/* eslint-disable node/handle-callback-err, max-len, no-dupe-keys, no-return-assign, no-unused-vars, */ // TODO: This file was created by bulk-decaffeinate. // Fix any style issues and re-enable lint. /* * decaffeinate suggestions: * DS102: Remove unnecessary code created because of implicit returns * Full docs: https://github.com/decaffeinate/decaffeinate/blob/master/docs/suggestions.md */ const SandboxedModule = require('sandboxed-module') const sinon = require('sinon') const { assert, expect } = require('chai') const modulePath = '../../../../app/src/Features/Subscription/SubscriptionGroupHandler' describe('SubscriptionGroupHandler', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.adminUser_id = '12321' this.newEmail = 'bob@smith.com' this.user_id = '3121321' this.email = 'jim@example.com' this.user = { _id: this.user_id, email: this.newEmail } this.subscription_id = '31DSd1123D' this.subscription = { admin_id: this.adminUser_id, manager_ids: [this.adminUser_id], _id: this.subscription_id } this.SubscriptionLocator = { getUsersSubscription: sinon.stub(), getSubscriptionByMemberIdAndId: sinon.stub(), getSubscription: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(1, null, this.subscription) } this.UserCreator = { getUserOrCreateHoldingAccount: sinon .stub() .callsArgWith(1, null, this.user) } this.SubscriptionUpdater = { removeUserFromGroup: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2), getSubscription: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2) } this.TeamInvitesHandler = { createInvite: sinon.stub().callsArgWith(2) } this.UserGetter = { getUser: sinon.stub(), getUserByAnyEmail: sinon.stub() } this.LimitationsManager = { hasGroupMembersLimitReached: sinon.stub() } this.OneTimeTokenHandler = { getValueFromTokenAndExpire: sinon.stub(), getNewToken: sinon.stub() } this.EmailHandler = { sendEmail: sinon.stub() } this.Subscription = { updateOne: sinon.stub().yields(), updateMany: sinon.stub().yields(), findOne: sinon.stub().yields() } this.settings = { siteUrl: 'http://www.sharelatex.com' } this.readStub = sinon.stub() this.NotificationsBuilder = { groupPlan: sinon.stub().returns({ read: this.readStub }) } this.UserMembershipViewModel = { build(email) { return { email } } } return (this.Handler = SandboxedModule.require(modulePath, { requires: { '../User/UserCreator': this.UserCreator, './SubscriptionUpdater': this.SubscriptionUpdater, './SubscriptionLocator': this.SubscriptionLocator, '../../models/Subscription': { Subscription: this.Subscription }, '../User/UserGetter': this.UserGetter, './LimitationsManager': this.LimitationsManager, '../Security/OneTimeTokenHandler': this.OneTimeTokenHandler, '../Email/EmailHandler': this.EmailHandler, 'settings-sharelatex': this.settings, '../Notifications/NotificationsBuilder': this.NotificationsBuilder, '../UserMembership/UserMembershipViewModel': this .UserMembershipViewModel } })) }) describe('removeUserFromGroup', function() { it('should call the subscription updater to remove the user', function(done) { return this.Handler.removeUserFromGroup( this.adminUser_id, this.user._id, err => { this.SubscriptionUpdater.removeUserFromGroup .calledWith(this.adminUser_id, this.user._id) .should.equal(true) return done() } ) }) }) describe('replaceUserReferencesInGroups', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { this.oldId = 'ba5eba11' this.newId = '5ca1ab1e' return this.Handler.replaceUserReferencesInGroups( this.oldId, this.newId, () => done() ) }) it('replaces the admin_id', function() { return this.Subscription.updateOne .calledWith({ admin_id: this.oldId }, { admin_id: this.newId }) .should.equal(true) }) it('replaces the manager_ids', function() { this.Subscription.updateMany .calledWith( { manager_ids: 'ba5eba11' }, { $addToSet: { manager_ids: '5ca1ab1e' } } ) .should.equal(true) return this.Subscription.updateMany .calledWith( { manager_ids: 'ba5eba11' }, { $pull: { manager_ids: 'ba5eba11' } } ) .should.equal(true) }) it('replaces the member ids', function() { this.Subscription.updateMany .calledWith( { member_ids: this.oldId }, { $addToSet: { member_ids: this.newId } } ) .should.equal(true) return this.Subscription.updateMany .calledWith( { member_ids: this.oldId }, { $pull: { member_ids: this.oldId } } ) .should.equal(true) }) }) describe('isUserPartOfGroup', function() { beforeEach(function() { return (this.subscription_id = '123ed13123') }) it('should return true when user is part of subscription', function(done) { this.SubscriptionLocator.getSubscriptionByMemberIdAndId.callsArgWith( 2, null, { _id: this.subscription_id } ) return this.Handler.isUserPartOfGroup( this.user_id, this.subscription_id, (err, partOfGroup) => { partOfGroup.should.equal(true) return done() } ) }) it('should return false when no subscription is found', function(done) { this.SubscriptionLocator.getSubscriptionByMemberIdAndId.callsArgWith( 2, null ) return this.Handler.isUserPartOfGroup( this.user_id, this.subscription_id, (err, partOfGroup) => { partOfGroup.should.equal(false) return done() } ) }) }) describe('getTotalConfirmedUsersInGroup', function() { describe('for existing subscriptions', function() { beforeEach(function() { return (this.subscription.member_ids = ['12321', '3121321']) }) it('should call the subscription locator and return 2 users', function(done) { return this.Handler.getTotalConfirmedUsersInGroup( this.subscription_id, (err, count) => { this.SubscriptionLocator.getSubscription .calledWith(this.subscription_id) .should.equal(true) count.should.equal(2) return done() } ) }) }) describe('for nonexistent subscriptions', function() { it('should return undefined', function(done) { return this.Handler.getTotalConfirmedUsersInGroup( 'fake-id', (err, count) => { expect(count).not.to.exist return done() } ) }) }) }) })