settings = require 'settings-sharelatex' logger = require 'logger-sharelatex' request = require 'request' URL = require 'url' module.exports = ProxyManager = apply: (publicApiRouter) -> for proxyUrl, target of settings.proxyUrls do (target) -> method = target.options?.method || 'get' publicApiRouter[method] proxyUrl, ProxyManager.createProxy(target) createProxy: (target) -> (req, res, next) -> targetUrl = makeTargetUrl(target, req) logger.log targetUrl: targetUrl, reqUrl: req.url, "proxying url" options = url: targetUrl options.headers = { Cookie: req.headers.cookie } if req.headers?.cookie Object.assign(options, target.options) if target?.options? options.form = req.body if options.method in ['post', 'put'] upstream = request(options) upstream.on "error", (error) -> logger.error err: error, "error in ProxyManager" # TODO: better handling of status code # see upstream.pipe(res) # make a URL from a proxy target. # if the query is specified, set/replace the target's query with the given query makeTargetUrl = (target, req) -> targetUrl = URL.parse(parseSettingUrl(target, req)) if req.query? and Object.keys(req.query).length > 0 targetUrl.query = req.query = null # clear `search` as it takes precedence over `query` targetUrl.format() parseSettingUrl = (target, { params }) -> return target if typeof target is 'string' if typeof target.path is 'function' path = target.path(params) else path = target.path "#{target.baseUrl}#{path or ''}"