import { FC, memo, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState, } from 'react' import { ReviewPanelAddComment } from './review-panel-add-comment' import { ReviewPanelChange } from './review-panel-change' import { ReviewPanelComment } from './review-panel-comment' import { Change, CommentOperation, DeleteOperation, EditOperation, } from '../../../../../types/change' import { editorVerticalTopPadding } from '@/features/source-editor/extensions/vertical-overflow' import { useCodeMirrorStateContext, useCodeMirrorViewContext, } from '@/features/source-editor/components/codemirror-editor' import { useRangesContext } from '../context/ranges-context' import { useThreadsContext } from '../context/threads-context' import { isDeleteChange, isInsertChange } from '@/utils/operations' import Icon from '@/shared/components/icon' import { positionItems } from '../utils/position-items' import { canAggregate } from '../utils/can-aggregate' import { isInViewport } from '../utils/is-in-viewport' import ReviewPanelEmptyState from './review-panel-empty-state' import useEventListener from '@/shared/hooks/use-event-listener' type Positions = Map type Aggregates = Map> type RangesWithPositions = { changes: Change[] comments: Change[] positions: Positions aggregates: Aggregates } const ReviewPanelCurrentFile: FC = () => { const view = useCodeMirrorViewContext() const ranges = useRangesContext() const threads = useThreadsContext() const state = useCodeMirrorStateContext() const [rangesWithPositions, setRangesWithPositions] = useState() const contentRect = view.contentDOM.getBoundingClientRect() const editorPaddingTop = editorVerticalTopPadding(view) const topDiff = - editorPaddingTop const docLength = state.doc.length const screenPosition = useCallback( (change: Change): number | undefined => { const pos = Math.min(change.op.p, docLength) const coords = view.coordsAtPos(pos) return coords ? Math.round( - topDiff) : undefined }, [docLength, topDiff, view] ) const selectionCoords = useMemo( () => state.selection.main.empty ? null : view.coordsAtPos(state.selection.main.head), [view, state] ) const containerRef = useRef(null) const previousFocusedItem = useRef(0) const updatePositions = useCallback(() => { if (containerRef.current) { const extents = positionItems( containerRef.current, previousFocusedItem.current ) if (extents) { previousFocusedItem.current = extents.focusedItemIndex } } }, []) useEffect(() => { const timer = window.setTimeout(() => { updatePositions() }, 50) return () => { window.clearTimeout(timer) } }, [state, updatePositions]) const handleContainer = useCallback( (element: HTMLDivElement | null) => { containerRef.current = element if (containerRef.current) { containerRef.current.addEventListener( 'review-panel:position', updatePositions ) } }, [updatePositions] ) useEffect(() => { return () => { if (containerRef.current) { containerRef.current.removeEventListener( 'review-panel:position', updatePositions ) } } }, [updatePositions]) const buildEntries = useCallback(() => { if (ranges) { view.requestMeasure({ key: 'review-panel-position', read(view): RangesWithPositions { const isVisible = isInViewport(view) const output: RangesWithPositions = { positions: new Map(), aggregates: new Map(), changes: [], comments: [], } let precedingChange: Change | null = null for (const change of ranges.changes) { if (isVisible(change)) { if ( precedingChange && isInsertChange(precedingChange) && isDeleteChange(change) && canAggregate(change, precedingChange) ) { output.aggregates.set(, change) } else { output.changes.push(change) const position = screenPosition(change) if (position) { output.positions.set(, position) } } } precedingChange = change } if (threads) { for (const comment of ranges.comments) { if (isVisible(comment)) { output.comments.push(comment) if (!threads[comment.op.t]?.resolved) { const position = screenPosition(comment) if (position) { output.positions.set(, position) } } } } } return output }, write(positionedRanges) { setRangesWithPositions(positionedRanges) window.setTimeout(() => { containerRef.current?.dispatchEvent( new Event('review-panel:position') ) }) }, }) } }, [screenPosition, threads, view, ranges]) useEffect(() => { buildEntries() }, [buildEntries]) useEventListener('editor:viewport-changed', buildEntries) if (!rangesWithPositions) { return null } const showEmptyState = threads && rangesWithPositions.changes.length === 0 && rangesWithPositions.comments.length === 0 return (
{selectionCoords && (
)} {showEmptyState && } { => ( ))} { => ( ))}
) } export default memo(ReviewPanelCurrentFile)