const chai = require('chai') const { expect } = chai const fs = require('fs') const Settings = require('settings-sharelatex') const Path = require('path') const FilestoreApp = require('./FilestoreApp') const rp = require('request-promise-native').defaults({ resolveWithFullResponse: true }) const S3 = require('aws-sdk/clients/s3') const Stream = require('stream') const request = require('request') const { promisify } = require('util') const streamifier = require('streamifier') chai.use(require('chai-as-promised')) const fsWriteFile = promisify(fs.writeFile) const fsStat = promisify(fs.stat) const pipeline = promisify(Stream.pipeline) async function getMetric(filestoreUrl, metric) { const res = await rp.get(`${filestoreUrl}/metrics`) expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(200) const metricRegex = new RegExp(`^${metric}{[^}]+} ([0-9]+)$`, 'm') const found = metricRegex.exec(res.body) return parseInt(found ? found[1] : 0) || 0 } if (!process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) { throw new Error('please provide credentials for the AWS S3 test server') } function streamToString(stream) { const chunks = [] return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { stream.on('data', chunk => chunks.push(chunk)) stream.on('error', reject) stream.on('end', () => resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks).toString('utf8'))) stream.resume() }) } // store settings for multiple backends, so that we can test each one. // fs will always be available - add others if they are configured const BackendSettings = { FSPersistor: { backend: 'fs', stores: { user_files: Path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../user_files'), public_files: Path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../public_files'), template_files: Path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../template_files') } }, S3Persistor: { backend: 's3', s3: { key: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, secret: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, endpoint: process.env.AWS_S3_ENDPOINT, pathStyle: true, partSize: 100 * 1024 * 1024 }, stores: { user_files: process.env.AWS_S3_USER_FILES_BUCKET_NAME, template_files: process.env.AWS_S3_TEMPLATE_FILES_BUCKET_NAME, public_files: process.env.AWS_S3_PUBLIC_FILES_BUCKET_NAME } }, FallbackS3ToFSPersistor: { backend: 's3', s3: { key: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, secret: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, endpoint: process.env.AWS_S3_ENDPOINT, pathStyle: true, partSize: 100 * 1024 * 1024 }, stores: { user_files: process.env.AWS_S3_USER_FILES_BUCKET_NAME, template_files: process.env.AWS_S3_TEMPLATE_FILES_BUCKET_NAME, public_files: process.env.AWS_S3_PUBLIC_FILES_BUCKET_NAME }, fallback: { backend: 'fs', buckets: { [process.env.AWS_S3_USER_FILES_BUCKET_NAME]: Path.resolve( __dirname, '../../../user_files' ), [process.env.AWS_S3_PUBLIC_FILES_BUCKET_NAME]: Path.resolve( __dirname, '../../../public_files' ), [process.env.AWS_S3_TEMPLATE_FILES_BUCKET_NAME]: Path.resolve( __dirname, '../../../template_files' ) } } }, FallbackFSToS3Persistor: { backend: 'fs', s3: { key: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, secret: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, endpoint: process.env.AWS_S3_ENDPOINT, pathStyle: true, partSize: 100 * 1024 * 1024 }, stores: { user_files: Path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../user_files'), public_files: Path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../public_files'), template_files: Path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../template_files') }, fallback: { backend: 's3', buckets: { [Path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../user_files')]: process.env .AWS_S3_USER_FILES_BUCKET_NAME, [Path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../public_files')]: process.env .AWS_S3_PUBLIC_FILES_BUCKET_NAME, [Path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../template_files')]: process.env .AWS_S3_TEMPLATE_FILES_BUCKET_NAME } } } } describe('Filestore', function() { this.timeout(1000 * 10) const filestoreUrl = `http://localhost:${Settings.internal.filestore.port}` const directoryName = 'directory' // redefine the test suite for every available backend Object.keys(BackendSettings).forEach(backend => { describe(backend, function() { let app, previousEgress, previousIngress, projectId before(async function() { // create the app with the relevant filestore settings Settings.filestore = BackendSettings[backend] app = new FilestoreApp() await app.runServer() }) after(async function() { return app.stop() }) beforeEach(async function() { if (Settings.filestore.backend === 's3') { previousEgress = await getMetric(filestoreUrl, 's3_egress') } projectId = `acceptance_tests_${Math.random()}` }) it('should send a 200 for the status endpoint', async function() { const response = await rp(`${filestoreUrl}/status`) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) expect(response.body).to.contain('filestore') expect(response.body).to.contain('up') }) it('should send a 200 for the health-check endpoint', async function() { const response = await rp(`${filestoreUrl}/health_check`) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) expect(response.body).to.equal('OK') }) describe('with a file on the server', function() { let fileId, fileUrl, constantFileContent const localFileReadPath = '/tmp/filestore_acceptance_tests_file_read.txt' beforeEach(async function() { fileId = Math.random() fileUrl = `${filestoreUrl}/project/${projectId}/file/${directoryName}%2F${fileId}` constantFileContent = [ 'hello world', `line 2 goes here ${Math.random()}`, 'there are 3 lines in all' ].join('\n') await fsWriteFile(localFileReadPath, constantFileContent) const writeStream = const readStream = fs.createReadStream(localFileReadPath) // hack to consume the result to ensure the http request has been fully processed const resultStream = fs.createWriteStream('/dev/null') await pipeline(readStream, writeStream, resultStream) }) beforeEach(async function retrievePreviousIngressMetrics() { // The upload request can bump the ingress metric. // The content hash validation might require a full download // in case the ETag field of the upload response is not a md5 sum. if (Settings.filestore.backend === 's3') { previousIngress = await getMetric(filestoreUrl, 's3_ingress') } }) it('should return 404 for a non-existant id', async function() { const options = { uri: fileUrl + '___this_is_clearly_wrong___' } await expect( rp.get(options) )'statusCode', 404) }) it('should return the file size on a HEAD request', async function() { const expectedLength = Buffer.byteLength(constantFileContent) const res = await rp.head(fileUrl) expect(res.statusCode).to.equal(200) expect(res.headers['content-length']).to.equal( expectedLength.toString() ) }) it('should be able get the file back', async function() { const res = await rp.get(fileUrl) expect(res.body).to.equal(constantFileContent) }) it('should be able to get back the first 9 bytes of the file', async function() { const options = { uri: fileUrl, headers: { Range: 'bytes=0-8' } } const res = await rp.get(options) expect(res.body).to.equal('hello wor') }) it('should be able to get back bytes 4 through 10 of the file', async function() { const options = { uri: fileUrl, headers: { Range: 'bytes=4-10' } } const res = await rp.get(options) expect(res.body).to.equal('o world') }) it('should be able to delete the file', async function() { const response = await rp.del(fileUrl) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(204) await expect( rp.get(fileUrl) )'statusCode', 404) }) it('should be able to copy files', async function() { const newProjectID = `acceptance_tests_copied_project_${Math.random()}` const newFileId = Math.random() const newFileUrl = `${filestoreUrl}/project/${newProjectID}/file/${directoryName}%2F${newFileId}` const opts = { method: 'put', uri: newFileUrl, json: { source: { project_id: projectId, file_id: `${directoryName}/${fileId}` } } } let response = await rp(opts) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) response = await rp.del(fileUrl) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(204) response = await rp.get(newFileUrl) expect(response.body).to.equal(constantFileContent) }) it('should be able to overwrite the file', async function() { const newContent = `here is some different content, ${Math.random()}` const writeStream = const readStream = streamifier.createReadStream(newContent) // hack to consume the result to ensure the http request has been fully processed const resultStream = fs.createWriteStream('/dev/null') await pipeline(readStream, writeStream, resultStream) const response = await rp.get(fileUrl) expect(response.body).to.equal(newContent) }) if (backend === 'S3Persistor') { it('should record an egress metric for the upload', async function() { const metric = await getMetric(filestoreUrl, 's3_egress') expect(metric - previousEgress).to.equal(constantFileContent.length) }) it('should record an ingress metric when downloading