import { Compartment, StateEffect, StateField, TransactionSpec, } from '@codemirror/state' import { languages } from '../languages' import { ViewPlugin } from '@codemirror/view' import { indentUnit, LanguageDescription } from '@codemirror/language' import { Metadata } from '../../../../../types/metadata' import { updateHasEffect } from '../utils/effects' export const languageLoadedEffect = StateEffect.define() export const hasLanguageLoadedEffect = updateHasEffect(languageLoadedEffect) const languageConf = new Compartment() type Options = { syntaxValidation: boolean } /** * A state field that stores the metadata parsed from a project on the server. */ export const metadataState = StateField.define({ create: () => undefined, update: (value, transaction) => { for (const effect of transaction.effects) { if ( { return effect.value } } return value }, }) const languageCompartment = new Compartment() /** * The parser and support extensions for each supported language, * which are loaded dynamically as needed. */ export const language = ( docName: string, metadata: Metadata, { syntaxValidation }: Options ) => languageCompartment.of(buildExtension(docName, metadata, syntaxValidation)) const buildExtension = ( docName: string, metadata: Metadata, syntaxValidation: boolean ) => { const languageDescription = LanguageDescription.matchFilename( languages, docName ) if (!languageDescription) { return [] } return [ /** * Default to four-space indentation and set the configuration in advance, * to prevent a shift in line indentation markers when the LaTeX language loads. */ languageConf.of(indentUnit.of(' ')), metadataState, /** * A view plugin which loads the appropriate language for the current file extension, * then dispatches an effect so other extensions can update accordingly. */ ViewPlugin.define(view => { // load the language asynchronously languageDescription.load().then(support => { view.dispatch({ effects: [ languageConf.reconfigure(support), languageLoadedEffect.of(null), ], }) // Wait until the previous effects have been processed view.dispatch({ effects: [ setMetadataEffect.of(metadata), setSyntaxValidationEffect.of(syntaxValidation), ], }) }) return {} }), metadataState, ] } export const setLanguage = ( docName: string, metadata: Metadata, syntaxValidation: boolean ) => { return { effects: languageCompartment.reconfigure( buildExtension(docName, metadata, syntaxValidation) ), } } export const setMetadataEffect = StateEffect.define() export const setMetadata = (values: Metadata): TransactionSpec => { return { effects: setMetadataEffect.of(values), } } export const setSyntaxValidationEffect = StateEffect.define() export const setSyntaxValidation = (value: boolean): TransactionSpec => { return { effects: setSyntaxValidationEffect.of(value), } }