async = require "async" fs = require "fs" fse = require "fs-extra" Path = require "path" logger = require "logger-sharelatex" _ = require "underscore" OutputFileOptimiser = require "./OutputFileOptimiser" module.exports = OutputCacheManager = CACHE_DIR: '.cache/clsi' saveOutputFiles: (outputFiles, target, callback) -> # make a target/build_id directory and # copy all the output files into it # # TODO: use Path module buildId = 'build-' + relDir = OutputCacheManager.CACHE_DIR + '/' + buildId newDir = target + '/' + relDir OutputCacheManager.expireOutputFiles target fse.ensureDir newDir, (err) -> if err? callback(err, outputFiles) else async.mapSeries outputFiles, (file, cb) -> newFile = _.clone(file) newFile.path = relDir + '/' + file.path src = target + '/' + file.path dst = target + '/' + newFile.path #console.log 'src', src, 'dst', dst fs.stat src, (err, stats) -> if err? cb(err) else if stats.isFile() #console.log 'isFile: copying' fse.copy src, dst, (err) -> OutputFileOptimiser.optimiseFile src, dst, (err, result) -> cb(err, newFile) else # other filetype - shouldn't happen cb(new Error("output file is not a file"), file) , (err, results) -> if err? callback err, outputFiles else callback(err, results) expireOutputFiles: (target, callback) -> # look in target for build dirs and delete if > N or age of mod time > T cacheDir = target + '/' + OutputCacheManager.CACHE_DIR fs.readdir cacheDir, (err, results) -> console.log 'CACHEDIR', results callback(err) if callback?