const { db, waitForDb } = require('../../app/src/infrastructure/mongodb') const minimist = require('minimist') const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)) const commit = argv.commit !== undefined if (!commit) { console.log('DOING DRY RUN. TO SAVE CHANGES PASS --commit') } async function getDupes(commit) { await waitForDb() const entries = await db.splittests.aggregate([ { $match: { archived: { $eq: true }, }, }, { $unwind: '$versions' }, { $group: { // Group by fields to match on (a,b) _id: { _id: '$_id', name: '$name', creationDate: '$version.creationDate', }, // Count number of matching docs for the group count: { $sum: 1 }, // Save the _id for matching docs docs: { $push: '$_id' }, }, }, // Limit results to duplicates (more than 1 match) { $match: { count: { $gt: 1 }, }, }, ]) let entry const removed = [] while ((entry = await { const name = const test = await db.splittests.findOne({ name }) if (hasArchiveDupe(test.versions)) { removed.push( removeLastVersion(test, commit) } } const message = commit ? `removed dupes from ${removed.length} feature flags` : `planning to remove dupes from ${removed.length} feature flags`, removed) console.log('DONE') process.exit() } function hasArchiveDupe(versions) { const last = versions.length - 1 // guard in case we somehow get smthn with only one version here flagged as having a dupe if (last < 2) return false // need to string compare dates, as otherwise will compare the isoDate objects (diff objs so not equal) return ( versions[last].createdAt.toString() === versions[last - 1].createdAt.toString() ) } function removeLastVersion(test, commit) { const name = const numVersions = test.versions.length if (name && numVersions > 1) { const lastVersion = test.versions[numVersions - 1].versionNumber console.log(`removing test ${} version ${lastVersion}`) if (commit) { db.splittests.updateOne( { name }, { $pull: { versions: { versionNumber: lastVersion } } } ) } } } getDupes(commit)