the file', async function() { await rp.get(fileUrl) const metric = await getMetric(filestoreUrl, 's3_ingress') expect(metric - previousIngress).to.equal( constantFileContent.length ) }) it('should record an ingress metric for a partial download', async function() { const options = { uri: fileUrl, headers: { Range: 'bytes=0-8' } } await rp.get(options) const metric = await getMetric(filestoreUrl, 's3_ingress') expect(metric - previousIngress).to.equal(9) }) } }) describe('with multiple files', function() { let fileIds, fileUrls const directoryName = 'directory' const localFileReadPaths = [ '/tmp/filestore_acceptance_tests_file_read_1.txt', '/tmp/filestore_acceptance_tests_file_read_2.txt' ] const constantFileContents = [ [ 'hello world', `line 2 goes here ${Math.random()}`, 'there are 3 lines in all' ].join('\n'), [ `for reference: ${Math.random()}`, 'cats are the best animals', 'wombats are a close second' ].join('\n') ] before(async function() { return Promise.all([ fsWriteFile(localFileReadPaths[0], constantFileContents[0]), fsWriteFile(localFileReadPaths[1], constantFileContents[1]) ]) }) beforeEach(async function() { fileIds = [Math.random(), Math.random()] fileUrls = [ `${filestoreUrl}/project/${projectId}/file/${directoryName}%2F${fileIds[0]}`, `${filestoreUrl}/project/${projectId}/file/${directoryName}%2F${fileIds[1]}` ] const writeStreams = [[0]),[1]) ] const readStreams = [ fs.createReadStream(localFileReadPaths[0]), fs.createReadStream(localFileReadPaths[1]) ] // hack to consume the result to ensure the http request has been fully processed const resultStreams = [ fs.createWriteStream('/dev/null'), fs.createWriteStream('/dev/null') ] return Promise.all([ pipeline(readStreams[0], writeStreams[0], resultStreams[0]), pipeline(readStreams[1], writeStreams[1], resultStreams[1]) ]) }) it('should get the directory size', async function() { const response = await rp.get( `${filestoreUrl}/project/${projectId}/size` ) expect(parseInt(JSON.parse(response.body)['total bytes'])).to.equal( constantFileContents[0].length + constantFileContents[1].length ) }) }) describe('with a large file', function() { let fileId, fileUrl, largeFileContent, error beforeEach(async function() { fileId = Math.random() fileUrl = `${filestoreUrl}/project/${projectId}/file/${directoryName}%2F${fileId}` largeFileContent = '_wombat_'.repeat(1024 * 1024) // 8 megabytes largeFileContent += Math.random() const writeStream = const readStream = streamifier.createReadStream(largeFileContent) // hack to consume the result to ensure the http request has been fully processed const resultStream = fs.createWriteStream('/dev/null') try { await pipeline(readStream, writeStream, resultStream) } catch (err) { error = err } }) it('should be able to get the file back', async function() { const response = await rp.get(fileUrl) expect(response.body).to.equal(largeFileContent) }) it('should not throw an error', function() { expect(error) }) }) if (backend === 'S3Persistor') { describe('with a file in a specific bucket', function() { let constantFileContent, fileId, fileUrl, bucketName beforeEach(async function() { constantFileContent = `This is a file in a different S3 bucket ${Math.random()}` fileId = Math.random().toString() bucketName = Math.random().toString() fileUrl = `${filestoreUrl}/bucket/${bucketName}/key/${fileId}` const s3ClientSettings = { credentials: { accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }, endpoint: process.env.AWS_S3_ENDPOINT, sslEnabled: false, s3ForcePathStyle: true } const s3 = new S3(s3ClientSettings) await s3 .createBucket({ Bucket: bucketName }) .promise() await s3 .upload({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: fileId, Body: constantFileContent }) .promise() }) it('should get the file from the specified bucket', async function() { const response = await rp.get(fileUrl) expect(response.body).to.equal(constantFileContent) }) }) } if (BackendSettings[backend].fallback) { describe('with a fallback', function() { async function uploadStringToPersistor( persistor, bucket, key, content ) { const fileStream = streamifier.createReadStream(content) await persistor.promises.sendStream(bucket, key, fileStream) } async function getStringFromPersistor(persistor, bucket, key) { const stream = await persistor.promises.getFileStream( bucket, key, {} ) return streamToString(stream) } async function expectPersistorToHaveFile( persistor, bucket, key, content ) { const foundContent = await getStringFromPersistor( persistor, bucket, key ) expect(foundContent).to.equal(content) } async