owner", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, "owner", false) it "should return true", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserReadProject @user_id, @project_id, (error, canRead) -> expect(canRead).to.equal true done() describe "when user has read-write access", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, "readAndWrite", false) it "should return true", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserReadProject @user_id, @project_id, (error, canRead) -> expect(canRead).to.equal true done() describe "when user has read-only access", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, "readOnly", false) it "should return true", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserReadProject @user_id, @project_id, (error, canRead) -> expect(canRead).to.equal true done() describe "when user has no access", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, false, false) it "should return false", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserReadProject @user_id, @project_id, (error, canRead) -> expect(canRead).to.equal false done() describe "canUserWriteProjectContent", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject = sinon.stub() describe "when user is owner", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, "owner", false) it "should return true", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserWriteProjectContent @user_id, @project_id, (error, canWrite) -> expect(canWrite).to.equal true done() describe "when user has read-write access", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, "readAndWrite", false) it "should return true", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserWriteProjectContent @user_id, @project_id, (error, canWrite) -> expect(canWrite).to.equal true done() describe "when user has read-only access", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, "readOnly", false) it "should return false", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserWriteProjectContent @user_id, @project_id, (error, canWrite) -> expect(canWrite).to.equal false done() describe "when user has no access", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, false, false) it "should return false", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserWriteProjectContent @user_id, @project_id, (error, canWrite) -> expect(canWrite).to.equal false done() describe "canUserWriteProjectSettings", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject = sinon.stub() describe "when user is owner", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, "owner", false) it "should return true", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserWriteProjectSettings @user_id, @project_id, (error, canWrite) -> expect(canWrite).to.equal true done() describe "when user has read-write access as a collaborator", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, "readAndWrite", false) it "should return true", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserWriteProjectSettings @user_id, @project_id, (error, canWrite) -> expect(canWrite).to.equal true done() describe "when user has read-write access as the public", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, "readAndWrite", true) it "should return false", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserWriteProjectSettings @user_id, @project_id, (error, canWrite) -> expect(canWrite).to.equal false done() describe "when user has read-only access", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, "readOnly", false) it "should return false", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserWriteProjectSettings @user_id, @project_id, (error, canWrite) -> expect(canWrite).to.equal false done() describe "when user has no access", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, false, false) it "should return false", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserWriteProjectSettings @user_id, @project_id, (error, canWrite) -> expect(canWrite).to.equal false done() describe "canUserAdminProject", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject = sinon.stub() describe "when user is owner", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, "owner", false) it "should return true", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserAdminProject @user_id, @project_id, (error, canAdmin) -> expect(canAdmin).to.equal true done() describe "when user has read-write access", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, "readAndWrite", false) it "should return false", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserAdminProject @user_id, @project_id, (error, canAdmin) -> expect(canAdmin).to.equal false done() describe "when user has read-only access", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, "readOnly", false) it "should return false", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserAdminProject @user_id, @project_id, (error, canAdmin) -> expect(canAdmin).to.equal false done() describe "when user has no access", -> beforeEach -> @AuthorizationManager.getPrivilegeLevelForProject .withArgs(@user_id, @project_id) .yields(null, false, false) it "should return false", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.canUserAdminProject @user_id, @project_id, (error, canAdmin) -> expect(canAdmin).to.equal false done() describe "isUserSiteAdmin", -> beforeEach -> @User.findOne = sinon.stub() describe "when user is admin", -> beforeEach -> @User.findOne .withArgs({ _id: @user_id }, { isAdmin: 1 }) .yields(null, { isAdmin: true }) it "should return true", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.isUserSiteAdmin @user_id, (error, isAdmin) -> expect(isAdmin).to.equal true done() describe "when user is not admin", -> beforeEach -> @User.findOne .withArgs({ _id: @user_id }, { isAdmin: 1 }) .yields(null, { isAdmin: false }) it "should return false", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.isUserSiteAdmin @user_id, (error, isAdmin) -> expect(isAdmin).to.equal false done() describe "when user is not found", -> beforeEach -> @User.findOne .withArgs({ _id: @user_id }, { isAdmin: 1 }) .yields(null, null) it "should return false", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.isUserSiteAdmin @user_id, (error, isAdmin) -> expect(isAdmin).to.equal false done() describe "when no user is passed", -> it "should return false", (done) -> @AuthorizationManager.isUserSiteAdmin null, (error, isAdmin) => @User.findOne.called.should.equal false expect(isAdmin).to.equal false done()