import GroupSettingsSSORoot from '../../../../../../modules/managed-users/frontend/js/components/sso/group-settings-sso-root' function GroupSettingsSSOComponent() { return (
) } const GROUP_ID = '123abc' describe('GroupSettingsSSO', function () { beforeEach(function () { cy.window().then(win => { win.metaAttributesCache = new Map() win.metaAttributesCache.set('ol-groupId', GROUP_ID) }) }) it('renders sso settings in group management', function () { cy.mount() cy.get('.group-settings-sso').within(() => { cy.contains('Single Sign-On (SSO)') cy.contains('Enable SSO') }) }) describe('GroupSettingsSSOEnable', function () { it('renders without sso configuration', function () { cy.mount() cy.get('.group-settings-sso-enable').within(() => { cy.contains('Enable SSO') cy.contains( 'Enabling SSO will make this the only sign-in option for members.' ) cy.get('.switch-input').within(() => { cy.get('.invisible-input').should('') cy.get('.invisible-input').should('be.disabled') }) }) }) it('renders with sso configuration', function () { cy.intercept('GET', `/manage/groups/${GROUP_ID}/settings/sso`, { statusCode: 200, body: { entryPoint: 'entrypoint', certificate: 'cert', signatureAlgorithm: 'sha1', userIdAttribute: 'email', enabled: true, }, }).as('sso') cy.mount() cy.wait('@sso') cy.get('.group-settings-sso-enable').within(() => { cy.get('.switch-input').within(() => { cy.get('.invisible-input').should('be.checked') cy.get('.invisible-input').should('') }) }) }) describe('sso enable modal', function () { beforeEach(function () { cy.intercept('GET', `/manage/groups/${GROUP_ID}/settings/sso`, { statusCode: 200, body: { entryPoint: 'entrypoint', certificate: 'cert', signatureAlgorithm: 'sha1', userIdAttribute: 'email', enabled: false, }, }).as('sso') cy.mount() cy.wait('@sso') cy.get('.group-settings-sso-enable').within(() => { cy.get('.switch-input').within(() => { cy.get('.invisible-input').click({ force: true }) }) }) }) it('render enable modal correctly', function () { // enable modal cy.get('.modal-dialog').within(() => { cy.contains('Enable single sign-on') cy.contains('What happens when SSO is enabled?') }) }) it('close enable modal if Cancel button is clicked', function () { cy.get('.modal-dialog').within(() => { cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Cancel' }).click() }) cy.get('.modal-dialog').should('not.exist') }) it('enables SSO if Enable SSO button is clicked', function () { cy.intercept('POST', `/manage/groups/${GROUP_ID}/settings/enableSSO`, { statusCode: 200, }).as('enableSSO') cy.intercept('GET', `/manage/groups/${GROUP_ID}/settings/sso`, { statusCode: 200, body: { entryPoint: 'entrypoint', certificate: 'cert', signatureAlgorithm: 'sha1', userIdAttribute: 'email', enabled: true, }, }).as('sso') cy.get('.modal-dialog').within(() => { cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Enable SSO' }).click() }) cy.get('.modal-dialog').should('not.exist') cy.get('.group-settings-sso-enable').within(() => { cy.get('.switch-input').within(() => { cy.get('.invisible-input').should('be.checked') cy.get('.invisible-input').should('') }) }) }) }) describe('SSO disable modal', function () { beforeEach(function () { cy.intercept('GET', `/manage/groups/${GROUP_ID}/settings/sso`, { statusCode: 200, body: { entryPoint: 'entrypoint', certificate: 'cert', signatureAlgorithm: 'sha1', userIdAttribute: 'email', enabled: true, }, }).as('sso') cy.mount() cy.wait('@sso') cy.get('.group-settings-sso-enable').within(() => { cy.get('.switch-input').within(() => { cy.get('.invisible-input').click({ force: true }) }) }) }) it('render disable modal correctly', function () { // disable modal cy.get('.modal-dialog').within(() => { cy.contains('Disable single sign-on') cy.contains( 'You’re about to disable single sign-on for all group members.' ) }) }) it('close disable modal if Cancel button is clicked', function () { cy.get('.modal-dialog').within(() => { cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Cancel' }).click() }) cy.get('.modal-dialog').should('not.exist') }) it('disables SSO if Disable SSO button is clicked', function () { cy.intercept('POST', `/manage/groups/${GROUP_ID}/settings/disableSSO`, { statusCode: 200, }).as('disableSSO') cy.intercept('GET', `/manage/groups/${GROUP_ID}/settings/sso`, { statusCode: 200, body: { entryPoint: 'entrypoint', certificate: 'cert', signatureAlgorithm: 'sha1', userIdAttribute: 'email', enabled: false, }, }).as('sso') cy.get('.modal-dialog').within(() => { cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Disable SSO' }).click() }) cy.get('.modal-dialog').should('not.exist') cy.get('.group-settings-sso-enable').within(() => { cy.get('.switch-input').within(() => { cy.get('.invisible-input').should('') }) }) }) }) }) })