function expectPersistorNotToHaveFile(persistor, bucket, key) { await expect( getStringFromPersistor(persistor, bucket, key) ) 'name', 'NotFoundError' ) } let constantFileContent, fileId, fileKey, fileUrl, bucket, fallbackBucket beforeEach(function() { constantFileContent = `This is yet more file content ${Math.random()}` fileId = Math.random().toString() fileKey = `${projectId}/${directoryName}/${fileId}` fileUrl = `${filestoreUrl}/project/${projectId}/file/${directoryName}%2F${fileId}` bucket = Settings.filestore.stores.user_files fallbackBucket = Settings.filestore.fallback.buckets[bucket] }) describe('with a file in the fallback bucket', function() { beforeEach(async function() { await uploadStringToPersistor( app.persistor.fallbackPersistor, fallbackBucket, fileKey, constantFileContent ) }) it('should not find file in the primary', async function() { await expectPersistorNotToHaveFile( app.persistor.primaryPersistor, bucket, fileKey ) }) it('should find the file in the fallback', async function() { await expectPersistorToHaveFile( app.persistor.fallbackPersistor, fallbackBucket, fileKey, constantFileContent ) }) describe('when copyOnMiss is disabled', function() { beforeEach(function() { Settings.filestore.fallback.copyOnMiss = false }) it('should fetch the file', async function() { const res = await rp.get(fileUrl) expect(res.body).to.equal(constantFileContent) }) it('should not copy the file to the primary', async function() { await rp.get(fileUrl) await expectPersistorNotToHaveFile( app.persistor.primaryPersistor, bucket, fileKey ) }) }) describe('when copyOnMiss is enabled', function() { beforeEach(function() { Settings.filestore.fallback.copyOnMiss = true }) it('should fetch the file', async function() { const res = await rp.get(fileUrl) expect(res.body).to.equal(constantFileContent) }) it('copies the file to the primary', async function() { await rp.get(fileUrl) // wait for the file to copy in the background await promisify(setTimeout)(1000) await expectPersistorToHaveFile( app.persistor.primaryPersistor, bucket, fileKey, constantFileContent ) }) }) describe('when copying a file', function() { let newFileId, newFileUrl, newFileKey, opts beforeEach(function() { const newProjectID = `acceptance_tests_copied_project_${Math.random()}` newFileId = Math.random() newFileUrl = `${filestoreUrl}/project/${newProjectID}/file/${directoryName}%2F${newFileId}` newFileKey = `${newProjectID}/${directoryName}/${newFileId}` opts = { method: 'put', uri: newFileUrl, json: { source: { project_id: projectId, file_id: `${directoryName}/${fileId}` } } } }) describe('when copyOnMiss is false', function() { beforeEach(async function() { Settings.filestore.fallback.copyOnMiss = false const response = await rp(opts) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) }) it('should leave the old file in the old bucket', async function() { await expectPersistorToHaveFile( app.persistor.fallbackPersistor, fallbackBucket, fileKey, constantFileContent ) }) it('should not create a new file in the old bucket', async function() { await expectPersistorNotToHaveFile( app.persistor.fallbackPersistor, fallbackBucket, newFileKey ) }) it('should create a new file in the new bucket', async function() { await expectPersistorToHaveFile( app.persistor.primaryPersistor, bucket, newFileKey, constantFileContent ) }) it('should not copy the old file to the primary with the old key', async function() { // wait for the file to copy in the background await promisify(setTimeout)(1000) await expectPersistorNotToHaveFile( app.persistor.primaryPersistor, bucket, fileKey ) }) }) describe('when copyOnMiss is true', function() { beforeEach(async function() { Settings.filestore.fallback.copyOnMiss = true const response = await rp(opts) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) }) it('should leave the old file in the old bucket', async function() { await expectPersistorToHaveFile( app.persistor.fallbackPersistor, fallbackBucket, fileKey, constantFileContent ) }) it('should not create a new file in the old bucket', async function() { await expectPersistorNotToHaveFile( app.persistor.fallbackPersistor, fallbackBucket, newFileKey ) }) it('should create a new file in the new bucket', async function() { await expectPersistorToHaveFile( app.persistor.primaryPersistor, bucket, newFileKey, constantFileContent ) }) it('should copy the old file to the primary with the old key', async function() { // wait for the file to copy in the background await promisify(setTimeout)(1000) await