import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { expect } from 'chai' import { render } from '@testing-library/react' import useExpandCollapse from '../../../../frontend/js/shared/hooks/use-expand-collapse' const sampleContent = (

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Maecenas maximus ultrices sollicitudin.

Praesent mollis arcu eget molestie viverra.

Pellentesque eget molestie nisl, non hendrerit lectus.

) const originalScrollHeight = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( HTMLElement.prototype, 'offsetHeight' ) const originalScrollWidth = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( HTMLElement.prototype, 'offsetWidth' ) function ExpandCollapseTestUI({ expandCollapseArgs }) { const { expandableProps } = useExpandCollapse(expandCollapseArgs) return ( <>
) } ExpandCollapseTestUI.propTypes = { expandCollapseArgs: PropTypes.object, } describe('useExpandCollapse', function () { // JSDom doesn't compute layout/sizing, so we need to simulate sizing for the elements // Here we are simulating that the content is bigger than the `collapsedSize`, so // the expand-collapse widget is used beforeEach(function () { Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'scrollHeight', { configurable: true, value: 500, }) Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'scrollWidth', { configurable: true, value: 500, }) }) afterEach(function () { Object.defineProperty( HTMLElement.prototype, 'scrollHeight', originalScrollHeight ) Object.defineProperty( HTMLElement.prototype, 'scrollWidth', originalScrollWidth ) }) describe('custom CSS classes', function () { it('supports a custom CSS class', function () { const testArgs = { classes: { container: 'my-custom-class', }, } const { container } = render( ) const elWithCustomCSSClass = container.querySelector('div') expect(elWithCustomCSSClass).to.exist }) it('supports an extra custom CSS class for the collapsed state', function () { const testArgs = { classes: { containerCollapsed: 'my-custom-collapsed-class', }, } const { container } = render( ) const elWithCustomCollapsedCSSClass = container.querySelector( '.my-custom-collapsed-class' ) expect(elWithCustomCollapsedCSSClass).to.exist }) it('ignores the collapsed CSS class when expanded', function () { const testArgs = { initiallyExpanded: true, classes: { containerCollapsed: 'my-custom-collapsed-class', }, } const { container } = render( ) const elWithCustomCollapsedCSSClass = container.querySelector( '.my-custom-collapsed-class' ) expect(elWithCustomCollapsedCSSClass).to.not.exist }) }) describe('height and width support via dimension argument', function () { it('defaults to height', function () { const { container } = render() const expandCollapseEl = container.firstChild expect( expect( }) it('supports width', function () { const testArgs = { dimension: 'width', } const { container } = render( ) const expandCollapseEl = container.firstChild expect( expect( }) }) describe('collapsed size support via collapsedSize argument', function () { it('defaults to 0px', function () { const { container } = render() const expandCollapseEl = container.firstChild expect('0px') }) it('supports a custom collapsed size', function () { const testArgs = { collapsedSize: 200, } const { container } = render( ) const expandCollapseEl = container.firstChild expect('200px') }) it('supports a custom collapsed size for width', function () { const testArgs = { collapsedSize: 200, dimension: 'width', } const { container } = render( ) const expandCollapseEl = container.firstChild expect( expect('200px') }) }) })