import RedisWrapper from '@overleaf/redis-wrapper' import Settings from '@overleaf/settings' import SessionManager from '../app/src/Features/Authentication/SessionManager.js' import minimist from 'minimist' const redis = RedisWrapper.createClient(Settings.redis.websessions) const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { string: ['count'], boolean: ['dry-run', 'help'], alias: { count: 'c', 'dry-run': 'n', help: 'h', }, }) if ( { console.log( `Usage: node purge_non_logged_in_sessions.js [--count ] [--dry-run] --count the number of keys to scan on each iteration (default 1000) --dry-run to not delete any keys --help to show this help Note: use --count=10000 to delete faster (this will impact redis performance, so use with caution)` ) process.exit() } const scanCount = argv.count ? parseInt(argv.count, 10) : 1000 const dryRun = argv['dry-run'] console.log(`Scan count set to ${scanCount}`) if (dryRun) { console.log('Dry run, not deleting any keys') } // iterate over all redis keys matching sess:* and delete the ones // that are not logged in using async await and mget and mdel async function scanAndPurge() { let totalSessions = 0 let totalDeletedSessions = 0 const stream = redis.scanStream({ match: 'sess:*', count: scanCount, }) console.log('Starting scan...') for await (const resultKeys of stream) { if (resultKeys.length === 0) { continue // scan is allowed to return zero elements, the client should not consider the iteration complete } console.log(`Keys found, count: ${resultKeys.length}`) totalSessions += resultKeys.length const sessions = await redis.mget(resultKeys) const toDelete = [] for (let i = 0; i < sessions.length; i++) { const resultKey = resultKeys[i] const session = sessions[i] if (!session) { continue } try { const sessionObject = JSON.parse(session) if (!SessionManager.isUserLoggedIn(sessionObject)) { totalDeletedSessions++ toDelete.push(resultKey) } } catch (error) { console.error(`Error parsing session ${resultKeys[i]}: ${error}`) } } if (toDelete.length === 0) { continue } if (dryRun) { console.log(`Would delete ${toDelete.length} keys`) } else { await redis.del(toDelete) console.log(`Keys deleted so far: ${totalDeletedSessions}`) } } if (dryRun) { console.log( `Dry run: ${totalSessions} sessions checked, ${totalDeletedSessions} would have been deleted` ) } else { console.log( `All ${totalSessions} sessions have been checked, ${totalDeletedSessions} deleted` ) } redis.quit() } try { await scanAndPurge() } catch (error) { console.error(error) process.exit() }