expectPersistorToHaveFile( app.persistor.primaryPersistor, bucket, fileKey, constantFileContent ) }) }) }) }) describe('when sending a file', function() { beforeEach(async function() { const writeStream = const readStream = streamifier.createReadStream( constantFileContent ) // hack to consume the result to ensure the http request has been fully processed const resultStream = fs.createWriteStream('/dev/null') await pipeline(readStream, writeStream, resultStream) }) it('should store the file on the primary', async function() { await expectPersistorToHaveFile( app.persistor.primaryPersistor, bucket, fileKey, constantFileContent ) }) it('should not store the file on the fallback', async function() { await expectPersistorNotToHaveFile( app.persistor.fallbackPersistor, fallbackBucket, `${projectId}/${directoryName}/${fileId}` ) }) }) describe('when deleting a file', function() { describe('when the file exists on the primary', function() { beforeEach(async function() { await uploadStringToPersistor( app.persistor.primaryPersistor, bucket, fileKey, constantFileContent ) }) it('should delete the file', async function() { const response = await rp.del(fileUrl) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(204) await expect( rp.get(fileUrl) )'statusCode', 404) }) }) describe('when the file exists on the fallback', function() { beforeEach(async function() { await uploadStringToPersistor( app.persistor.fallbackPersistor, fallbackBucket, fileKey, constantFileContent ) }) it('should delete the file', async function() { const response = await rp.del(fileUrl) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(204) await expect( rp.get(fileUrl) )'statusCode', 404) }) }) describe('when the file exists on both the primary and the fallback', function() { beforeEach(async function() { await uploadStringToPersistor( app.persistor.primaryPersistor, bucket, fileKey, constantFileContent ) await uploadStringToPersistor( app.persistor.fallbackPersistor, fallbackBucket, fileKey, constantFileContent ) }) it('should delete the files', async function() { const response = await rp.del(fileUrl) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(204) await expect( rp.get(fileUrl) )'statusCode', 404) }) }) describe('when the file does not exist', function() { it('should return return 204', async function() { // S3 doesn't give us a 404 when the object doesn't exist, so to stay // consistent we merrily return 204 ourselves here as well const response = await rp.del(fileUrl) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(204) }) }) }) }) } describe('with a pdf file', function() { let fileId, fileUrl, localFileSize const localFileReadPath = Path.resolve( __dirname, '../../fixtures/test.pdf' ) beforeEach(async function() { fileId = Math.random() fileUrl = `${filestoreUrl}/project/${projectId}/file/${directoryName}%2F${fileId}` const stat = await fsStat(localFileReadPath) localFileSize = stat.size const writeStream = const endStream = fs.createWriteStream('/dev/null') const readStream = fs.createReadStream(localFileReadPath) await pipeline(readStream, writeStream, endStream) }) it('should be able get the file back', async function() { const response = await rp.get(fileUrl) expect(response.body.substring(0, 8)).to.equal('%PDF-1.5') }) if (backend === 'S3Persistor') { it('should record an egress metric for the upload', async function() { const metric = await getMetric(filestoreUrl, 's3_egress') expect(metric - previousEgress).to.equal(localFileSize) }) } describe('getting the preview image', function() { this.timeout(1000 * 20) let previewFileUrl beforeEach(function() { previewFileUrl = `${fileUrl}?style=preview` }) it('should not time out', async function() { const response = await rp.get(previewFileUrl) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) }) it('should respond with image data', async function() { // note: this test relies of the imagemagick conversion working const response = await rp.get(previewFileUrl) expect(response.body.length) expect(response.body.substr(1, 3)).to.equal('PNG') }) }) describe('warming the cache', function() { this.timeout(1000 * 20) let previewFileUrl beforeEach(function() { previewFileUrl = `${fileUrl}?style=preview&cacheWarm=true` }) it('should not time out', async function() { const response = await rp.get(previewFileUrl) expect(response.statusCode).to.equal(200) }) it("should respond with only an 'OK'", async function() { // note: this test relies of the imagemagick conversion working const response = await rp.get(previewFileUrl) expect(response.body).to.equal('OK') }) }) }) }) }) })