ShareLaTeX Docker Image ======================= *THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS AND THESE INSTRUCTIONS DO NOT WORK YET!* The recommended way to install and run ShareLaTeX Community Edition is via Docker: ``` $ docker run -d -v /sharelatex-data:/var/lib/sharelatex --net=host --name=sharelatex sharelatex/sharelatex ``` This will download the ShareLaTeX image and start it running in the background. **Which port does it listen on?**. ### Mongo and Redis The `--net=host` option to docker will allow the ShareLaTeX container to access ports on the local system. By default it looks for an instance of [MongoDB]( (must be version 2.4 or later) running on port 27017, and [Redis]( (must be version 2.6.12 or later) running on port 6379. These are the default ports for a standard installation of MongoDB and Redis. ### Persisting and backing up data The `-v /sharelatex-data:/var/lib/sharelatex` option in the `run` command tells Docker to mount the local directory `/sharelatex-data` in the container at `/var/lib/sharelatex`. This is where ShareLaTeX will store user uploaded files, and allows you to make external backups of these files, as well as persist them between updates to the ShareLaTeX image. ### LaTeX environment To save bandwidth, the ShareLaTeX image only comes with a minimal install of TeXLive. To upgrade to a complete TeXLive installation, run the following command: ``` $ docker exec sharelatex tlmgr install scheme-full ``` Or you can install packages manually as you need by replacing `scheme-full` by the package name ### Configuration Options You can pass configuration options to ShareLaTeX as environment variables: ``` $ docker run -d \ -v /sharelatex-data:/var/lib/sharelatex \ --net=host \ --name=sharelatex \ --env SHARELATEX_MONGO_URL=mongodb:// \ sharelatex/sharelatex ``` The available configuration parameters are: * `SHARELATEX_SITE_URL`: Where your instance of ShareLaTeX is publically available. This is used in public links, and when connecting over websockets, so much be configured correctly! * `SHARELATEX_MONGO_URL`: The URL of the Mongo database to use * `SHARELATEX_REDIS_HOST`: The host name of the Redis instance to use * `SHARELATEX_REDIS_PORT`: The port of the Redis instance to use * `SHARELATEX_REDIS_PASS`: The password to use when connecting to Redis (if applicable) * `SHARELATEX_SECURE_COOKIE`: Set this to something non-zero to use a secure cookie. This requires that your ShareLaTeX instance is running behind SSL. ### Upgrading from older versions *TODO: Just stop container, remove 'sharelatex' tag, and run with the new version.*